Matty signed up via PM so only one spot left!!! Also, we need backups because Matty might not be able to come and I highly doubt all 32 people will remember to show up :/
oh well i was talking to xarecus cause he was looking for pitfalls.
but nvm i dont have any =[
and are you going to pm people? so they remember.. cause that would prob be a good idea. lol
Okay, I have randomized the numbers. I will post them on the third post
These are the matchups for the tournament (who's racing who)
Cheese vs. Dylan
Laneybaney921 vs. Pup101
Bita vs. Bananaoracle
Thekillingdog vs. Toad Kart 64
Acfreak vs. Ryudo_Dragoon
Cornymikey vs. Piranha325
Boyobean vs. Draco Roar
Silverstorms vs. Linkvscross3rs
Smarty9911 vs. Smasher
Sakura vs. Andydrew42
Iceztar vs. Tornado
Knightlordco vs. MattyofAlbion
Sarah! vs. Jrrj15
Kalinn vs. Lazero
D Man 83 vs. Darkbunny
Gobema75 vs. Hal