Giveaway Apple Collectible see #1 post Winner Announced/ 1200 btb see #2 post Answers Revealed

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After the opposite one has been guessed I'm not giving anymore himts. Supposedly they're too easy .-.
Look I apologise for what I said okay? :3
And it's pusuke because he is the opposite of a jock.
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After the opposite one has been guessed I'm not giving anymore himts. Supposedly they're too easy .-.

Nooo!! These riddles are really fun and I've been wracking my brain trying to figure out the first one!! A hint would be sooo nice, even if it's vague!! XD

1. The Grass?? XD Because evey game has grass... ?
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1. Friendships because we've always had them in all of the AC's game with the many villagers and NPC's?
the opposite: pusuke behind the tree, because hes he only one not in new leaf which means hes the opposite of the other villagers in the picture
3.K.K Slider sitting on the tree because only the mayor can do that
3. Pascal his out of the water which is opposite
3.Bunnie its the opposite because you can only have one of every villager and both of them are looking in opposite directions
3. Pokemon is opposite game because there seems to be a pokeball next to K.K. >.< I know it doesn't make sense, but I swear I see a pokeball.
3. Pusuke, he's a lazy villager, he has the opposite personality of your fav villager Rudy who's a jock
the opposite is Mable, hence the gotta go fast hint relating to sonic since they're both hedgehogs? Idk
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