Anyone else super lucky with the campsite?

Have you had good luck with the campsite?

  • Very good luck!

    Votes: 32 24.1%
  • Only one time.

    Votes: 61 45.9%
  • Never.

    Votes: 40 30.1%

  • Total voters
I voted for only one time but really I've been very lucky twice - my forced campsite villager at the start of the game was Marshall who I really liked and kept on my island a long time (think I might get him back at some point) and about a month ago I got Cookie in the campsite who was a villager I'd been looking for.

Most of my other campsite villagers have been pretty average, some of them have been quite good villagers but not ones I'm looking for while others have just been really bad, such as Hippeux who was hogging the campsite yesterday.
Interestingly enough, when I first started I had incredible luck with my campsite, my first visitors were Bruce, Erik, Lily, Judie, Rosie, to name a few. But then as I continued to play My luck deteriorated because for about 2 months or so I cannot seem to get anyone decent that interests me... until yesterday, when chief decided to show up with his magnificent presence to Ginkyo....I just had to take him in even though I already have a cranky wolf. Not gonna lie it end up taking over 20mins with multiple reset to kick out the right villager but it was so worth it. I hope this is a sign that my luck with campsite will return now after an incredibly depressing 2 month of bad luck.
The only villager I took from my campsite is Ketchup. (besides the forced smug, Keaton.)
I don't want to move her out, but my brother wants Audie, so I'll have to if she shows up.
Also if anyone we like more than Kyle shows up, we'll move him out, but nobody has.
Meanwhile the campsite likes to hurt me by giving my New Leaf villagers such as Velma and Maple. I can't just move in everyone!
I had Raymond as my very first campsite villager on my second island, other than that, it’s been eh😂
I've had some well-sought villagers on my campsite before, such as Diana, Wolfgang, Coco, Rosie, Lolly, Stitches, Tybalt, and Fang.

I was in the process of collecting photos of other villagers when they were around so I couldn't really invite them though.
I found Raymond in my campsite once and have had other neat villagers show up, like Margie.
Usually I have the worst luck, but I got Stitches and June from my campsite recently :)
yes! really nice villagers that are either popular or my favorites always show up. the problem is that the villagers i want come when i have no vacancies.
when i was doing the campsite method to get raymond, i got soo many popular villagers in the process. getting raymond took me two irl days but i remember getting marshal, dom, pietro, erik, etc.
I got Cleo from the campsite. I have been slightly tempted by others maybe 2 or 3 other times but the rest have been total weirdos. I also feel like I never get campers. Hearing so many people found Raymond from the campsite is encouraging though.
ive found a lot of what people would call popular villagers, but i didn’t want them on my island so i didn’t bother even chatting with them lmao

just the other day i found lily at my campsite, she was so cute but she’s not one of my dreamies so i had to let her go unfortunately... bye bye lily
i've only had good luck once, when coco showed up! otherwise, my campsite has been home to monstrosities the likes of diva and hippeux LOL
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Apparently I selected ‘Never’ on this poll at one point but I actually have been a little lucky with it. In the sense that Megan has shown up there and she’s, y’know... she’s not loved or anything but she’s still part of that clique of new villagers with no Amiibo card so that makes her a little valuable, I guess?

Otherwise yeah, all garbage...
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I once had Reneigh in my campsite. Only time I was lucky. Though it did take more than 45 minutes for her to finally choose the correct villager to kick out.
I have never had somebody that made me super happy in my campsite, but I've had villagers that I liked enough to have come to my island.

Actually on second though, I think Celia was a campsite villager, and she's my birthday twin, so I got super excited for that one.

In general though, I think I'm kind of lucky, in that I seem to get a campsite visitor almost every week, at least this year so far. Or I was... until now. I haven't had one since the 26th, but I know that I've gone at least three weeks with no visitor before, during the summer last year, so that's not too horrible. And I haven't played yet today, so maybe I'll have somebody.
If you mean lucky by getting campsite visits more frequently then in NL, then yes. But most times it's someone I don't care about or creeps me out. I never bothered because I have amiibo cards and it's easier to just craft them furniture 3 times then jump through the hoops of hoping the visitor picks who I want out.

