Any Villagers you have beef with or hate?

Pierre. Pierre. Pierre. 👺

Literally no other reason than his design and one incident. I’m so sorry if you love him, but I just... cannot 😭. He moved into my ACNL town before and took awhile to kick out. I will never forget. 😑
I think you mean either Pierce or Pietro. Pierre only appeared in one game that was released exclusively in Japan I believe in 2003.
Pietro, was my forced camper and he wouldn't go away, finally moved him out when i learned the moving cloud trick
That sounds like a classic Axel move in OP. Axel is one of my favorite villagers actually,because he's so weird. He probably forgot you gave it to him because he was too busy doing reps.

Never had him. Never will.
There are a few. For one, Hazel. I met her in New Leaf because she crushed my orchard. I hated her so much- but then I became attached to her odd charm. Then she moved, and I was kinda disappointed. In New Horizons, Hazel was one of my first two villagers. She stayed there for a few months and I came to like having her around. She recently moved away because when she told me about it, she was pretty 'excited'.

The next is Whitney. I met her in City Folk. I thought she was gorgeous and instantly wanted to befriend her. But it was seemingly impossible. She insulted my clothes, my house, but when I complimented her she took it as an insult. I could never like her again! She was so stuck up- and I had never had so much trouble with one snooty before!

The next was Shep. I had to invite him from the campsite on my island so I could appease Nook. He was fine at first, but then he just refused to leave. He was so dull and I was ready for change- but he was never the one to ask to move. He was public enemy #1. Finally, I got impatient and kicked him with an amiibo. Months of trying were getting old!
I despise Wendy in my NL town because she decided it'd be hilarious to plop her house down literally 2 steps away from re-tail (i'm not even kidding. RIGHT. IN. FRONT. OF. RE-TAIL.) and then decided to not move out. and then she guilt trips me into saying she's sad after I hit her with a net >:C stupid sheep
I think you mean either Pierce or Pietro. Pierre only appeared in one game that was released exclusively in Japan I believe in 2003.
I—omg you’re right. I fixed it... 😭. I can’t even get his name right aghhh.
Rasher. He told me I looked bad in a mask one day in NL, and I never forgave him since. It's kind of silly, but I'll never forgive or forget what he did.
i ABSOLUTELY HATE Portia for NO REASON OTHER THAN shr said something mean about Chevre >:[ unforgivable
Rocket for me. She plagued my NL town and my brother's NH island for the longest time. And when she finally moved out she immediately came over to steal the plot I had in my island for Tex, making me despise her even more XD
For me it's Hans, because he has managed to move back into my NH town three times lol
it seems like every time I have an empty spot that I don't fill up right away, it's always him that takes it
Rocket for me. She plagued my NL town and my brother's NH island for the longest time. And when she finally moved out she immediately came over to steal the plot I had in my island for Tex, making me despise her even more XD

Lol; I don’t blame you. That’s one of the few villagers who I still have no interest in even though I’m trying to be more open minded about villagers and give most of them a chance.

That’s why I had a grudge towards Graham and for a short time until I found out he was from a friend’s void, Tex (funny enough since you were saving a spot for him) since I was saving the spot for Raymond. I ended up forgiving Tex since i had a lot of fun dressing him up and hearing him sing. :)
Back when I was new to ACCF (or Let's Go to the City) I remember developing a deep hatred for Elise, Ed, Sterling and Clyde because they were the ugliest, most horrifying creatures I had ever had the displeasure of looking upon. I kept on resetting over and over for a specific combination of native fruit, grass pattern and gate style and I just kept on getting pears or cherries (I used to dislike pears but now I have a fondness for them seeing as though it's the fruit that keeps following me, even in NL) or the square pattern grass (I wanted triangles)

And I kid you not, every time I would reset, find the "perfect" town layout and native fruit I wanted (I was obsessed with oranges) I would check my current residents and it was either Elise, Ed, Sterling or Clyde. Seriously. Even when I found a town with villagers that I really liked somewhere along the way I would get a new random resident and it was ALWAYS Ed or Sterling...

Even to this day I cannot bear to look at them because it brings back the most horrible, painful memories... They stalked me throughout my adolescence.
I know I had some villagers in New Leaf who caused me some trouble but I can forgive and forget. I try not to hold any grudges against them.

But the ONE villager who is absolutely NOT welcome to me anytime anywhere is Deena. Because I'm Deana (same pronunciation, different spelling). And so I hate Deena because there can only be one Deana and it's me 😤

Does anyone else have this problem??
Back when I was new to ACCF (or Let's Go to the City) I remember developing a deep hatred for Elise, Ed, Sterling and Clyde because they were the ugliest, most horrifying creatures I had ever had the displeasure of looking upon. I kept on resetting over and over for a specific combination of native fruit, grass pattern and gate style and I just kept on getting pears or cherries (I used to dislike pears but now I have a fondness for them seeing as though it's the fruit that keeps following me, even in NL) or the square pattern grass (I wanted triangles)

And I kid you not, every time I would reset, find the "perfect" town layout and native fruit I wanted (I was obsessed with oranges) I would check my current residents and it was either Elise, Ed, Sterling or Clyde. Seriously. Even when I found a town with villagers that I really liked somewhere along the way I would get a new random resident and it was ALWAYS Ed or Sterling...

Even to this day I cannot bear to look at them because it brings back the most horrible, painful memories... They stalked me throughout my adolescence.

Thanks for enduring them when you were working on their pictures so that you could help anyone that were looking for their pictures; I truly appreciate it. 😊 I am still debating if I want to collect all the pictures since there are still a few - even with a more open mind now, that I can’t bring myself to like. Like Alli, Violet, Rocket, Naomi.
I know I had some villagers in New Leaf who caused me some trouble but I can forgive and forget. I try not to hold any grudges against them.

But the ONE villager who is absolutely NOT welcome to me anytime anywhere is Deena. Because I'm Deana (same pronunciation, different spelling). And so I hate Deena because there can only be one Deana and it's me 😤

Does anyone else have this problem??
no villagers named mal sadly, *sigh* its a really cool name for me to have..............
petition to rename deena mal 😔
Thanks for enduring them when you were working on their pictures so that you could help anyone that were looking for their pictures; I truly appreciate it. 😊 I am still debating if I want to collect all the pictures since there are still a few - even with a more open mind now, that I can’t bring myself to like. Like Alli, Violet, Rocket, Naomi.
Haha it wasn't easy, let me tell you :rolleyes: even more painful was ROCKET

But hey, the villagers that I love others might hate, and the villagers I hate others might love, and I really respect those opinions because after all we all have different tastes when it comes to villager appearances. When meeting a new villager, their looks is honestly what appeals to us the first.
Fang repainted my roof black THE SAME DAY as when it finally got painted to a color I wanted in the Gamecube game, where it was harder to get the roof color you want since the selection was limited everyday at Nook's store. I was legitimately so mad as a kid about this, and I can sorta forgive him but I can't forget.
Lionel was my forced smug camper, it took him long enough to leave, he was a huge creep and continues to harrass both me and a friend of mine on mystery islands, etc.

I think he's jealous of Rodney...
I don’t know. Maybe Beardo. He suddenly appeared in my town. He’s been for a couple of days. Can’t bear to see him so I avoid him. Will probably miss if he asks to move out since o tend to run the other way around when I see him.