Senior Member
I'm ready to pick them up open your gates
Gates are open. ^^
I'm ready to pick them up open your gates
Would you do 200k?
actually unless you REALLY wanna i take back that 72 item thing. right now i need the brown pot, white pot, stewpot, pool, barbecue, campfire cookware, fish grill, freezer, flashy flower sign, gold screen wall and old board floor, karaoke system, milk case, medicine chest, pickle jar, potty, rocking chair, rolling suitcase, science table, and the water cooler.
I'll get you all 72
you sure? i took some things off that i dont need since i changed my mind about one of my rooms. anything not on that smaller list isnt a necessity, its just for show.
I can trade my indigo pinwheel for a classic dress
darn that was quick. don't rush yourself. would it be more convenient to drop off or pick up?
Could we split it in the middle for 170k?
Could I possibly get the minimalist dresser & the Alpine bed? ^3^
Sure. I'll have your items ready soon.
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Sure. What's your offer?
Lol I am still laying them out on the ground so I'll let you know when that's done. And my town please
ok!!! tysm!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm no good at offers! lol! Would 99K be alright? ^3^
So I'm coming up with 67 items total that I purchased from your list so I guess I referenced it while you were editing it lol. I'm going to add you and open my gates now. If any items were missed or need to be added please let me know.
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Sounds great. I'll add you now.
Mine I'm currently trading another order. I'll let you know when it's finished.Alright! Would it be easier to trade in your town or mine?