Anybody else sick of the snow?

No, we very rarely get snow where i live, so i've been loving it from day one, i'll be sad when it's gone :cry:
i thought i would dislike it more (especially because i live in minnesota & pandemic), but i think it's really cute and love the twinkle of the snowflakes. i am looking forward to green in march though! i was time traveling to move out a villager and loaded up my game a while ago and was surprised by all the green. can't wait for warm weather, irl and in animal crossing. :) the change keeps things fresh.
I may be okay with snow, not with snowmen though. They are probably the creepiest idea of Nintendo. I just started to play and was hoping for tropical paradise, instead there's some horror show with decaying creatures around :cry:
I took a break from playing after New Years because the winter season is a little boring to me. Although, the snowy landscape is definitely nicer than previous games imo and winter had me engaged far longer in ACNH than it did in other games. I still haven't gone on to get some of the new items and reactions that were available on Feb 1.
I didn't play Turkey Day through December, but honestly yes I am getting a little tired of it. I started back up playing in January. I can't imagine how all you guys feel about it who have been it it this whole time.
I mean, I didn't mind it so much when we had the pine trees lit up. I think it's because it gives it a vibe and charm.. and background color other than gray and white lol.
Since this is a new island, I also terraformed during this. I just hope it looks ok later still. It was tricky because it was kinda hard to see the edges of the cliffs unless you are at a certain angle. I don't recommend starting a new island in winter.
I don't like snow in real life, in the game I like it but it can get tired. Is a little difficult to decorate for me. I love summer!!
I love the snow! The look of winter is so vastly different from the other seasons, so I appreciate the huge shift. I do wish there was a little more variety kind of like how the grass changes color over time, it would be nice is the amount of snow changed over time or if the leaves on trees changed color as we got closer to spring. However, I do think this is the best winter has ever looked in an AC game, especially at night when the moonlight reflects on the show...soooo good. I do agree with other people that is can be very bright on a clear, sunny day, but I guess that's how it is in real life too so...good job on the realism?
I love the snow! The look of winter is so vastly different from the other seasons, so I appreciate the huge shift. I do wish there was a little more variety kind of like how the grass changes color over time, it would be nice is the amount of snow changed over time or if the leaves on trees changed color as we got closer to spring. However, I do think this is the best winter has ever looked in an AC game, especially at night when the moonlight reflects on the show...soooo good. I do agree with other people that is can be very bright on a clear, sunny day, but I guess that's how it is in real life too so...good job on the realism?
oo melted patches or random blobs of green showing
I feel like they should make it rain and snow in the winter. Mix it up.
What day in february does that crap start to vanish?

I might actually play it when it does. :D
Im SO sick of it tbh. I wanted to redesign my town, so I skipped to march because I just can't design as well with the snow. My new color palette has a lot of bright primary colors and I really needed the green grass to help plan!
I’m ready for it to be gone, yeah. I find the Festivale set to be extra jarring given that our islands are still snow covered? My personal set is blue so it’s workable but as a whole the set feels so... summery. It screams for grass and colourful bugs to be flying all around and it seems out of place with all the snow.

In real life we’re getting a bunch of snow and I’m actually happy to see it! I’m just tired of it in my game. Without all my pretty Christmas decorations and the lit up trees it feels a bit dull. And I miss seeing the bugs flying around. I think it melts sometime this month though, so that’s nice 🥰
I’m ready for it to be gone, yeah. I find the Festivale set to be extra jarring given that our islands are still snow covered? My personal set is blue so it’s workable but as a whole the set feels so... summery. It screams for grass and colourful bugs to be flying all around and it seems out of place with all the snow.

I agree, I like Festivale without snow, but next year we get Festivale on February 28th so it will be after the snow melts!
As a Southern Hemisphere player; I was very hit and miss with Winter. Content wise it's probably one of the best seasons for DIYS, and you can make Snowmen (Summer atm seems so empty?). Snow looked pretty, but I did get tired of the dull colours it brought after awhile. Some of my areas just looked ugly; like my Autumn mushroom forest (I really missed having orange trees) and my Zen garden, though one could argue my winter area looks bad now it's Summer haha!

It suddenly dawned on me today, but the Festival update is like the first update that feels better as Southern Hem boi, we won't have the snow so vibe wise we can be more like Brazil with a nice warm beach party!.
The snow is less bland and more pretty in New Horizons than in previous AC games, but yep. I am ready for it to melt away, and more importantly, for March. I actually finally caved and starting TTing yesterday because I was just longing to catch some Summer creatures and Summer is just so prosperous and lively compared to winter. It kind of takes away from the "realistic AC" vibe though...NTM, the weeds. TT is one of those things that has both positive and negative effects for me. :/
I like the snow, but winter is that one season that ages so quickly. I'm looking forward to the green grass returning because I'm not a huge fan of how my island looks completely white lol
I did some random dreams last night and saw islands without snow. I love the snow on the roofs and the snowy hedges, but I am way over it. My Festival colors ended up being the green/yellow which just rubs the lack of a lush tropical atmosphere into my face even more.
I don't think it makes it look ugly persay. I think winter is just a kinda meh season for a lot of people anyway, and people get S.A.D. and it's cold, and miserable, and I think the snow kinda reminds people of that. AC is supposed to be a game to take you out of real life for a while, but still resembling real life and stuff. That being said, I'm not doing anything else on my 2nd island until it all thaws out because I feel nothing, it's not inspiring me, it's not making me want to continue forward with editing the island and stuff, and I can't visualise how I want it to look properly. A lot of people seem to compare AC with Stardew Valley, and I think if AC had a bit more stuff to do in winter other than catch snowflakes and make snowboys, and the odd fish/bug tourney, it might make people warm up to it a bit more, pardon the pun.
13 days to go.

I don't think it makes it look ugly persay. I think winter is just a kinda meh season for a lot of people anyway, and people get S.A.D. and it's cold, and miserable, and I think the snow kinda reminds people of that.

I suffer from seasonal depression, and it lasts all winter, every winter.