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Another Angry Gamestop Customer

This could mean quite a few things. I'm not really sure what exactly you're saying because it's a confusing wall of text, but I'm assuming you wanted to cancel the preorder and put the money that was on the preorder towards the eShop card. Maybe that's impossible to do. Maybe it's impossible to transfer the money.

How do you know he's a newcomer? How do you know that he doesn't know anything about it? This is what I hate about most people who complain about anything in retail. They have this attitude of "Well obviously I know more about it than this guy." It's this exact attitude that turns me against you on this.

Okay, so he is a newcomer, but you did NOT know this coming in there. You had no way of knowing about what knowledge this employee had about Gamestop.

Yeah, obviously he didn't want to cancel the preorder, that'd be losing money. At that point you should've just asked for a manager.

"Soft fired", as far as I know, is where they give you very little hours, or make the job as inconvenient for you as possible, so you'll quit instead of them having to fire you.

Do you have any idea how few people actually get fired from customer complaints? In the year and a half I've worked in retail, at the same store, none. Nobody at my store has gotten fired from customer complaints, and believe me, they've complained.

I want you to know that I'm not a Gamestop employee. I'm just a retail employee.

Oath, do you happen to be a Libra by chance? Or some other air sign?
A few years ago back in 2008 or so, I had just became a fan of the Ace Attorney series having played Apollo Justice. When I found out there were more games in the series, I went to a Gamestop at the mall with my brother and found both the first and second games in the series. I took the cases to the counter and the guy found the second game right away, but then it took him about five minutes to find the first game. When he finally found it, I paid and went home.

When I got home, wanting to play the games in order, I opened the first game and found the cartridge for the SECOND game. Huh. So I opened up the case of the second game and there too was the cartridge for the second game. SO the guy sold me two cartridges of the same game because he couldn't find the first one, even though the case was shelved. I was so mad, I didn't have time for this. I went back and complained. He nervously said he thought he put the first one in there. But he was lying obviously, he just couldn't find it so he thought I wouldn't notice if he put the second game in instead. And he nervously gave me a refund.

Now other customers at Gamestop... that's another story.

... Who else misses Game Crazy?
Oh my greek yogurt I am so upset. I'm doubly upset! I'm upset at the sales clerk for not listening to you, but I'm upset with you for walking out and being a word that rhymes with wussy and starts with a P. Twice! You have your rights go in there and demand what you want, call the manager over, tell them this @#$%face won't listen to you and give 'em a look like you're going to stab them. Nobody bosses you around in a store. You're doing THEM a favor by giving THEM your business. If you've changed your mind they don't get to argue with you!!! Dude or dudette, MAKE A SCENE. I'm like shivering I'm so mad that you left.. TWICE. Nobody gets to tell you what you can or can't do with your money.
im sorry to hear you had a bad experience the person that helped you obviously was not well informed (rather odd for someone who works at a store to sell games you'd think they'd make it mandatory to know these things)
I agree with this ^
Not all GameStop people are required to know every game. Heck, I would be surprised if they knew about all the jrpg(s) I buy, lol.
Also, I've had experienced in retail and I've had to calm someone down about giving false information.
( it was terrible when the 3DS was first starting out >__< )

Sorry you had to go through with that.
I think you're over-exaggerating things here. He's only trying to do his job and not lose your business, it's also a lot to ask of them to know everything about every game that they sell.

He has a point. It's not like he wants to be pushy and assertive, he has to be or he'll lose his job.
Yet another example of why I never buy games from GameStop. You seem pretty chill about it though. Nice job handling it. Better luck next time.
If it's a corporate store they absolutely have to do what you ask regardless of how you act, they can't ask you to leave for causing a fuss

In my experience, no on both counts.

If a customer at my store has a pricing issue (such as if they claim they see it for a lower price, it rings up higher, someone goes to go check that), we don't always give them the lower price. If it's within the range of twenty dollars, yeah, they get it, but if it's something like a 60 dollar difference, then it's definitely a no. Corporate stores don't absolutely have to do what you ask.

We threw someone out for throwing a fit because she was asked to step to the side while she decided what she wanted at the Starbucks in the store. There was quite a long line, and she was going to get her spot back, but she threw this massive fit. She got thrown out.
In my experience, no on both counts.

If a customer at my store has a pricing issue (such as if they claim they see it for a lower price, it rings up higher, someone goes to go check that), we don't always give them the lower price. If it's within the range of twenty dollars, yeah, they get it, but if it's something like a 60 dollar difference, then it's definitely a no. Corporate stores don't absolutely have to do what you ask.

We threw someone out for throwing a fit because she was asked to step to the side while she decided what she wanted at the Starbucks in the store. There was quite a long line, and she was going to get her spot back, but she threw this massive fit. She got thrown out.

I should've clarified, I meant within reason. Like returning something, getting information, stuff like that. Obviously they can't waltz in and demand a price match if the store doesn't offer it, or whatever. I just meant normal requests.

