Any 'popular' villagers you just don't like?

I have Marina on my island, but don’t really like the design of the octopi. She’s growing on me a little though, but definitely not my fave.
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Honestly, the main one is Marina. I never really got the hype, though maybe it’s because she’s a little too sickly sweet for me? I feel the same about Judy, too. I thought it was the eyes at first, but Dom doesn’t bug me at all. also i feel like marina would hurt my eyes at sunset with the new lighting engine... shes SO pink
Yeah, Bob is just... I don't get the hype?
Raymond, I think his eyes are really nice but other than that I don't like his design.
Raymond, I think his eyes are really nice but other than that I don't like his design.

I don't dislike Raymond but yes, I think his design is overrated. Tbh I don't really like the look of glasses on villagers so that's what makes me apprehensive towards him.
Francine and Chrissy. They look wayyy too human for me. It makes me uncomfortable.
I wouldn't say I don't like him, but I think Bob is just okay and nothing too special.
Going off of the tier list, I don't dislike anyone in "extremely popular", but I don't understand Beau's popularity. Going off looks alone, he's no Marshal in the sense that I can understand why people find him extremely cute. He looks like a mid or less popular villager... I don't know how to put it, but there are lazies that I would expect to be much more popular than him.
I don't dislike him or most of the "popular" villagers, though. I just think he's overrated.
Francine and Chrissy. They look wayyy too human for me. It makes me uncomfortable.

i feel the same way. i also dont like how they have random human hair??? like all the villagers that have that feature just arent doing it for me. a lot of ducks have that feature and it makes me so mad because i luv the ducks lil tail and feet!!! but i hate their hair.
sherb haha i don't hate him or anything like that by any means, though. i actually met him on one of my first couple island trips and considered inviting him for a hot second, but decided not to. come to find that he's pretty popular and a new villager LOL idk he's just okay in my book! his big blank eyes sorta weird me out.
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I guess Coco. She's cool and all, and I love the concept of having an animal that resembles the gyroids (along with having some creepy villagers), but she's just not my cup of tea. I think the texture is off-putting to me, honestly.
I don't get the hype around Raymond at all, personally he is not appealing at all to me. I honestly feel like people only like him cause he has two different eye colours and he's the only smug cat. Same with Audie but in general I think a lot of the wolf villagers are severely overrated, mainly Whitney, Fang and Wolfgang although I do like Skye and Freya. Julian is another one who doesn't do anything for me and neither does Marina or Merengue.
Judy, Dom, Chrissy, to some extent Zucker... also, and please don’t kill me; Goldie
I don't care for Marshal! Never have, really. I don't see what all the fuss is about. He's cute, but I've never been a fan; he's just ok.
I dont care for fuchsia, her colors are really ugly to me rip
Raymond reminds me of a cringe inducing gif from tumblr years ago... if you know you know lol
I strongly dislike Marshal... when I first played ACNL he was in my first town and he was the biggest jerk to me. And as I grew older I got his amiibo card and decided to invite him to my other ACNL town... He was fine and I started to enjoy him being in my town getting to know him... BUT THEN he randomly decided to up and leave the town and I didn’t have any notice... Also Genji... even though he is a “jock” villager, he’s one of the meanest villagers I think I’ve ever met. I put him down as one of my dreamies when I heavily played NL because I think he was in SwimmingBird941’s town and he seemed cool. As soon as I actually got him into my town, I immediately wanted him out.
Bunnie... I don't get why so many people like her i honestly think shes ugly

Julian is another one but I just don't like horses in general (he's a unicorn but like close enough to a horse)