Any island drama between residents? Any headcanons? More importantly any town lore?


Senior Member
Jul 18, 2017
I love hearing about peoples personal headcanons for their villagers, love that island gossip, and any island back stories. Please feel free to share!

Here are some of mine:

Island background:
(I plan on making a murder mystery type island that people can solve via dream address, here is a bit of what I have so far)
Moonbeam is a small island with a compact shopping centre, and a natural vibe. Small islands can have big secrets though, and this one has many dark secrets. Villagers keep going missing, and purple flowers are left at the scene of multiple gruesome murders. Are the missing villagers and murders connected? Only time will tell.

Personal Headcanons related to island background (not all villagers included because I'm unsure about what I want their stories to be):

Dobie - retired secret agent, enjoys keeping to himself, investigating the strange events happening

Katt - (my sweet angel is always singing so) she's an aspiring singer who moved to a small island for inspiration, she also does beekeeping on the side.

Dom - (my sweet boy) is on neighborhood watch, patrolling the island nightly.

Coco - was sick of big city living so she decided to settle down someplace smaller. She also enjoys pottery!

Kabuki - (my number one) just a grumpy middle aged retired actor who came to Moonbeam on vacation and decided to stay forever

Personal Headcanons (which I've compiled from villager interactions):

-suprisingly enough, none of my villagers fight with each other, they seem to get along well.

- Ankha and Dobie seem to dig each other, I'm all for it.

- Kabuki though also has a thing for Ankha (can I hear you say... LOVE TRIANGLE????)

- Beardo and Bob seem to be besties

- Admiral is new to the island and Dom and him started hanging out right away

- Dobie has taken Coco under his wing (so to speak), (and they've started a book club together, I imagine).

**I love adding personal little Headcanons, it makes the game feel much more fleshed out.
I really only have two solid headcanons for my islanders.

Leopold is a retired professor and I imagine his smug personality is due to him trying to sound cool to be hip with the kids.
It's why he talks about stuff like freestyle rapping and whatnot.

Claudia is definitely a wine-aunt, but a very kind one. I imagine she is in her fifties.​
Not a lot. I just have two villagers that are always talking to each other. Their houses are far apart and it's just weird! They're a hot item.

Norma and Rizzo. It started with me I insulting Norma's dumb fruit song and Rizzo taking up for her.
Then he talked about smelling curry near her house. He also adopts her specific catchphrase, "udderly cool" which makes me mad and won't ask me to change it.
It escalates where they get into a fight and I "fix it".
I find them late at night in the plaza with Rizzo singing to just Norma. (cranky singing is spooky)
I caught Norma eyeballing a ring in Nooks Cranny. First saying it's too pricey but muttering how she wants it.

I have both of their photos but neither one wants to move. Help, I'm cursed. 😫
Oh man, Evwirt has built on lore:

Island background: Evwirt is a magical forest that cannot be found intentionally. You only get to Evwirt by accident. It’s full of interesting creatures, including gnomes, dinosaurs and a rather petty witch, who’s cursed certain areas of the woods. The only safe-ish area is the visitor center, but even that area is suspicious...

All my villagers had lives before stumbling into the woods and being cursed to stay in Evwirt by the local witch. While I haven’t come up fully with backstories for all of them, here’s what I do have for now:

Bruce: was once a drifter, going from city to city for jobs, but could never settle down.

Beau: a child (on the younger side) who got lost in Evwirt after straying too far into the woods during a get-together.

Erik: similar to Beau, but he always lived in a forested area and only got lost because he got a bit too confident in his tracking skills...

Bam: Very athletic person who decided to take a jog into the nearby woods before getting lost.

Deirdre: similar to Erik in living in the woods, but got lost in thoughts and made a few wrong turns.

Fuchsia: more of a city girl; got dared to go into the woods one day and never returned.

Zell: Upper-class gentleman, had a really well-paying career and was living very comfortably before a skiing trip went horribly wrong...

Diana: similar to Zell, she was living a cushy life before being trapped in Evwirt (how she got there, I haven’t thought about yet).

Still not sure about Lopez or Fauna yet, but I’ll think up backstories for them eventually.

I know Bruce is sorta the team dad for this group, so he tolerates the antics of the younger deer.

