Shadow Star
Star Guardian!
Nintendo has said today that Nintendo NX will be along the theme of transforming. And they have also said its alongside the Wii U and the 3ds. So what I am saying is just my personal opinion.
Do you think if they say it's alongside the Wii U and 3DS, they may make it backwards compatible with both consoles? Like how the DS in the old days where it had a slot for the DS carts and the GBA carts? That would be quite cool actually.... Should they release AC onto the NX, it would make it easier to switch between New Leaf and that, so no hype or love for New Leaf would be lost.... Seriously, Nintendo could do good things if they did that. I'd assume with the 3DS games, they'd either implement a feature to allow it to play in 3D or they'd make it like the 2DS and take the 3D out.
It'd make sense if they were to make it backwards compatible otherwise the games and amiibo's coming out this year would only be considered a short life span and with recent games like Splatoon and the delayed Zelda U, it'd be a waste for them to have a short life.
I don't know, maybe I'm just thinking of things that they can't accomplish yet with their programming, but it'd be a cool feature and would make games like these a little more bearable for the time being.