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Another Angry Gamestop Customer

Honestly, I would just go back on another day and try to find another employee. I've had issues trying to do returns or certain things and some people are just going to give you grief. I work in retail and I know that most of the time, no matter what the store's policy is, we generally have to try our best to make people happy (within reason, as long as they aren't being mega-jerks, and sometimes even when they are!) Maybe that guy was having a bad day. If you go back and a different person does the same thing, then I would raise an issue, talk to the manager etc. Don't give up!
I'm pretty happy with GameStop. The cashier pretty much convinced me to buy a PowerUp Pro card. I preordered New Leaf by trading in 3 games. With all the deals, the final price was 4 bucks. And he said that if I traded in another game, its free.

That is what any other nice employee would do (unlike yours. He should do what you want). My employee went through the whole thing, and guess what: he made it easy to understand :0
I just canceled my New Leaf 3DSXL bundle today at gamestop with no problem. I had nearly paid it off but decided that I can't afford it right now so I will just download it off the e-shop and get a 3DSXL later when I have the money. I had no problem at all doing this, but some of the money I couldn't get back because it was trade in value money. They put that money on a card for me instead. I did get $100 in cash back however. The employee didn't try to pester me into keeping it or buying anything else. She was super nice and considerate of my decision to cancel my order.

I'm sorry you had such a bad experience today but not all people are jerks like the one you dealt with today. I hope you have a better day tomorrow :)
I've never had a problem with EB Games. (The equivalent to GameStop in Australia). Only problem was once I saw women going into the store room, and I told the guy working there and he didn't believe me. Turns out they got robbed, even though I told him as it happened, haha, I tried.
Weird. I cancelled a pre-order today that I had apparently forgotten about. My New Leaf one still stands and I have an image of the original receipt to prove it. My Gamestop is usually awesome about helping me with pre-order issues. Oh, you already paid it off and you need to cancel this one? Great. You have spare money on your card and want to preorder Pokemon X? Great. My favourite employee there even gave me a high five for selling my Xbox 360, buying PS3 games + Pokemon X, and for telling him that I'm picking up ACNL Sunday. I guess I'm lucky, dunno.
I never had a bad Gamestop experience, but then again the only games I have preordered other than AC have been Harvest Moon xD.
But I agree with you, I'd be upset too :(
Especially since they lied and said you had to wait 2 days after it is released, it even says on the eshop that it's available at midnight.
In the future, if you EVERb have an issue with a rude employee take a deep breath and politely ask to speak to their manager. You'd be surprised how often they suddenly understand what you want.
I had one issue last year when I tried to cancel my borderlands 2 collectors edition. The guy was very rude. However he's gone now so idk.. I haven't had an issue since.. Just gotta pick and choose who you go to I guess. It leaves a sour taste in your mouth if you know what I mean. Hopefully next time you go they can help you more professionally :)
Wow that sucks... I have to say: easiest way I find to deal with pushy employees is something along the following:

Employee: "Would you like X Warantee because it -"
Me (Smiles): "No thank you."

So, being politely insistant. Carrying that confidence about you. Basically: I know exactly what I want. I recognize that you think you may have additional knowledge that might be useful, but I don't want to hear it. I just want to make my transaction and leave, have a nice day and the like.

Or in this situation:

Employee: "It would be better if you had the physical cart instead of the eShop..."
Me (Smiles): "Thank you for your advice, and be that as it may, I still want to make the trade."
Employee: "But you don't understand because-"
Me (Smiles): "No thank you."

Start off polite, reasonable. And then resort to a trick I use with students. The broken record. Simply repeat what you want over and over (within reason - and after trying reasonably politely first) and that's usually that. If that doesn't work: again, call the manager.

Having experience working Retail myself, I can tell you several things.
One: The more polite customers will always receive significantly better service. (Joke around, be social. Making the interaction fun for BOTH sides can vastly improve your experience as well.) But don't be overly social, especially if there's a line.

Two: Being a jerk is the fastest way to having an awful experience. Call it 'karma' or 'feeding negative energy and getting it straight back.' When a customer's a jerk I'm significantly more likely to: just rush them through a process, answer questions and ONLY their questions (ie: bare minimum). From a selfish "I want the best service" standpoint, you're more likely to cause stress which can actually lead to the employee making MORE mistakes.