Diana has always had an interest in nature, but she hasn’t appreciated the drastic change in lifestyle.

Deirdre is like an older sister to Erik and Fauna.
The story of my town is that it used to be a thriving fishing/industrial port, but due to overfishing and a slumping economy it's fallen on hard times. The Marine Institute (a.k.a. the museum) has promised to revitalize the town and give jobs to the villagers. So far, they've seen a boost in tourism but they can't help but notice that things are becoming a little...strange since the Institute was established. Strange shrines have cropped up, nightmares of drowning are frequent, sea animals keep crawling inland, and villagers often find themselves waking up on the bitter cold shores of the island with no memory of how they got there...

My villagers' roles in the story:
  • Del- A retired Navy Officer, Del harbors some suspicion about The Institute and does some undercover work to get to the bottom of the strange events.
  • Doc- A Junior scientist at The Institute. Not the greatest at his job, but doesn't know how to keep his mouth shut.... and is good resource of information for Del's detective work.
  • Tiffany- A former Madame that has retired from that line of work and is now Del's detective partner. She has her ways of getting information and really relishes the thrill and danger of the mystery.
  • Rod- A dock worker and runs odd jobs here and there for anybody that needs hired muscle. He is the ears and eyes of the dock.
  • Tybalt- Rod's best friend and sometimes rival, Tybalt also works as a dock worker and fisherman. He's considered the eligible bachelor of the town and very popular due to his easy-going nature and good looks.
  • Jacques- Piper's boyfriend and a recent hire from The Institute, specializing in their electronic equipment. He really wants to be a music producer some day, but he took the job after having money troubles. He's often kept in the dark of The Institute's going-ons, but like Del, he also wants to get to the bottom of what's been happing to the town.
  • Piper- Jacques's girlfriend and aspiring pop singer. At first she was thrilled to be moving to a town where she could focus on her artistic endeavors but now she's not so sure after suffering a series of nightmares. She tries to upbeat and happy in an effort to hide her anxiety.
  • Eunice- The kindly spinster of the town. She runs several of the market stalls and provides wool for the Able Sisters.
  • Deirdre- She's lived in the town her whole life and yearns for something more. She helps run the education stalls for the Institute, but she hopes that the experience can help her find a job offshore somewhere.
  • Ronan (Player Character)- Owner of The Rusty Anchor, the oldest and only pub on the island. When not busy running his pub or fishing, Ronan is usually playing pranks on unsuspecting animals.
  • Rachel (Player Character)- The caretaker of the Sailors' Chapel and graveyard. As the island Rep, she's usually running around busy with tasks.
  • Patrick (Player Character)- The head scientist at The Institute. Seems like a nice enough guy but he does run experiments very late into the night...
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My lazy islanders? They used to be ex-super secret agents.

Let me present some ridiculous speculations evidence. When a lazy islander said he had to work once and it was the worst experience, he wasn't joking. He simply couldn't tell me why it was the worst. Because he needs to keep his real identity under wraps. Lazy islanders behave like they're lazy and childish to throw us off. Talking about bugs? I mean, bugs!? Remember how they said the bugs tell them when you're coming to visit before you even knock on the door? How the bugs whisper instructions to them as they sleep? Also, they talk about disappearing birthday clowns and the island beast. These seem like outrageously tall tales to us, but they're probably allusions to the dangerous work they had to do as super secret agents. They can't talk about it even though they want to talk about it, so they make cryptic, seemingly outlandish comments.

More jumping to conclusions proof that my lazy islanders know things, including The Truth: Whoa, This conversation!

I have some background stories developed for my villagers based on their conversations and the way I designed their areas, but it’s mostly kind of basic.

