12 hours, I would get. 24 is pushing it, but it's still acceptable. But when it takes 72 HOURS to build an amenity, and you have several campers with stuck friendship levels because of it, it gets ridiculous. Is anyone else super annoyed with the time it takes to build these? Or even the fact that you can't get to certain levels with campers because you don't have a specific amenity?
It also annoys me because there are some amenities (i.e. the sporty ones and cool ones) that I really don't care for because they don't fit in with my camp's theme, yet I have to build them if I want to unlock special items/pictures with certain campers. It's all so convoluted and transparent on Nintendo's part.
It also annoys me because there are some amenities (i.e. the sporty ones and cool ones) that I really don't care for because they don't fit in with my camp's theme, yet I have to build them if I want to unlock special items/pictures with certain campers. It's all so convoluted and transparent on Nintendo's part.