Any games you recommend ??


I’m way ahead of you
Dec 22, 2013
Red Envelope
Red Envelope
Fortune Cookie
Spring Shamrock
Pink Hybrid Cosmos
Pink Hybrid Lily
Chocolate Cake
Mother's Day Carnation
Apple (Fruit)
Orange (Fruit)
Cherry (Fruit)
I'm into Pok?mon, acnl, I like the ranger games also.

Please recommend something !! I'm quite bored of my two games (Pok?mon moon, ACNl)
I was thinking of getting HHD?
Hi here's a few games I've been interested in:
Okamiden (ds)
Harvest moon series such as: A New Begininng, Story of Seasons, Island of Happiness. Etc...
Have you played the Pikmin series? It's really fun and unique (not sure if you have a wii/wii U though). Fire Emblem is also a great series. I've got FE Awakening for 3DS, and it's very fun. HHD is nice, but it can become boring rather quickly so if you're looking for a game that will keep your attention for a long time I wouldn't recommend it.
You should get HHD! It's really fun, and kind of hard to put down lol. Just one more house... I'd also recommend Kid Icarus Uprising, it's easily my favorite 3DS game.
You should definitely play the Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. It's one of the best games ever and the update in 3D for the 3DS is awesome. I think it's less than $20 on Amazon right now. Just recently I saw it for $14.99 on there!
Kirby is a fun little platformer. There's two for the 3DS, Triple Deluxe and Planet Robobot. Both are pretty fun, so whichever one you pick is up to you.
Def get HHD! I also agree getting Harvest moon and Fantasy life.
If you can, do try pokemon mystery dungeon! :D