Lmao, I just get involved in topics I like xD, this isn't even the highest. I got 600 posts in 4 days once on a hamster forum. XD, I'm weird save me now.
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wtf r u on about comparing the new 3ds to AC Wii u??????????????????????????????????????? They didn't release the regular new 3ds in NA because NA made the decision that it wouldn't sell well, it was their decision, not Nintendo of Japan.... They still released the regular 3ds in EU and AUS so this is the stupidest argument I've ever read LOL. NoJ will be the ones who will be making AC Wii U, not NoA, and it'll defs 100% come to the west because Nintendo knows they can make big $$$ - providing they make a Wii U title, which I'm pretty sure they will
Oh course I'm gonna compare it, it's the same company XD. That's my point, if people know a new console is coming out soon, why buy the old games and stuff if it's gonna be like a couple of months or so till the new one is released.