Are there any games you are really looking forward to?

Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is the big one for me, but I'm also still waiting on the Switch version of Outer Wilds to arrive.

And of course, Metroid Prime 4, if it ever materializes.
I am very much looking forward to Pokémon Violet. My favorite person is getting the Scarlet version. We’ve been anticipating these games because we have plans to battle every few levels and play through the game together. This is our first Pokémon game we’ll be playing through simultaneously. It’s going to be so much fun.
there's only one i can really think of at the moment, a game in development by the same people (foreign gnomes) who made the game im currently obsessed with (everhood), im assuming will be called Halbert Hotel, we don't know ANYTHING about it besides these two teaser images

if its anywhere near as good as everhood i am EXTREMELY excited but who knows how long it'll take to release, its absolutely gonna be a few years considering how little we know about it
Elder Scrolls 6
Metroid Prime 4
Dead Island 2 (This was first announced in 2014 😔)
Just Cause 5 (Long ways out yet, but probably closer than ES6 or Metroid Prime 4).
I'm currently debating how much I want the upcoming remaster of Crisis Core: Final Faantasy VII. As a big fan of the original Final Fantasy VII (I have yet to play Remake), I find most of the supplementary material to be released alongside that game to be... let's just say baffling. I do not enjoy it. But Crisis Core is reportedly one of the better games in that regard, with praise directed specifically at its story as a companion piece to FFVII. So I do want to experience it for myself, especially since I never owned the PSP necessary to enjoy it when it first came out.

On the other hand, I don't want to buy it and then find out that I hate it. Oh, I miss game rentals so much.
I'm currently debating how much I want the upcoming remaster of Crisis Core: Final Faantasy VII. As a big fan of the original Final Fantasy VII (I have yet to play Remake), I find most of the supplementary material to be released alongside that game to be... let's just say baffling. I do not enjoy it. But Crisis Core is reportedly one of the better games in that regard, with praise directed specifically at its story as a companion piece to FFVII. So I do want to experience it for myself, especially since I never owned the PSP necessary to enjoy it when it first came out.

On the other hand, I don't want to buy it and then find out that I hate it. Oh, I miss game rentals so much.
It looks like it available on Steam. Not sure if that works for you though. But the nice thing about Steam is that you can buy a game and return it as long as you didn't play more than 2 hours, and/or you haven't had it more than 2 weeks. You you could try it and then return it if you didn't like what you saw.

Sometimes watching some gameplay YouTube helps me decide if I'd like a game or not.
It looks like it available on Steam. Not sure if that works for you though. But the nice thing about Steam is that you can buy a game and return it as long as you didn't play more than 2 hours, and/or you haven't had it more than 2 weeks. You you could try it and then return it if you didn't like what you saw.

Sometimes watching some gameplay YouTube helps me decide if I'd like a game or not.
Unfortunately my current PC is not suitable for gaming at the moment.

Either way, the issue presently is less that I'm not sure if the game will be good in and of itself and more so if I want it more than other things I could use the money towards instead, which is a tad harder to quantify.
I'm waiting for the next Story of Seasons game. I love that series dearly.
I'm looking forward to A Wonderful Life. I hope it's a good game. I've never played the original so I'd have nothing to compare it to but still.
I'm looking forward to A Wonderful Life. I hope it's a good game. I've never played the original so I'd have nothing to compare it to but still.

The original was my childhood favorite! I hope you enjoy the remake. I definitely want it!
•Tomodachi Life on Switch 🤞
It’s sounds like it could have more things in the game so I’m looking forward to that.
•Miitopia on Switch 🧚‍♀️
Same as above.
Hello Neighbor 2 😱
I’m actually kind of dreading it now. The pre alpha was fun, I enjoyed choosing a character, working in an abandoned theme park, solving mysteries like the Scooby Doo gang XD, while also keeping the park from getting vandalized. But now it’s one character and they’re a reporter roaming the town. I’m just kind of disappointed it’s not going to mainly take place in the theme park and the storyline has been changed to fit a different time in the game’s history. I was really hoping it would be a whole new chapter in the game series.
Sir, you are being hunted Reinvented ☕
The original was fun but dated and there wasn’t much to do or explore, so I hope they add way more features to make it feel much more interactive and give the game depth and an actual storyline.
And for the big one, Spyro #?… 🐉❓
whatever the new Spyro will be if they ever release it, if they are even going to anymore 😔
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Hades II is soooo big and unexpected OMG. Supergiant are definitely my favorite dev now. Plus, it got announced right as Pizza Tower gets an actual date. It’s pretty much just those two haha…
Hades II is soooo big and unexpected OMG. Supergiant are definitely my favorite dev now. Plus, it got announced right as Pizza Tower gets an actual date. It’s pretty much just those two haha…
You're right! Pizza Tower has a date!! And it is on Steam 👀
I thought I read a few years ago that it was abandoned, so I am really excited for this.
Between Pizza Tower and Anton Blast, I will finally have some Warioland like games to play.