Ursala and Scoot, my starters, are best buds and I always put their houses next to each other because they’ve been together since the beginning. Ursala is the only one that Scoot has shown his 8-pack abs to.
Ursala’s sister is Cupcake from forest e+
Cyd moved to the island because he was worried about his little brother Dizzy. He works at an auto repair shop with me to fund Dizzy’s snacking habits.
Freya is the oldest auntie of the town. I just see her as a sassy old lady who runs a flower shop. She’ll beat you up if you step on her flowers.
Hamphrey is a retired martial artist (lmao) and has owned a noodle shack ever since he first moved in March. Ken idolizes him and is persistent about being his student, but Hamphrey just wants to cook up noodles.
Tabby and Ursala are musical rivals, so I guess this is the only drama on my island. Ursala is more confident in her singing and has natural talent, but Tabby tries very hard 🥺 They are always trying to one up each other in the plaza with their singing. It can get kind of annoying.
Erik used to live alone on a mountain that no one could access because I ran out of inclines. He moved into the town to open his own toy store... which I think suits him because he’s a reindeer. He wants to make his grandma proud. I’m not that inspired by Erik but he’s too cute for me to let go haha.
Jambette is just Jambette. Everyone thought she was a snooty, but she’s a normal. But I think she’s actually really a snooty because I always see her talking to other villagers and ending up in arguments (but I keep missing those convos haha)
Mine are all assassins, and Raymond is the coin and marker maker (if you've seen John Wick you know what I'm on about.)

Teddy is like a bodyguard because he's built like the Mountain from GoT.

Daisy is the one that needs protecting.

Wolfgang and Fang are the ultimate assassins.

Mathilda is like the Russian head of the assassins under 'The Table'. :)

They all serve.
They will all be of service. :)
Actually, when I think about it, my island is pretty boring right now, nothing's happening there. My villagers mostly doing their own thing, no drama or any deep relationships whatsoever. As for the town/island lore itself, I still kinda working on this one. I have ideas and such, perhaps need to change out some things here and there as well as getting certain villagers to make it work proper. For now, it just some silly animal people and two humans which somehow ended up thanks to a money loving tanuki on a island which is kinda strange acting, like some spooky things happen and nobody knows what's up. Like I said, still working on it.
You mean backstories? Then HECK yes! I'm a writer IRL (no, really- I've got a MFA in creative writing) and cannot play any game that lets you customize characters without full backstories- I literally have reset games because I didn't like my backstories, lol. Woodland definitely has a backstory, as do some characters, BUT it's minimal. It's just enough to give it some character, but also not limit what I can do with it.

So, the original group of settlers to Woodland (Cat, my main character, Nook, and such) arrived to find the island WAS NOT quite as undeveloped as they expected. There was a lighthouse near the back, and a spooky old abandoned mansion in the forest (I'm a horror writer specifically, lol- CAN'T have a town without a haunted house!). They even discovered a makeshift hut along the shore, where Vic the Viking bull had set himself up after shipwrecking on the island many years before. Other than Vic, most of my current villagers don't have in-depth backstories (though Julia is absolutely trans and you're not gonna convince me otherwise). But my characters and the haunted house does! Lemme write it all out-

Cat (main character): Cat is an enthusiastic young woman who's always related more to animals than humans. She even shortened her name (Catherine) to acknowledge this. When she learned of an opportunity to help develop an island alongside animals, she JUMPED at the chance. She does most of the work on the island and is basically a version of me.

Doug (I went with animal themed names, remove a letter): Doug grew up in the same town as Cat. He always saw Cat as a rival, though Cat didn't take things quite as seriously as he did. Unfortunately for him, Cat was a smart and successful girl from a young age- she often got more attention then him, which he resented. He was happy when Cat moved because he felt he'd finally start getting more attention. Unfortunately, the town was still abuzz with stories about Cat and her new island home and how well she was doing. So Doug decided to move to an island, too- but, like always, he didn't want to do too much work. So he decided to move to an island that was already partially developed. As luck would have it... he chose Woodland. AKA, Cat's island.

Bunny: Bunny is Doug's little sister, who also grew up near Cat. Like her brother, she's very competitive, but in a more playful way (though she can still get a bit scary at times). Her real name is Beatrice, but her bubbly energy and buckteeth led to the nickname Bunny, which has stuck into (young) adulthood. She followed her brother, much to his chagrin, and built a house near his. Doug complains about her a lot but, deep down, he actually loves her a lot and is always looking out for her- though Bunny's quite capable of taking care of herself, despite her seemingly carefree and flighty nature.

