I think the sub is a million times better. The voices are inconsistent in accent and quality in the English dub, also the broken English of the sub is one of the biggest charms of JoJo, to most fans.
I hate to bump an old thread, but since it's not too old and my reasons isn't random I'll do it.
I spent two months overhyping myself for the new Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Live Action Diamond is Unbreakable movie to finally be released. It was released in Japan early August and I read soon after it was set to be released in America on August 17th. So yesterday. After checking Fandango, and Regal Showtimes I learned it wasn't released. I started researching the movie to find out it completely bombed in the Japanese box office. So there's no chance of seeing it in America now. What's worse is every revorw I've read about the movie has been positive. I'm so mad right now. I know I can't be the only one.