Happy 20th Birthday Animal Crossing!! 

I can't believe we've come this far. Animal Crossing was my first game that I remember playing with my brother on our GameCube when we were little! We were extremely poor, but we begged and begged until we got a second hand console and this game. It's hard to believe that almost 20 years down the line it's still my favourite game and a game I have played daily (be it for 5 minutes or 5 hours!) for the last 9ish years solid!!
But of course my expeirence of the game would not have been the same without TBT! I joined back in 2014 and still try and keep updated (and definitely participate in all the AMAZING events they put on!).
My best memory on TBT is a tie between being picked as a Judges choices for their art contest in 2016! It was completely unexpected and made me SO SO happy! To this day, my crescent wand is my favourite collectable!)
The other memory is a time when, just after NH came out, I was trying to get Audie for my island
(my grandma had died not long before it came out and her name was Audie). I didn't have enough to keep bidding for her, but that's when several generous and kind-hearted TBT members stepped in and started bidding on my behalf, just so I could have her! In the end it didn't work out, and I got her off another member for a more reasonable price, but I'll never forget the warm, cuddly feeling of members of the TBT community coming together to try and win me Audie, even though they also wanted her, because they could see how much she meant to me. That night I definitely went to sleep crying- but for all the best reasons!