admittedly, when i first got my switch, i was primarily playing it around social situations and in the car so i didn't want to bother anyone with the sound. i think i played like that for about a month and a half before i started using the sound? now that i've played with, there's no way i could go back to muted, however
I love the singing
On my town it’s Kyle, Lolly, Olivia and Rosie who do it so it kinda looks like some kind of band
Kyle and the cool cats or something.
The only thing I actually honestly think is a shame is that all villagers sing perfectly? And it doesn’t match their species sound? It was cute in Wild World when they proposed the town tune on la di day and cats would mew, and some villagers were totally off key lol
My monitor doesn't have speakers, so the only time I hear sound is through headphones. So I selected the muted option. I think it's cute, though. I saw three villagers singing the same tune at once one day. It was the best.
I feel that the music hobby should have been implemented better and be much more immersive. For example, I've been thinking about this lately, but how cute would it have been if instead of just singing, villagers with the music hobby would pull out either a tambourine, ocarina or pan flute and just play some music while singing as well? Or just play their little instrument? Imagine if multiple villagers with the music hobby, such as Rosie, Henry, Zell and Judy, would actually form a little band at the plaza and perform a concert of sorts.
It was endearing at first, yes, and still kind of is, but I think the hobby could have been done better. It can be a bit jarring walking around your island at night and randomly catch one of your little guys singing their heart out at the beach (or, as I've encountered numerous times before) behind a building, eerily swaying to and fro. They just look so lonely...
Eh, I'm used to it by now. My two current music villagers (Apollo and Tex) don't even sing all that much tbh, they seem to prefer dance-swaying and when I'm trying to do island projects, silent dance-swaying is much preferred!
I still find it cute though, especially when one of my villagers gets adventurous and finds one of my music players outside of the town plaza to sing from. Just today, Molly went near my big rock garden area and started singing K.K. Marathon and I loved every second of it<3
i like the way they sing the kk slider songs when there's a stereo nearby, but i really wish there were more default songs :/ i feel like i hear the default way too often and would love some more variety!
I think it's cute but they sing that same song all the time. Is that the island theme? I don't know how to write a new one. Sometimes they go near the record player and sing along with K K Slider songs and it's more fun. But I like it either way.
Not really. When I hear it I find it cute but I also fall under playing my game mostly muted...because the background music does bug me (wish we could have just regular nature ambience and a music toggle on/off in settings).
My favorite villager in the world's hobby is singing and I couldn't be more pleased. I find it very endearing. Every time one of my villagers is singing, I whip out my reactions and clap for them lol.
I like the singing. Especially when Hopper the cranky penguin sings in his funny low pitched voice. So cute.
The music that's getting on my nerves are a lot of the kk songs. I'll be redecorating a room, and there's always something annoying playing in the room. Songs that I normally like too. I end up shutting it off because it starts making me cranky.
I got rid of all the music players around my island, mainly because it doesn't drown out the background music in the slightest, but the villagers keep singing anyway.
I started playing with the sound off, but mostly so I couldn't hear the soundtrack or balloons.