I feel lucky with my campsite and it has introduced me to many villagers I would not otherwise have considered.
I have invited freya (not a favorite but okay, Fauna (didn’t expect to but loved her), Fuchsia, dotty, pashmina, Ike, Soleil, shep, Groucho.
I have liked and tried to invite (but failed for versions reasons) Charlise and Willow.
had maple as well and she was cute, but when it came down to it the only villager I had to let go at that time was Maggie and I just did not like Maple as much.
overall of course I have had villagers I dislike, but I feel the good has outweighed the bad! Oh and I had Sherb at one point, who is popular but not my favorite. I had just invited Cole from a mystery island and did not want another lazy at the time.
On my second island I have had very good campsite luck, which has almost been stressful! Have not played that game as much so have only had a few campers: O’Hare (forced camper but he is great), Tiffany, Judy (invited), Alfonso, Kyle (not my fave, though popular, but he was less creepy than I thought in person), Tangy (invited), gruff (also more cute in game than expected), ursala (invited, one of my favorite sisterly villagers).
overall there have been few campers where I just turned around and left after seeing them, which seems lucky to me!