Anime/Video Game Crushes


Riley from Pokemon (is it weird for it to be someone with the same name as you? I just think he’s pretty cool, haha)


All Might from My Hero Academia/Boku no Hero Academia (this one is maybe a bit too obvious 😅)


Cynthia from Pokemon. The first champion I ever beat in the games and I like her style.


Midnight from My Hero Academia/Boku no Hero Academia. No explanation needed here.

There’s a lot more that I could list, but those are the main ones.

for some reason I have the biggest fattest crush on Keiji Shinogi from Your turn to die. I got into the game series like.. a month ago and at first I liked Sou Hiyori but since you can't control what you hyperfix on i just. randomly started crushing on Keiji for no reason and he's always on my mind, and he brings me so much comfort and makes me so happy i just love him so much. my local friendly policeman,,
wowow i rambled a lot im so in love
Growing up I was in love with Piccolo from dbz, Kaiba from Yugioh, and Poupelin from Sailor Moon.

My favorite crush as a kid was adult Simba from the Lion King though, I even had a big plush of him I slept with. I thought he was so fine. lmao

I always feel infinitely better when I find a fellow person who had crushes on cartoon animals.

But also, step off, Simba is my husband. 😂
Hmm lets see...
Chrom from Fire Emblem Awakening. I always marry him when playing as female Robin. I also have more official and unofficial merch of him then I'd care to admit... 😅

Saphir from Sailor Moon. Bad guy who really isn't all that bad.

Zuko from Avatar the Last Airbender. Another bad guy who isn't all that bad ha.

Gray from Fairytail. Used to crush on him back when I watched Fairytail for some reason...

Edward Elric from Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood. I just find him for cute some reason and I like his glow-up at the end of the series.

Vishnal from Rune Factory 4. Cutie who tries really hard and is very determined despite constantly failing miserably. A for effort.

Silas from Fire Emblem Fates. A lot of people don't like him but I do weird hair and all. I like the whole best friend that (not so) secretly likes you.
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Joe Biden from Parks and Recreation has always been just so... ugh!! He really rustles my Jimmys 😳
Updating with a photo!


Top row: Mochizou Oji from Tamako Market, Oreki Houtarou from Hyouka, Yato from Noragami
Middle row: Koji Yatabe from Durarara!!, Aoba Kuronuma from Durarara!!, Reki Kyan from SK8 The Infinity
Bottom row: Izaya Orihara from Durarara!!, Masaomi Kida from Durarara!!, Chat Noir from Miraculous Ladybug
i have a list of f/os (fictional others) i could refer to, but instead i'll just gush over my main husbando. get comfy folks, we'll be here a while...


there he is. i've been hyperfixating on gravity falls for a few years i think? and then i look at him and think "love. he is husband shaped. i want to smooch." i have an entire folder of just pictures of him. ((well, i have folders for all my f/os, but his had uhhh... 256 pictures in it and i'm always saving more pictures i that make my heart go doki doki. lemme post another.


dfdfhkfdh i love him so much. he lives in my head at least 75% of the time. completely rent free.
God I had soooo many but I think my biggest one was on Yugi from Yu-Gi-Oh, but specifically Yami Yugi aka Atem


I used to think I'd never be 15 years old like Yugi and now look at me pushing 30! Nowadays I don't have crushes anymore, just My Children That I Must Protect.
I used to really have a crush on Dark Link.. not the "boring" hero Link. I wanted the bad version :sneaky:
I even used to commission people to draw my OC "Princess Zari" with Dark Link.. >->
Hi, I'm back because I wanted to talk about a few more of my fictional darlings. ;v; Actually including some of the ones from otome games this time! So, in alphabetical order by name of the work they're from:

• Arsène Lupin (Code: Realize)
A gentleman thief with a strong sense of justice, Lupin is very, very cool and also very much a dork. He typically comes across as being a bit full of himself, but is nonetheless considerate and attentive, and takes responsibility for his mistakes. I don't typically go for the poster boys in otome, but Lupin is so kind and heroic that I fell for him fast.
Lupin 1.jpg

• Victor Frankenstein (Code: Realize)
Victor is smart, sensible, and a total sweetheart, but has been through so much that he tends to think poorly of himself. He's incredibly firm in his morals, sometimes even to the point of being rash, hardheaded, or self-sacrificing. He's also got a tendency to get adorably flustered at times and oh, my heart. 🥺
Fran 1.jpg

• Serena (Dragon Quest XI)
For the most part, I'm only interested in men, but Serena is my exception—she's so cute and sweet and has a lot more inner strength than she gets credit for. She's kind, compassionate, and understanding, and excellent at keeping her cool under pressure. I'd absolutely marry the heck out of her.

• Masamune Date (Ikémen Sengoku: Romances Across Time)
Masamune strives to be an ideal leader, cares deeply about his people and subordinates, and has a incredibly strong sense of moral conviction. He's also a thrill-seeker and definitely a bit of a bad boy type, but he's really sweet and supportive, and he also has a lot of really fun flirty banter with the heroine.
Masamune 95.PNG

• Mitsunari Ishida (Ikémen Sengoku: Romances Across Time)
Mitsunari is an absolute sweetie who's always dependable, and I love him so much. He's a military tactician with a very intelligent and strategic mind, but he can also be very absent-minded, and often forgets to do things like eat or sleep. Mitsunari is also somewhat oblivious and literal-minded, and things like sarcasm tend to go right over his head. He's a complete angel though, oh my gosh.
Mitsunari 145.PNG

• Sasuke Sarutobi (Ikémen Sengoku: Romances Across Time)
Sasuke is a modern-day astrophysicist-turned-historical-ninja due to a time travel incident, and he's also total dork and I love him. He can come across as aloof at times, but it's only because he's not naturally expressive, and more often than not he's totally geeking out over something. He's kind, brave, smart, reliable, and funny as all heck.
Sasuke 273.PNG
I, myself, am seemingly only able to fall in love with fictional characters lol 😂 I did have a few irl crushes as well, but that's not important for this topic ;)

*clears throat* I currently have a crush on both Charles Calvin and Reginald Copperbottom from The Henry Stickmin Collection (even if I have yet to play the game), but lately, my 'preference' has really been tilting itself towards Reginald. I mean, he looks so darn handsome for a stick figure, and like many of my past fictional crushes, he's also charmingly evil!
As for Charles, he's a pretty fun(ny) guy (to be with), and he seems to have a very reliable and trustworthy personality as well. And almost like me, he wears headphones all the time, even if in his case, it's for communication purposes, not noise-cancelling ones. :p
If I'd either be a stick figure myself or if my crushes would both be humans, then I'd most likely have biiiig trouble picking whom to date 😆
don't feel awkward, kids. before getting embarrassed think about what community you're in and ask yourself

why start now?

umjammer lammy and rammy. the ultimate.