Some places will throw people out, but I can't say I've worked at many. I've been sworn at and had things thrown at me by customers, and I just had to step away and let a manager give them what they want and wait until they left. It varies from store to store how they deal with angry customers, but places like Gamestop where they are desperate for numbers will try and accommodate you the best they can without going outside company policy. It's been awhile since I've worked in retail, I've spent most of the time in food service, where there is a bit more leeway for the customer to get what they want. Retail stores have stricter guidelines on what they can and can't do.
I should've clarified, I meant within reason. Like returning something, getting information, stuff like that. Obviously they can't waltz in and demand a price match if the store doesn't offer it, or whatever. I just meant normal requests.

Some places will throw people out, but I can't say I've worked at many. I've been sworn at and had things thrown at me by customers, and I just had to step away and let a manager give them what they want and wait until they left. It varies from store to store how they deal with angry customers, but places like Gamestop where they are desperate for numbers will try and accommodate you the best they can without going outside company policy. It's been awhile since I've worked in retail, I've spent most of the time in food service, where there is a bit more leeway for the customer to get what they want. Retail stores have stricter guidelines on what they can and can't do.

Fair enough. I work at a "big box" store, like Walmart or Target or others like those, so maybe it's different for smaller, more focused stores like Gamestop.
Oh my greek yogurt I am so upset. I'm doubly upset! I'm upset at the sales clerk for not listening to you, but I'm upset with you for walking out and being a word that rhymes with wussy and starts with a P. Twice! You have your rights go in there and demand what you want, call the manager over, tell them this @#$%face won't listen to you and give 'em a look like you're going to stab them. Nobody bosses you around in a store. You're doing THEM a favor by giving THEM your business. If you've changed your mind they don't get to argue with you!!! Dude or dudette, MAKE A SCENE. I'm like shivering I'm so mad that you left.. TWICE. Nobody gets to tell you what you can or can't do with your money.

I'm also mad at myself for this, haha. But that's just not the kind of person I am. Granted, I should've been more clear and assertive but I wouldn't go further than that. I get really anxious when I talk to strangers who are serving me, hell, I'm scared to ask for extra ketchup at a restaurant! I'm working on it, but I don't think I'll ever get to the point where I could throw down in a store.
I can see that he was "just doing his job" the first time, though it doesn't sound like he was very polite. I've been a manager in retail for over five years now, and it's true you can't please everyone. But when a customer makes three trips to the store and you still can't resolve their issue, especially when the customer's money is going to be staying in the business, maybe you deserve to be "hard fired."

That aside, the EBGames where I live is outstanding. My sister is a gamer too, and everyone knows us. We never have issues, and EBGames gives a customer service survey option with every receipt.
VideoGamesPlus is also another great retailer--got my Pikachu 3DS XL from there without any problems, and they also accept PayPal, which is handy.
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I used to hate shopping at my local Gamestop, but then the smug neckbeard that always smirked at my purchases left/got fired/crushed by Godzilla and now everybody is super nice there. I think he had some sort of managerial hold on how people behaved (one employee apologised to me once about him being such a jerk).
Oh my god, I hate shopping at Gamestop. I feel like they're all judge-y when you buy games, and stare at you the entire time you walk around the store. It's quite irritating to me. And they are so damn pushy and try to make you buy things that you don't want.
The people at my Gamestop aren't too bad. None of the employees are big Nintendo players so they aren't always as knowledgeable, but they aren't bad people.
I don't really know what to say about the people at my gamestop. I prefer to buy games on Amazon and haven't been to my gamestop in a long time. They seemed nice though.

I wouldn't hate on the employees though. They're usually only doing what their employers tell them to.
My experiences with Gamestop are similar to Mason's. Although I went into a store similar to Gamestop just a couple weeks ago, and the man asked if I was looking for anything in particular.

My brother and his long-haired guy friend were already there, and I smiled and said "No thanks, I'm just here with those guys."

The guy mutters in a kind of disgusted tone, "Of course."

Like.. what? Maybe he thought I was dating one of them? Which I could maybe understand his comment/tone because they're not very pleasing to the eye or something.
My Gamestop is really nice. I have never had any problems and usually always go there to shop for my games.

They treat people just like family there, which to some people i know would be bothersome; but to me it's just fine.
That sucks you had a bad experience. I hope it was just a mix of miscommunication/bad day/whatever and everything gets worked out.

We are lucky we have a two GameStops super close to our house. The employees at both are always terrific and especially patient with my 13 year old autistic son...he buys a lot of used games with saved allowance (it helps that they have a 7 day return policy if the games turns out to be not what he expected). I enjoy going in the evening because there are a few female employees that are sweet.

Good luck on getting things sorted out!
The people at Gamestop are friendly, most of the time. I can remember one example when an employee was rude when MK7 released. He was giving me stares the whole time, and when I was ready to purchase the game, what do you know? He checks me out.

He plain said "I didn't think girls played video games" and he then asked someone else to check me out. And I'm serious, this is not made up. I don't know if he was necessarily rude, but kind of sexist? I was mostly just confused about the whole thing. Lol.