Any Villagers you have beef with or hate?

al 100%. mister gorilla barged into my new leaf town, squashed my hybrids with his house and stayed put for months - years later and i still have a bone to pick with him lmaooo

the funny thing is, back when i was island hopping for my 3rd, 4th and 5th villagers, the lazy that i ran into just so happened to be al. like sir??. i would’ve cried if i got stuck with him again LMAO
No hate, but I do wish anabelle would just give me her framed photo so I can finally get her off my island! She does not interest me one bit & her house is just unappealing cause she was one of the starter homes.

On another note, my niece hates the life out of Charlise for some reason. I never could understand why she beefed with her so hard.
I also despise Phoebe. She is an O.G. and I can't STAND her but she WILL NOT ASK TO MOVE!!!! I barely deal with her unless I have to so my husband suggested the other day that I should talk to her enough so maybe she WILL ask to move...hell, all my other best buddies have asked me to move! It's worth a shot since hitting her with nets and giving her trash also doesn't.

i had this exact same problem with rocket. it took her about 3 months to move even though i gave her no attention and reported her constantly to the residential center and didnt do a single thing she asked of me lol!

The stupid rodent has been on my island since day one and has not once asked to leave. What even is this algorithm?
I don't like Katt. I've had beef with her since New Leaf. I was going through the time-consuming process of plot resetting to have villager homes in certain places and she had the audacity to be a random move in which A) messed up my dreamie list move-ins and B) literally couldn't have put her house in a more inconvenient spot. No matter how hard I tried, she NEVER left. I would've screamed if she was a starter on my island like she was on a friend's
Hippeux... thank goodness I forced him out via amiibo. The hate grew and grew until I had no other options!

Other than that Hamphrey - I get he's cranky but mostly he's just plain rude. He got so angry with me one day when I was feeling a little fragile because I accidentally opened a gift I was delivering that I had no recourse but to also remove him via amiibo....mwhahaha!
Yeah, T-bone and Angus! They were very tasty!

In all seriousness in this game, Admiral once annoyed me by asking me for a squid(?) and then going to sleep a minute or so later and not accepting it the day after. But as for people refusing to move, Phoebe, I feel bad looking back as she's one of the better uchi's, but not having her starter house just made a fairly average villager even more average. She never once asked to leave in over 100 days of play, some of which I never spoke to her...I had to amiibo card her out.

Historically, Peewee, I'm just WAITING for him to be a random move in this game, because I've had him in WW, CF and NL. Nearly always replacing a villager I liked. Seriously, after I abandoned NL I randomly checked it up and found Ruby(?) gone and guess who took her place *facepalm*.
Vesta. She has been terrorising me in games for 15 years. I didn't like her then and I still dislike her now.
i will always despise elise. not only because she is hideous, but because sh walked into my city folk town acting like she owned the place, and was always rude to me and my villagers.
Anyone who's got Hypno K.K. playing tbh... It's creepin' me out. 👀
my partner and i hate rodney, i dont like how smug he is
Not really. Graham was a random move in and I really wanted him to leave. Thankfully he did in a few days so that was that.

I don't know what it is about her - but she moved into my town as one of my first 10 villagers and I just couldn't wait for her to leave. Thankfully she was the first one to offer to go.
simon. petty but he ruined my chances of getting raymond for free, and he was taunting me by walking on my island; i dont rlly care about either villager anymore tho lmao
I have beef with Curlos. He's socially inept. He will ask me rude questions and be a general grouch. Of my fluffs he gets the least spoiled.
Octavian was my first random move in back when I didn't know random move ins still existed and i grew to hate him because he would not move OUT
I have a problem with Phoebe that stems from new leaf.
She moved into my first town in NL, which was fine. She looked cool so I didn't mind.
Reset that town and she moved in again.
Reset my town for a 3rd time and Phoebe randomly moved in again.
I ended up losing that save file. About a month before NH released I made another town to get myself back into AC and Phoebe moves in again.

Fast forward to NH release date. I make my island and guess who my starter villager is...PHOEBE!
Leave me alone 😭😭
Anchovy and I have mad beef. That little bird would not leave my island until I forced him out with an amiibo! He was just really creepy to me and I'm so glad to be rid of him!