Three: Nine times out of ten, nobody cares about one customer saying, "I'll take by business elsewhere." (Much less someone who is not an owner.) In fact: If you're being a jerk, you're giving us exactly what we want. Bye. Never come back again. We don't want you if you act like that anyways.
He's just doing his job regardless of how annoying he is. You should've just easily said "No. Cancel, please." If he wouldn't let ou he would get in a lot of trouble so of course he would've let you.
Employee: "It would be better if you had the physical cart instead of the eShop..."
Me (Smiles): "Thank you for your advice, and be that as it may, I still want to make the trade."
Employee: "But you don't understand because-"
Me (Smiles): "No thank you."

This. I get these situations a lot in stores. Especially when it comes to a warranty. They try to push it on me, I politely decline, they start to give reasons why I should reconsider, I politely decline again. It works pretty well with little hassle and no drama. I also used to work retail, maybe 12 years ago. The polite customers were more likely to get what they wanted and usually the store employees and/or managers were willing to go above and beyond, or sometimes throw in cheap or free extra things. The rude customers were less likely to get what they wanted, and if they pushed too far, sometimes they were even asked to leave the store by the manager.

Just politely tell them you want to cancel your pre-order and that you want your money back. If they try to encourage you to keep it, just politely tell them again that you want to cancel. Gamestop doesn't have a policy against canceling pre-orders, so they can't just keep your money.
UPDATE:Went back to Gamestop, and luckily the same employee was not there. I went to the desk and asked to return my preorder and buy a $50 points card with the money I got back. He said, "Are you sure you wanna end it?" to which I replied "Yes." That was the end of that, and needless to say I got my card! So happy! :)
I hate GameStop as a company. But I generally have pleasant experiences with the employees themselves. Some of the "procedures" they are encouraged to follow are corrupt and disgusting.

I only shop there because they have a lot of variety, are common for gift cards and such, and usually carry every game I need. Plus the employees in my area are usually quite accommodating. I think they realize they work for a crazy company!

Sorry to hear about your experience :/
UPDATE:Went back to Gamestop, and luckily the same employee was not there. I went to the desk and asked to return my preorder and buy a $50 points card with the money I got back. He said, "Are you sure you wanna end it?" to which I replied "Yes." That was the end of that, and needless to say I got my card! So happy! :)

Glad to hear you finally got some resolution to this!
Gamestop sold me a defected 3DS with ridiculously weak wireless capabilities. I had to hover my 3DS inches from the router jsut to keep a decent connection. My DSi worked fine, and every other wireless device in my house worked fine. So, I decide to return my 3DS. "Oh, there's nothing wrong with the 3DS, it's your router. I'm not allowing a return in because of your router." I've had to deal with that weak wireless connection for about two years until I got my 3DS XL a couple months ago. I did not get one Streetpass with my old 3DS. I got 3 with my XL on the first day. I couldn't stray too far from the router with my old 3DS. My XL kept a better connection from outside.

What happened to the customer is always right? Because I sure as hell was right.
I wish I was a bit more persistent when it comes to things like this. I'm working on it.
UPDATE:Went back to Gamestop, and luckily the same employee was not there. I went to the desk and asked to return my preorder and buy a $50 points card with the money I got back. He said, "Are you sure you wanna end it?" to which I replied "Yes." That was the end of that, and needless to say I got my card! So happy! :)

Happy to hear it!
the game stop employees are very nice in my area, and i always try to complement them of the long phone intro they have memorized lol
The people at Gamestop are friendly, most of the time. I can remember one example when an employee was rude when MK7 released. He was giving me stares the whole time, and when I was ready to purchase the game, what do you know? He checks me out.

He plain said "I didn't think girls played video games" and he then asked someone else to check me out. And I'm serious, this is not made up. I don't know if he was necessarily rude, but kind of sexist? I was mostly just confused about the whole thing. Lol.

I probably would have been arrested for punching that dude in the mouth.

The handful of not great experiences I have had at Gamestop were all with one employee, it was another female, I guess she was mad I was another girl gamer? I never really got it. But she is gone now and everyone else I have dealt with is really nice.