anyone else find terraforming hugely stressful?

Yes, very overwhelming. But that's just because I'm coming up with too many ideas. ><
Started terraforming on a small section last night for fun, and I'm really loving the outcome. Even tho it's a big stress haha.
I feel that way sometimes too, the prospect of redesigning my island from the ground up has been quite daunting to me. My advice would be just to do a little bit at a time, don't try and do a ton in one huge sweep. It's always something you can change and improve on over time, so if it doesn't look great on the first attempt, you shouldn't stress out over it or compare your work to others in a negative light! All you can do is practise and try your best! :3
This! ^^ As someone who is currently redesigning my island from the ground up, I understand this can be difficult to do. But what I’ve found that helps is definitely doing little by little. And once you’re happy with that tiny bit, you’ll find you’re less intimidated and overwhelmed as you move onto the next bit. At least that’s how it worked for me. Don’t rush yourself and take your time. Currently I’m at 10+ hours of terraforming and I’m nowhere near done.

Make sure to take breaks too! Very important. Decorate another part of your island if you’re unsure of how to proceed. It’s a process not a marathon after all.
I want to put all my buildings up on second or third levels so i gotta,,,, move ALL of them to build hills and then move them back and idk how im gonna manage that
I unlocked it yesterday but I'm taking things super slow.
I did some simple river terraforming and laid down some simple paths around my house and the shops and I'm going to give it a rest for now.
Right now I'm more focused on decorating my house, buying new outfits and befriending villagers. lol.
Once I acquire more items, I'll be more inclined to place them outside so I think I'll have an idea of how to section my island into different areas - an orchard, a botanical garden, an amusement park, etc.
im not going to bother with terraforming until i get used to my island more which might sound weird but i want to be 100% sure with changing certain things. i was super excited to unlock it but it already overwhelmed me so much i havent even tried it yet. starting with smaller things like paths seems like the best thing to do so you have an idea where everything connects first
YEP! There's a lot I want to change... but it's to overwhelming for me to even start.
I unlocked it this morning and I'm worried for the overwhelming ideas I have haha. I'm just gonna do one area at a time!
I haven't unlocked it yet, but it made me worried the second I saw it in the trailer. Seeing all of the amazing things other people are doing with it has me feeling better and less overwhelmed, though! I'm trying to rationalise the anxiety in my head: in reality it's just a square map that I need to design. :)
I’ve mostly been working in the same area you’re locked into when you start the game and slowly developing outwards. Haven’t had any issues laying out paths, but the waterscaping can be a but tricky when trying to make diagonal edges. I’ll probably get better in time.

I’m also trying to go for a more natural look, so I don’t think I’ll have too much trouble with it.
Really glad that I stuck to it despite of how uncomfortable it made me at the beginning.

OMG your island layout is incredible!! I would love to visit it some day and see all the work you put into it!
I found it to be stressful only because of the mandatory auto-saving in this game. I would've liked it if we had a mode to just terraform and experiment before things became permanent.
i had this fear a couple days ago! but all you have to do is try it out a bit! start out by just chipping away at the edge of a cliff or a river, and then fill it back in - just to get used to how it works :) and you'll be comfortable in no time! you're also not obligated to do it right away, so just take your time! everything can be fixed.
i did find it to be stressful at the beginning, getting used to how it worked and how to make curves and things like that. the water scaping was definitely more challenging to me than the cliffs. after a while i got the hang of making curves and how to make the thickness of the river the way i wanted. i just recommend working on one area at a time and just taking your time with it in general!
If you use the clean up feature on trees they won't go to the recycling box. It makes sense but I didn't realize and lost a few trees. I know placed items go to the box instantly, have not tried flowers yet.
I just started terraforming the other day and it was definitely more tedious and stressful than I expected. I had a sketch of what I wanted my map to look like and it was based pretty well off my original island so I didn’t think I was setting out to do anything major.
I ended up putting ground over all of the ponds and rivers on my map and building from the ground up. It still wasn’t that hard, I’m pretty much done now except for waiting the day to move buildings around.
Yup absolutely! especially on the rivers I find it very tedious to round corners so they're not just squares jolting into the middle. Also with the paths its annoying that two different types of paths dont blend in with each other and they have to have the grass strip between them, why
I'm finding it super overwhelming, but after the initial few days of playing with it, I feel pretty good about it. You'll be fine once you get the hang of it.
I unlocked terraforming the other day and I'm currently saving up to get the DYIs I want and stuff, but I dread the day I actually use it to flat my land and plan what the heck I'm going to make my island look like, especially since the river mouth locations aren't... ideal... for the plan I want...