Back when I was new to ACCF (or Let's Go to the City) I remember developing a deep hatred for Elise, Ed, Sterling and Clyde because they were the ugliest, most horrifying creatures I had ever had the displeasure of looking upon. I kept on resetting over and over for a specific combination of native fruit, grass pattern and gate style and I just kept on getting pears or cherries (I used to dislike pears but now I have a fondness for them seeing as though it's the fruit that keeps following me, even in NL) or the square pattern grass (I wanted triangles)
And I kid you not, every time I would reset, find the "perfect" town layout and native fruit I wanted (I was obsessed with oranges) I would check my current residents and it was either Elise, Ed, Sterling or Clyde. Seriously. Even when I found a town with villagers that I really liked somewhere along the way I would get a new random resident and it was ALWAYS Ed or Sterling...
Even to this day I cannot bear to look at them because it brings back the most horrible, painful memories... They stalked me throughout my adolescence.