Marlin: Marlin is a sailor and fisherman who washed up on the shore of Woodland one day and decided to stick around. He built a nice house for himself, though isn't always home, since he still sails and travels a lot. He has a laidback and easygoing nature, and prefers to take life as it comes, riding out the ebb and flow. When he's in town, he helps maintain the beach and the beach food stand. He knew Vic before coming to Woodland (though he had thought Vic was dead, since he hadn't seen him in so long), as well as Gulliver, Gullivaaar (are they one and the same? Marlin won't tell!), and Pascal. Despite his relaxed and some might say lazy attitude, Marlin is actually quite worldly and wise... in his own way.

Raven: Cat's cousin. She moved to Woodland this past fall, after hearing about how nice it was from Cat. Unfortunately, she never contacted Nook beforehand, and only discovered the island had reached the maximum number of houses AFTER packing up her life and moving there. But, fortunately, there was one empty house- the spooky abandoned house in the forest. Fortunately, as an aspiring witch, Raven found it to be PERFECT. Though no one had dared try and move in up until that point, Raven gladly took it over. Despite living on the island full-time, Raven doesn't actually leave her house a ton. She spends most of her time brewing potions and practicing magic. Most islanders wouldn't even notice her were it not from the occasional odd lights and smells from her home.

The haunted house, that Raven moved into, belonged to the town's original inhabitants- a lighthouse keepers and his wife. The lighthouse keeper was a quiet and solitary man, while his wife was younger and more social. But the pay was too good for the lighthouse keeper to turn down the position on the deserted island, so he and his wife moved in, despite her reservations. While the lighthouse keeper tended the lighthouse (which is technically on a smaller island just off shore), his wife busied herself decorating and maintaining the house and making a garden. She soon began to grow beautiful roses that she devoted all her time to. Things were going okay for the couple, until one stormy night, the lighthouse keeper didn't come home. His wife worried and worried, becoming more and more distraught as time went on. Finally, one day, she left to go to the lighthouse herself- determined to reunite with her husband... one way or another. She never returned. When the people who delivered supplies to them came and found the house abandoned, they realized what must have happened, and had some headstones put outside their home (though the "graves" underneath are actually empty). Originally it was planned for another lighthouse keeper to come in, something strange was discovered- the lighthouse now seems to light itself, always staying lit despite not having a keeper. Or, at least, not having a living keeper. The roses also seemed to maintain themselves, despite needing constant care before. The only noticeable difference being the once pure white roses were now black as night.

...I put that in spoilers 'cause BOY was this post big 😂
Oooh boi. I want to draw comics for my main island Natsukashi and eventually Willowisp. Plus, being a writer, I like to give not only my Island Reps little backstories, but also give my villagers stories and more personality too. I'll put it in sectional spoilers cause it's kinda alot oof.

Jerico, the Island Representative for Natsukashi. Before going back to their hometown (which is what ntkshi is supposed to be) they traveled around to campsites and did part time as a home decorator, in reference to the fact that the character Jerico only appeared in spin-off versions of AC, PC and HHD. They never appeared in any of the mainline games. Jerico decided to move back to their hometown, wanting a place to settle down to and have an actual home, rather than a camper or where ever the heck the characters slept in HHD.

In my comics, I try to explain the AC universe and connect not only my two islands, but others to make it seem more in depth and explained. Humans are chosen to renovate and rebuild abandoned islands, hence why only humans are ever the reps. Natsukashi was once habitable, but somethin happened that caused mass movement of people and destruction of many many islands. Jerico was hand selected to restore Natsukashi, being the only one who used to live there (thou was forced out at a very young age, with family) and who was registered as an island restorer in the program.
Humans and animals normally live separately, but not for any hostile reason. They just don't mingle much outside of their towns. The animals see how well humans make a living from nothing, so a program was started to make uninhabitable islands habitable again. Humans can invite animals to live on their islands, in my comic I even have like a social media thing where humans can look up basic information about animals, like they have a profile and such. Humans also have a social media profile.
Humans travel to different islands near and far to trade resources and such (like multi-player). To explain why all the NPCs are duplicates, the only thing I could think of was to make it a Pokémon situation with all the Officer Jennys and Nurse Joys. The NPCs simply take the role name, looks and uniform of Isabelle, Tom Nook, T&T, ect... But have their own unique names they don't share with anyone. Plus there are variations, like if the player went to a more Japanese themed island, all the NPCs would take the looks and names from their Japanese versions. Their uniforms would also differ, showing a more Japanese theme. Like, Isabelle would wear her kimono, Tom Nook would wear a haori, ect...

