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Animalia Chronicles Day 473: Regretting my actions


Senior Member
Jan 1, 2014
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Happy Home Designer Token
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June Birthstone (Pearl)
Orange (Fruit)
Pear (Fruit)
Konichiwa, my friends. Time for another trip to the world of Animalia...

I'd like to thank everyone who let me know about the looks of my ordered shirts. It appears as though by unanimous decision, the one-ball tee is the one I'll be wearing from here on out with the yellow cap!

As I exited my house today, Astrid pinged me. She said she was planning to move on the 18th. I groaned a bit inside...this is literally the first time Astrid has asked to move after being in my town for OVER A YEAR!!! This could not have come at a more inopportune time, as I was just starting to develop a genuine interest for her and Eugene's relationship. I mulled it over for a while, and decided to tell her to go ahead and move. But immediately thereafter, I had second thoughts. I've grown pretty attached to her, and Eugene is very fond of her. Besides, her house is in a really good spot, and she was one of my starting 5 villagers. Ugh! HELP ME, GUYS!!!! WHAT SHOULD I DO??!? :(

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Feels notwithstanding, I had work to do. I set off watering my flowers and digging up any fossils and gyroids I could see around town. Checking turnip prices, they were 93 bells before noon and 89 after. I'm hoping this week isn't a decreasing week, as I'd hate to lose money. By the bulletin board, Apollo wanted a peach, and I headed over to the nearest tree to get him one. He seemed to love it, and gave me a wall fan as thanks. Eugene was in his house, and he suggested I hold an "interview with Eugene" as the town's next big event. It sounds better on paper than "Weeding Day", I'll give him that. Back outside, I saw Saharah wandering around, and since it was rather slow today, I figured what the heck, and took her back to my house, where I paid her 3,000 bells. She ended up giving me a gold screen wall and a plank floor, neither of which are exclusive. Some days you get lucky, some days you don't...

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Back by Re-Tail, Lolly gave me a mod wall for free. I talked to her again, and she says she's usually reading or trying out new recipes at home. That's my Lollypop! Heading back to the plaza, Punchy had something he wanted to give back to Al, and I agreed to take it there. Why couldn't Al be the one moving instead of Astrid?!?!?!!!! I found Al like five feet from Punchy, and he pinged me, wanting to buy my gold screen wall for 545 bells. I agreed, just to get rid of it. I then handed over the gift Punchy was apparently too lazy to do himself, and it turned out to be a red-grid tee. Al was thankful for the gift, but said he'd already gotten a replacement, and thanked me anyway. He didn't even give me a reward! The jerk! That settles it. Next chance I get, I'm going to try to talk Astrid out of moving. Al is the one who needs to leave...SOON.

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Donkey Kong, your days are numbered.:mad:

Back up by the train tracks, I saw Astrid again (quite far from her house, actually!), and she gave me a minimalist bed for free. I tried talking to her as much as I could so she'd bring up moving again so I could convince her to stay, but I had zero luck, only managing to get another free gift from her (a denim shirt). Fingers crossed that I can make her stay!!! :(

That pretty much wrapped up my day in town. I saw a few more villagers and spoke with them, and also worked at the Roost, but I need to get to bed early tonight: I have a job interview in the morning, and I really need the money! Wish me luck on that, and that I can get Astrid to stay in my town after all! If I can't make her stay...well, I don't want to think about that right now. Bye!


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Ooh, good luck on changing Astrid's mind. I think the best bet is to talk to her a lot, or get her to ping you, before the day she is supposed to be in boxes. If you get her before then, you can possibly change her mind. I think that's why I usually cave and ask villagers to stay - I'm worried I'll second guess myself after saying good-bye.

And maybe it'll trick Al into thinking you'll keep villagers, no matter what, so he'll finally ping to move.

Good luck with your interview; I'm sure you'll do just great! :)
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Good luck on the job interview! Hope you nail it. :D

Also, I feel like whenever villagers of mine have wanted to move, I've always been able to get a second chance out of them somehow. I think it might've always been when they're in their house sometime before the big day, but I could be mistaken. I think it's a good decision to keep her, mainly because you listed several good pros about her, and you have a villager that you dislike more. That's how I rationalize it, anyway. Worst villager gets kicked first. :p
Good luck with the job interview! I have had a similar issue with Penelope before,she was the worst so I made her life miserable and she moved about a month after of her moving in. I put pitfalls by her house and hit her with a net.
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Thanks guys! I did well, and they say they'll call me back for another interview sometime...just need to stay optimistic! :D

My situation with Astrid will be dealt with in today's post!