Even then, the 3 visits/3 crafted furniture thing is overkill.
My first camper was Beardo BUT he's an old favourite!
Though, he's absolute top-tier for my sibling so we moved him over there ASAP (even during the old amiibo glitch era. we were lucky)

A few months ago I tried campsite resetting for my original jock on my second island, rolling 1/55 every single time (errr don't try this at home) and took a break after 200+ resets to switch out my placeholder uchi for a more permanent one.
FIRST TRY was my intended, Plucky, and she didn't take too long to move in!
Something's up with her. This iteration of Plucky is glued into her pink muumuu and no matter how many times I gift her preferred clothing or poke Isabelle, she's stuck in that muumuu.
I'm planning on eventually moving her out and eventually I'll look around for her amiibo 😐
(i did find my starter jock eventually, it took another 50+ resets. that was a long three weeks.)

So, I suppose my luck balances itself out, haha!
My first camper was Beardo BUT he's an old favourite!
Though, he's absolute top-tier for my sibling so we moved him over there ASAP (even during the old amiibo glitch era. we were lucky)

A few months ago I tried campsite resetting for my original jock on my second island, rolling 1/55 every single time (errr don't try this at home) and took a break after 200+ resets to switch out my placeholder uchi for a more permanent one.
FIRST TRY was my intended, Plucky, and she didn't take too long to move in!
Something's up with her. This iteration of Plucky is glued into her pink muumuu and no matter how many times I gift her preferred clothing or poke Isabelle, she's stuck in that muumuu.
I'm planning on eventually moving her out and eventually I'll look around for her amiibo 😐
(i did find my starter jock eventually, it took another 50+ resets. that was a long three weeks.)

So, I suppose my luck balances itself out, haha!

A little off topic, but one thing to note about plucky’s pink muumuu is that it is her base outfit, so there is not way to stop her wearing it. And if you talk to Isabelle about her clothes it will reset her to her base (for the day at least) which would put her back in the pink muumuu if she is wearing something else, but cause no change to her outfit if she is already wearing it. Gifting villagers clothing you prefer will decrease the amount they wear their base outfit but it never gets erased or removed from their inventory.
A little off topic, but one thing to note about plucky’s pink muumuu is that it is her base outfit, so there is not way to stop her wearing it. And if you talk to Isabelle about her clothes it will reset her to her base (for the day at least) which would put her back in the pink muumuu if she is wearing something else, but cause no change to her outfit if she is already wearing it. Gifting villagers clothing you prefer will decrease the amount they wear their base outfit but it never gets erased or removed from their inventory.
(sorry for more off topic!)
Oh, I'm not trying to eradicate it entirely from her inventory! I know that ;)

Nope, the issue is that she's physically unable to choose anything else, no matter what I've tried. The only time she's not in the muumuu is when it's snowing/raining/an event.
With Isabelle, I tried that only because I've seen accounts of villagers winding up in Tom Nook's summer shirt, and not even that happened. (I'd actually like that shirt on her, boo)
Even though she's received numerous replacements and tried them on (quite a few are in the Cool/Simple and/or Aqua/Yellow, too) they get thrown in her inventory, never to see the light of day ever again.
I even gifted her a wardrobe to make sure they were being placed in her inventory, and it's just a closet of forgotten clothing 😥
(sorry for more off topic!)
Oh, I'm not trying to eradicate it entirely from her inventory! I know that ;)

Nope, the issue is that she's physically unable to choose anything else, no matter what I've tried. The only time she's not in the muumuu is when it's snowing/raining/an event.
With Isabelle, I tried that only because I've seen accounts of villagers winding up in Tom Nook's summer shirt, and not even that happened. (I'd actually like that shirt on her, boo)
Even though she's received numerous replacements and tried them on (quite a few are in the Cool/Simple and/or Aqua/Yellow, too) they get thrown in her inventory, never to see the light of day ever again.
I even gifted her a wardrobe to make sure they were being placed in her inventory, and it's just a closet of forgotten clothing 😥

Ahh I get it. Sorry, my bad. I’ve never heard about the glitch with Tom nook’s clothes or of a villager getting permanently stuck in their one outfit (I guess some people would love that, but like you I like to dress my villagers up). How frustrating!

good luck, hope you can find a replacement plucky who is a little less literally attached to her base outfit!