My other island rep, Io (that's an uppercase i not an L), lives in the same universe as Jerico, thou it's teased that Io may not be all human. Io constantly wears the impish wings and horns. They occasionally change colour (thou the wings almost always stay black) but no matter what Io is always wearing that set. Even if they wear something like a hairpin, they still wear the horns at the same time. The only time it isn't seen is if Io is wearing a hat. The other animals notice this and when asked Io just makes jokes and teases them, making fun of the situation. Io even takes off the wings and horns to reassure the animals that they are fake. The animals believe it, but it's hinted that Io may be using these accessories to disguise their true actual wings and horns. The humans think nothing odd or out of the ordinary of Io's wings and horns (which is supposed to hint at another thing too), infact Jerico likes them.

More tidbits about the comic I want to do eventually
•Island reps can track the amount of hours they've clocked in as renovator (when your character is in island renovation mode). This number is the amount of play hours the switch has recorded (which I know would def not be the same as hours clocked in as renovation but it makes it easy for me).
•Island reps have a social media and show off their islands, almost as advertisement to recruit other animals. Similar to our social media, Instagram, FaceBook, Twitter, ect... how we post kitchens, outdoor seating areas, stuff like that.
•There is some mild competition between humans with their islands, like how we sometimes feel pressured and/or insecure about our islands after seeing others. Humans in the comic feel the same way, thinking 'why doesn't my island look as good as theirs if we put in the same amount of time?' ect...
•The Dream Suite is a VERY immersive virtual reality tour. Not everyone uploads a virtual tour thou, it's up to the choice of island rep.
•There are alot of monopoly businesses, like the Cranny being owned by the same one singular owner or group, like how a big business can have multiple locations but is ultimately all owned by the CEO/one group. Humans can start up a 'shop' (like how we have our shop threads) but it's really a trading thing. Humans don't have the rights to create their own business and have their own building. Yes they can use their house or areas outside their island, but they receive zero funding for their 'shops' like how the Cranny would from the outside. The Cranny/Ables ect... have mail order cataloguing, get their own building separate from home, get supplies, equipment, even stock from the outside. Humas get none of that, they have to get everythin themselves.
•Unlike Jerico, Io doesn't have a clear backstory. Jerico's intentions are stated very clearly why they wanted to be an island rep, however the animals don't know why Io joined. They gossip amongst themselves and are a little too scared to ask why. Io also never states it themselves.
•The animals are very chill with what goes on at the islands. They never seem unhappy or ungrateful for living on the island, even if the island is in disarray or a constant WIP. They're just happy to live somewhere else from their overcrowded past towns.
•There is a over population issue where the animals live.
•Unlike NPCs, villagers don't repeat. Each villager is a unique individual, there will never be clones of them. To make up for this, OC villagers are 100% cannon in this universe. Also it gives me an excuse to draw my stuffed animals as villagers.
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My island's theme is fairly spooky/horror and parts of the decorations strongly imply that Diana's been murdered. The other residents mostly live in fear/lockdown except for Audie and Bam who lift weights on the beach surrounded by skulls and zoom around the graveyard lol
i do have a story for my island :) not so much a theme - i guess the theme is more of an overarching story, since i've been playing animal crossing since the gamecube version. it's like...developing the 'backstory' of what would have happened in those games, if it was some of the same characters going from game to game.

i'm tired, so sorry if this doesn't make much sense, lol. i'm gonna put the info about the island rep/mc in a spoiler since it's a bit of a divergence from ac canon and mostly about my oc/the au my bf and i talk about:

the island rep is one of few humans who has chosen to live among animals. like someone earlier in the thread mentioned, in my au/canon, animals and humans live separately - not due to any kind of like warring factions, but just because they have different lifestyles that often aren't compatible. animals do a lot of foraging and living in wilder areas, and don't have as many amenities - they also aren't as social, which is why their settlements aren't very large, and they almost always live alone in their home (with the exceptions being things like the nooklings, who are children, or the able sisters, since they seem to function better as a pair due to their upbringing/past).

