Animal Crossing's 20th Anniversary

Which prize set do you want our one very lucky winner to receive?

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thanks for the giveaway! my first game was acww, and i can remember not knowing how to connect to the wifi or how to pay off my loan until months later. i was confused for a while 😅 i voted for the acgc collectibles since i think the balloons are pretty, but 50 bells is also awesome,,
My first ever game was wild world i lost my original wild world game but I have one I bought couple years ago along with new leaf I love animal crossing games they r so cute
Bells. Give the winner bells. please be me !
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OH WAIT I LOVE THIS GIVEAWAY EVERYONE WILL LITERALLY GET SOMETHING!! EPIC IDEA ! I just want bells so I can use them to get a prismatic egg! :3
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Also !! I was first introduced to Animal Crossing New Leaf !! It was by far my favorite game like ever! Its funny how I got it because at the time I asked for Wild World but my dad was like "nah i'mma get my daughter the latest and greatest gift for her 8th birthday" so he surprised me with a 3ds and Animal Crossing New Leaf ! It was a red 3ds and I spent thousands of hours playing that game (literally thousands no exaggeration 😳) sadly all three of my towns had gotten corrupted and stopped working and one got lost (yes my dad bought me three 3ds's and like 4 copies of the game 😳) but I am very grateful for the game and its memories because of that I moved on to New Horizons and play it when I can and even bought my sister a switch lite and her own copy of the game so we can play together ! I'm so grateful for the games without it the greatest forum ever wouldn't exist I don't think! THANK YOU NINTENDO AND BELL TREE !! 💖💞🥰
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Happy anniversary, Animal Crossing! I voted for the star frags because they're one of my favorites!
Thank you so much for the giveaway!
Happy Anniversary Animal Crossing! To think that this game is my age is insane! It was-- and still is a big part of my life to relieve stress. <3
My first game was Population's Growing, and I am so glad I got to grow up & see this beautiful series evolve over time!
I wish you all (including me x) ) good luck with the giveaway!

Animal Crossing... Well, at first, I never knew the appeal of the franchise. I was originally a fan of Pokemon Games, and wanted to find a game to keep me occupied until Pokemon Sun/Moon came out in 2016. It was New Leaf I chose, and I was just amazed by all the depth and customization it had.

At first, though, it was a rough ride: The I got struck and maddened by the unpredictable moving system, and deleted my first town after a month. That was also when I got to play Pokemon Moon - and there I noticed how shallow that game was in comparison - and the removed things that I loved about the older Pokemon games were the immersive aspects I liked in Animal Crossing.

Ever since, while I still discuss Pokemon titles, I haven't bought a Pokemon game ever since, and thoroughly enjoy Animal Crossing so much more.
20 years already!? Time flies so quickly 😅
I got into the franchise just because it looked really cute but never imagined it will lead to having a lifesaver when I needed it and that I'd find amazing people to play with and befriend.

Hope to continue making good memories and good friends all thanks to AC 💖
I remember renting Animal Crossing for the GameCube from blockbuster like 500 times as a kid. Finally my parents just bought it for me because they had probably spent the equivalent of the retail price in rental fees LOL

I can't believe it's been 20 years!! I wonder how my GC town is doing :unsure:
Happy 20th Anniversary Animal Crossing! You have provided me years of fun and comfort!

When I had a bad day, I knew I could go to my island and settle in and fraternize with old friends!

Thanks to the mods and TPTB for this great contest!
Thank you for the giveaway! Crazy to think it's been 20 years since Animal Crossing was first released, and close to 19 years since it was first released in North America. Hard to believe that when I first got the game in 2002, that I'd play all main series games to some degree and be playing the latest main game in the series daily in 2021.

As for the prize set in the giveaway, I picked the New Horizons group of collectibles since I love those star fragments (and wouldn't mind another red star fragment, heh), though I fully know my luck with raffles/giveaways on the forums is horrid so I won't be winning it.
Happy 20th AC!!! Soooo many years of memories! I got this game in December 2003 and have been hooked ever since. Thank you TBT for so many years of added fun! I had to vote for the original cuz that’ll always be where my first luv lies!
My favorite memory of the series is learning that the game was in real-time. There was something so magical about it to me. When it was Christmastime, I was enchanted by the fact that the trees had colorful lights on them. That will always be one of my favorite aspects of this universe.
Favorite memory is playing during Christmas in all the games since I was 5. There's something so magical about the winter vibes and Jingle.
My favourite memory, I think after years of playing wild world, my friend finally got the T&T emporium and we didn't know it was a thing, cuz we were too young to be using the internet and search stuff up. But we were so surprised, and I got my hair done in the game for the first time and I remember being so amazed, my friend and I were just screaming on the couch in excitement XD
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