Auction Ankha, egyptian kitten~ Over!

No, anti-snipe means ten minutes after the end date. It ends midnight sep 22nd pst, which is about 11 and a half hours from now - that's in there just in case someone bids 30 seconds before it ends. I'm sorry if that was confusing? :(
I am confusing sometimessss
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Gah I'm sorry you guys I think I'm used to my mmo's where anti-snipe is a more commonly put in place thing and I didn't have to explain it :(

- - - Post Merge - - -

Okay, I think I worded it better!
I'm really sorry about the confusion, Twilight, I shoulda made sure to word that better!
Half a day left not that I expect anymore bids and I updated, though I did that earlier too so..
Redundant post is redundant!

edit: ahem I said 'min' not 'mil' in the title its fixed now >.>
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@BabyDoll- I'll leave your 20mil bid then since her bids were .. removed, yes?
Hour and a half left, remember the 10 minute anti sniping if someone happens to bid less than ten minutes before midnight - I'll pm the winner :)