animal crossing war club NEW

zilgun there are no leaders yet

sky master you can just be in the silver team but not leader
Until I see 2,960 TBT Bells in my Bell Log nooky13, I'm owner of this as it should really of been passed down to me as I originally owned 50%, even ask JamesBertie, the Founder to confirm if you like...
JamesBertie said:
nooky13 said:
Never mind members this issue has been resolved and I now own it fully
you dont fully own it because im the founder and you can take that away from me
I lol'ed ^

James can take it back anytime and I can pay for 50% Ownership anytime again. :)
JasonBurrows said:
JamesBertie said:
nooky13 said:
Never mind members this issue has been resolved and I now own it fully
you dont fully own it because im the founder and you can take that away from me
I lol'ed ^

James can take it back anytime and I can pay for 50% Ownership anytime again. :)
yes so nooky please can you take the I OWN ACW CLUB out of your sig
yes of course what should I put because you are founder but I basiacly run acwc so what should I put in it
I will add u both on msn and we can talk about this ok

james isn't on msn but me and u jason can talk