the mc/island rep, lio, has been living with animals since he was very young. this started in the gamecube game, when he got on a train to leave his home for tragic backstory reasons - nook saw what he considered at the time to be an easy mark, and put a human child to work and gave him a mortgage. this is partly because nook wasn't such a great guy back then (remember how mean everyone was in the older versions? lol), but also because young humans are much less independent than young animals, so to him, giving a kid a house with no furniture or central heating in the middle of winter was being Extremely generous.

as time passed, the human tried several times to reintegrate into his own society with other humans - but it never ended well. he would leave and then come back and settle in a new animal town, sometimes crossing paths with nook or other npcs again. through this, he and the nooklings kind of grew up alongside one another. in the overarching story of my island, tommy nook is actually the resident services worker for jelly bay. he also worked with lio in the new leaf setting as an assistant to the mayor, during which lio was kind of a jerk and ran a Very Exclusive town where only certain villagers were allowed to apply to move in, and even fewer actually got approved - he was a party boy who ran his town in a manner that was simultaneously strict, and very shallow. aesthetic was everything!

currently, the mc has chilled out a ton as he's gotten older, and although tommy was initially concerned about seeing him pop up again to help out as a representative of the island, he did have to admit that the human had an eye for design. they get along, although tommy is extremely business-minded, having been raised by a younger, more callous nook who was focused on profit - and lio just wants to have a nice, peaceful island where people can come to relax.

this is obviously pretty heavily based on my playstyle and how it's changed over the years - in acnl i curated my town heavily through amiibos and purchasing villagers on here, and had a separate cartridge where i time traveled to try and cherry pick 'dreamies.' i worked tirelessly pathing and making my town perfect - in acnh, i've calmed down a lot, and have focused less on popular, cute villagers, and more on folks i can dream up stories for while having a more serene time.

as a side note, timmy is also kind of a side character in this - he didn't absorb any of nook's preaching about profits, and instead had an early 'retirement,' during which he became kind of an island party boy who likes to chill and travel around. he's constantly trying to get tommy to relax, which more or less never works, because tommy is Very stuffy and focused on his work.

i have basic personalities for most of my villagers, but only real 'backstories' for two of them currently:

a murder mystery/horror author who retired to the island to write. he writes some based on personal history, as he's had a very...storied past. if any of his intricate tales seem too realistic, it's surely just because he has an author's mind.

he's a very sweet old man, though, who would never hurt a fly in his current life. very close to the island rep, and very patient with the needy human who always seems to want to talk to everyone. he has a large knife collection.

dobie's partner! they live together in the retirement community. they used to live on a separate island together, but dobie eventually left because that island was full of older animals who lived at a pace that was slightly too slow for him. he wanted to go somewhere a bit more rejuvenated, as their old home began to fall into disrepair - but walt was stubborn and wanted to stay put. in all honesty, he was scared of change, and afraid that it would drive a wedge between them, since he's fond of gardening and taking things slow, and he knew his partner had more of a zest for adventure based on his past and the things he wrote about.

one day the island rep found a message in a bottle on the beach from walt (i did find a diy from him that inspired this lol), and wrote back. walt was more or less alone on his home island at that time, and was thrilled to have a pen pal to talk to. they started up a consistent line of communication, and lio invited walt to come move to his island when walt was lamenting how empty his home seemed without anyone else around. walt came to jelly bay, had a tearful reunion with dobie, and although they had to work to rebuild their relationship, they are now inseparable.

oh, also he's a bit like a former yakuza member. dobie draws some of his writing inspiration from that (although it's a very fantasy-based glorified version of what the yakuza would be like in animal crossing, or how they're often portrayed in video game media, where they are criminal thugs, but they do it for the betterment of their community). i was a bit tickled by having these two old men be former violent criminals, but current curmudgeonly sweethearts who no one would ever suspect of such a thing.
The closest thing we have in Kupoland is that it appears that some villagers are fighting and trolling each other with "gifts". One of them (I don't know who it was) gave Fang a blue lacy tank, somebody gave Marina a handcart...

Alfonso is the most chill dude on the island, and right now, he's been proudly displaying two dinosaur toys in his house because that's how he roll.
For months I didn’t get any arguments, but when I was more active and sometime from when I got Rosie or Roscoe to present, I got some fights/arguments. I posted a thread awhile back about them. My favorites are when Rudy and Rosie got in a fight. He had his umbrella in is hand and was thrashing about. His mad expression is too darn cute too 🥺; they all are cute when they are stomping around but Rudy’s expressions are the best along with Punchy’s.

