Animal Crossing Racing Tournament

^no tomorrow.
and can you post the times tonight?
incase i have to wake up early or something tomorrow. lol

also, can i try to get a time around 1 to 3 ish?
im not sure if ill be able to get on tomorrow!
im gonna have a friend over, and i dont want her knowing that i play animal crossing. lol
=/ ill try hard tho
kalinn said:
^no tomorrow.
and can you post the times tonight?
incase i have to wake up early or something tomorrow. lol

also, can i try to get a time around 1 to 3 ish?
im not sure if ill be able to get on tomorrow!
im gonna have a friend over, and i dont want her knowing that i play animal crossing. lol
=/ ill try hard tho
You won't have to get up early. It'll be probably closer to the afternoon.
Ugh wifi. I hope my wifi works tomorrow =/. My SSID won't meet my acess point and its WAAYY CLOSE! .
Okay, today's the first day! Here's the plan. I need to make a new character for this. Then, hopefully Silver can come over to help set up. We'll go down the list of all the races from top to bottom. If one of them isn't on, we'll skip them. If they are on, they'll race. I'll post more as the day goes on. Good luck!
Cheese vs. Dylan
Laneybaney921 vs. Pup101
Bita vs. Bananaoracle
Thekillingdog vs. Toad Kart 64
Acfreak vs. Ryudo_Dragoon
Cornymikey vs. Piranha325
Boyobean vs. Draco Roar
Silverstorms vs. Linkvscross3rs
Smarty9911 vs. Smasher
Sakura vs. Andydrew42
Iceztar vs. Tornado
Knightlordco vs. MattyofAlbion
Sarah! vs. Rebma Girl
Kalinn vs. Lazero
D Man 83 vs. Darkbunny
Gobema75 vs. Hal
We'll start at top and work our way down. By the way, this is on the third post.
cornman64 said:
Okay, today's the first day! Here's the plan. I need to make a new character for this. Then, hopefully Silver can come over to help set up. We'll go down the list of all the races from top to bottom. If one of them isn't on, we'll skip them. If they are on, they'll race. I'll post more as the day goes on. Good luck!
How about they are disqualified if they dont come?
No, I want them all to have a chance. Plus, they don't know what time to come. Good idea anyway.