Anyone else currently on a second wind for this game?


Quarantine, amIright folks?
Dec 31, 2014
I'm curious... I lost interest in AC probably around early summer, and had some crazy things go down in my real life, so I just never came back..
UNTIL, 2-3 of my friends ended up getting the game for Christmas/buying a switch in general and are on their first wave obsession with the game which has pulled me back in as well.

Before I lost interest, I had my island full of villagers I love, a decent layout, etc. Now though, I'm finding a lot of my island designs feel simple, and I'm remembering villagers that I'd like to experience on my island firsthand. So I'm slowly getting photos from a couple that I'd be willing to let go, and cycling them out, while redesigning areas of my island.

Anyone else had a similar experience? What brought you back to AC, and what keeps you here?
I just got back into playing it daily this month. It's the first time since release that I've felt inspired to properly work on my island's layout.

I'm also trying to breed my own blue roses so I look forward to seeing if the flowers I need for each step have grown when I load the game each day.
Well, I keep playing it because I like playing Animal Crossing.

In full transparency. I did reset my island this weekend. I let myself start back on March 20 and I am TT day by day up to present time.

I like to say that I'm playing fast to play slow. I'm on May 5 and I just got the Able Sisters and I don't have any of my first three villagers yet. I'm only island hopping once a day and I'm looking for specific villagers. Who knows when I'll actually get out of the tutorial stage? 😆
I took a small break between mid August to mid November, only popping on for a couple minutes somedays in-between to do critterpedia or Halloween. I'm thinking it was mostly due to burn out on terraforming.. I was destroying my work and starting over every couple weeks since I unlocked Terraforming on April 1st. It caused a bit of depression. Also didn't help I got tired of waiting for an update for Nook's Cranny

When I came back in November, I felt less attached to some things, so I was able to get rid of a few villagers, and make some big changes to the town layout. I spent the next month terraforming my island, and it's been the same way since. (RIP: Al, Tybalt, Pashmina, and Graham)

Near the end of December, I found Amazon had restocked Nintendo Switches after they seemed to have been sold out since April. I'm now working with 2 towns, which definitely keeps me busy.
I'm ticking by with some terraforming and museum stuff/nook mile collecting, but I'm hoping for the game to introduce something big and new that I can really get my teeth into. I don't think crafting and terraforming were big and crunchy enough to keep NH going on their own.
I restarted my island a couple weeks ago because I stopped playing right before Turkey day. For some reason I just couldn't get myself to get on and play catch up because I was too busy on Turkey Day. I don't know, the catch up feeling is a dreadful feeling for me even though this wasn't that big of a deal. I think the main thing is that I didn't like my island as much as I wanted too. I also missed having bugs and fish to catch for my museum. (I know I will get that filled again eventually, but perhaps by then there will be other things in the game to keep my interest, if not, perhaps I will like my island too much to delete it)

I TT back through all the holiday stuff I missed to experience it and get my crafting materials after I restarted my island. I bought majority of my diys on here and filled my catalog. I just unlocked terraforming today. My plan it to keep this island fairly simple and have empty room. I feel like this time around is more enjoyable, smoother, and less stressful as I now have a better handle on the game in general. I'm much happier with this new map and I like where my RS is alot.
Yes!! bought the game at the beginning of June and lost interest late July since there wasn't much to do or collect. I didnt play for months until 2 weeks ago when I started playing again. I can't remember why I started playing again tbh, but I never really focused on decorating my island much so I'm doing that now.

I have a feeling I'm going to loose interest again soon tho since not a lot of content has been added yet tbh. When that happens I might start playing NL again since I haven't played in years, but I remember that it took me like 1 year to loose interest in NL instead of 2 months like NH :/
I totally lost interest over the summer, came back around Halloween, and now I’ve lost interest again due to lack of content. January is so boring. C’mon, Nintendo! It’s late January, release the update already!

EDIT: Looks like the update release date was announced and I totally just missed it. Whoops!
I'm still playing it often. I took a break of a few weeks during winter (I'm in the southern hemisphere) because I was playing another game at the time, and that kinda demanded my full attention lol

I may keep playing it in the following months, but if there's nothing new to do in the game (read: if they don't add something substantial in an upcoming update), then I'll just set it aside. There's just so much gameplay you can squeeze out of a game like this, so I won't force myself to play the game if there's nothing more to me there.
I had a second wind from I'd say mid December to about now? but now with school building up I've taken a step back again, plus there's really only so much I can do on my island now. I really want to keep working on nook mile achievements before doing anything dramatic but for now I feel like the only thing that could get me back in is starting from scratch which I don't want to do just yet.
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I actually never truly had a first wind, i was really depressed when the game came out to the point i couldn't play, i'm taking it easy and playing a bit now though.
I have played continuously since release. Like many of us at the beginning I am guilty of playing for way too many hours. Very grateful for the distraction as I wasn’t working due to COVID.

Playing less now obviously 😂 as there is less to do but can’t give it up...... 😊 it is still fun and I do check in daily. It just doesn’t take up all of my day (and night)🤦‍♀️😆
I've been playing almost everyday, but after Toy Day, I only played a little bit everyday for like 15 minutes and that was it (I was slightly annoyed with the lack of DIYs I got). All of a sudden though, I'm coming up with new ideas for my island and I'm finally resuming with breeding for my own blue roses after stopping for months.

So I mean, I never lost the first wind, but it definitely picked up in speed I suppose! With the Mario items coming in March, I know for a fact that I'll be GLUED to the game, ESPECIALLY if they bring back the Mario Kart, since I really want to make a Mario Kart track.
it's been two days since i've touched my switch; today will be three if i don't get around to it. i'm trying to give myself a bit of a small break, but it's not something that i plan on letting last for a while. i did pay a lot of money to use my switch, but a small break here and there is never a bad thing.

i've been diving a bit more into sims and crocheting again, which is honestly taking up quite a bit of my time, but i'm still thinking about my island designs and everything on the back burner.

being hypersensitive, it's hard not to latch onto games and not get tired of them when they're in this kind of setting. i honestly don't know if i'll ever tire of new horizons.
Winter always puts me off in AC. I get tired of the snow rather quickly and kinda just wait for spring to come around. I still play daily but mostly just to gift stuff to a couple of villagers, and check who’s visiting.
I love reading all of these tbh!
I feel like the key to staying engaged may be a combo of forming the habit of checking in daily, or coming up with projects on the island.
The latter is definitely what's keeping me around right now! I'm currently in the process of punishing and dumping the flowers that absolutely overran my island while TTing to get a villager out lol!
I'm at the point where I will pick the game up if I feel like it, but it's not like I think to myself that I am missing anything if I don't do a day. So I have long stretches where I don't play, boot the game up for like 3 minutes, and rinse repeat. I'll play the Pave event, but I'm probably not going to change until I see what March brings and may or may not have a longer break.