I feel like I posted about my stories in another thread fairly recently. 🤔

In this post I assigned some of my villagers and former villagers roles. Some villagers even represent a specific character like Kiki is my treasurer and might represent Josephine as I had her do in HHD in one of my designs.

I also commissioned a friend to make Punchy dressed like Red Haired shanks and am planning to use that in my next island journal project. Punchy will be known as Red Hairless Shanks. My friend asked me a few months ago if i wanted her to make me something so i threw an idea together on the spot, looking at some qr designs i had downloaded and considering some of my themes. So Punchy’s role atm is Pirate Emperor of the world of ACNH.

I have a small story going for my island journal atm, but not sure how far it will go. Those are just a few ideas I have for my characters so far. My island’s theme consists of One Piece, Dragon Age and some other ideas. Might have some more in the future.
Espera itself doesn't have so much a backstory as it just includes a lot of symbolism to my life, but the villagers' interactions have been so fun to watch over these months and there is definitely some tea for all of them! I hope to eventually create complete profiles for each villager on my island journal. Below are some of my favorite arcs:

I keep three of my starter villagers - Billy, Ursala and Clay - in the same neighborhood because that's where they have always been. Billy and Clay are neighbors from day one, best buds and foodies. Billy had a crush on Marina back in the day, but Marina friendzoned him and I helped keep Billy out of her tentacles while she remained on my island. They did stay good friends though. Billy means well, but he just doesn't understand boundaries, yknow?

Ursala is a big plant mom, so she has a yard with some houseplants and stuff, and she and Billy are like my shadow reps. Naturally, Urs is also the mom of the island, always looking out for everyone (you can see that on her face lol). She also loves her sleeping bag more than sleeping in a bed, preferring to leave any beds I've given her for guests. She doesn't like when she comes off as mean or scary, and actively tries to be a more kind and empathetic person. She gets along best with crankies and loves messing with Billy.

I've watched Sprinkle slowly come out of her shell with regard to her musical abilities. She's outgoing and loves fashion (she and Rodney, who share a tropical/Florida themed neighborhood, have that in common) but I'll also always catch her playing whatever instruments I have out, and on very rare occasions she'll even sing! The others have been quite supportive of her pursuits. She loves exploring the island and interacting with stuff. Also she's a mermaid princess.

Rodney is, um, an absolute king if you weren't aware. He has a knack for poetry and loves visiting the other villagers' homes, but he and I also nerd out about fashion together. He is always the first to compliment my outfit. I'm probably his best friend on the island since he doesn't seem to connect well with the others (except Melba and Billy, but they get along with everyone), but he's getting better.

I used to have Sandy, who runs a coffee shop out of her house but either doesn't drink coffee herself or only drinks it black. She lived in the middle of the woods and had a not-so-secret thing for crafting gravestones. We just had to wonder about her mental state sometimes. She and Marina got along well, but I wasn't thrilled when sweet Marina started to pick up Sandy's gravestone-crafting habit. I also noticed that Sandy was lowkey manipulative of other people, especially Ursala. She was... quite the character.
I don't usually do this, but Antonio and Anabelle were neighbors for a while and I shipped them. Plus I thought there might have been a love triangle between Zell, Fuchsia, and Bam back when I had all of them.

Oh, I also think Tangy is secretly evil. She worries about something incriminating in her house, says nobody can hear you screaming in a basement, she said she looks like a video game villain, and other stuff that just sounds suspicious. Anabelle is in on it too.
Francine is definitely trying to push Chrissy's career. She moved to make sure she was safe.

Marshal came from office life and often hangs out with Raymond, who is networking from home now.

Marshal likes to hold inprompto concerts at the plaza. They were shocked when I could finally sit down with them.

Gruff used to date Willow while she still lived here.

I don't think Lucky has ever really settled in yet.

Mitzi quietly looks after everyone.

Dom makes sure to inspire us for our daily workouts.

Ruby is the one who settled in nicely. She's kind of the heart and sould of the village and is having the time of her life now that snow has fallen, even though she got sick right away.