Animal Crossing Racing Tournament

Knightlordco said:
your facing D man 83 cornymikey.

Sarah is gonna lose! Your going down Sarah! + For our race .. (me vs sarah) I was wondering if we could use king tut mask so we can fall and stuff. XD.
oh, but it said piranha...
oh idk. Then Lol. I thought if they were next to each other they were facing. might be wrong. Idk.
cornman64 said:
Okay, I have randomized the numbers. I will post them on the third post :D
These are the matchups for the tournament (who's racing who)
Cheese vs. Dylan
Laneybaney921 vs. Pup101
Bita vs. Bananaoracle
Thekillingdog vs. Toad Kart 64
Acfreak vs. Ryudo_Dragoon
Cornymikey vs. Piranha325
Boyobean vs. Draco Roar
Silverstorms vs. ]here, look
Just a reminder, the races start in 4 days! All race tracks must be turned in at the latest Friday.
Actually, nobody's entered a track yet >_< The racing tournament will prob. be Sunday or next Saturday. Sorry :(
I forgot about this completely! Imgoing against my Ac:WW bud :D .
Looks like we might not have a round two if there are no tracks >.< .
ugh dumb people not making your tracks! jk xD
man i waas all excited for tomorrow. and then nope.
=/ lol
Well, I still need to prepare a bit too and I'm busy Saturda. Don't worry, it will happen.