Are there any games you are really looking forward to?

There've been more announcements since I last posted here, so here's a couple more games I'm looking forward to! ^^

Radiant Tale - Another otome that's slated for an English release next year! It sounds like it's one of Otomate's lighter/happier titles, and since I'm not a big fan of darker otome, I'm really excited for it! I took a look at some reviews/route summaries and at least one of the love interests sounds really promising too, so I've really got my hopes up for this one. ;v; Plus it's got a fantasy setting!!

Minecraft Legends - I don't think this one's of a genre I usually play, but it looks like it'll be fun! I like Minecraft and felt like I definitely got my money's worth with Minecraft Dungeons, so I'm excited to give this one a go too.
I, personally, am very excited for Legend of Zelda Breath of The Wild 2 and Pokemon Scarlet & Violet.
I try not to get myself too excited before a game comes out because that tends to be a recipe for disappointment. I'm interested in playing the new Pokemon games (Scarlet and Violet) but I hated SwSh and it seems like they're keeping some concepts from SwSh that I didn't enjoy like raid battles, so I'm a bit apprehensive tbh.
I am looking forward to Breath of the Wild 2, Pokémon Scarlet and Violet and Hogwarts Legacy (when it ever releases)
Recently discovered that NieR:Automata is coming to Switch. I know it's never going to be as good as the PS4 version (and even the PC port is less than optimal from what I've heard), but please let this be at least serviceable, Square!!!
Deltarune chapters 3-5 (and the whole rest of the game, really) 🙏🏻

A new Story of Seasons game whenever they get around to it; I feel like the reception to PoOT is gonna have them move on in a hurry. Whether that be a remake or a totally new game, either is fine by me as long as it's fun.
Splatoon 3 coming out in a few days, I never got too into the second one, but after playing the new splatfest I'm VERY excited and looking forward to it
pikmin 4, 3 was literally my childhood even though i never played story mode (my brother hogged the wii u, i watched him and played bingo battle.) hopefully this time i can play the new story myself and im hoping that there’s some sort of multiplayer experience like bingo battle.
In the immediate future:
Mario Strikers: Battle League: I've wanted a new Mario Strikers game for a very long time, and I'm so glad we're only 3 weeks away from one now. I'm still unsure about it as a whole right now, but I'm really glad the gameplay resembles Super Mario Strikers more than Mario Strikers Charged.

In the foreseeable future:
Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2 Tears of the Kingdom: I loved Breath of the Wild, I've been looking forward to this for awhile since it was first announced. Hopefully the latest delay will be the last one, lol.

In the distant future:
Metroid Prime 4: Who really knows when we'll hear any info about Prime 4, but man, with how good the Prime Trilogy is and how good Metroid Dread was, it's hard not to be excited for it and wanting info for it sooner rather than later.
This has changed a bit in 4 months. Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom and Metroid Prime 4 are still up there, but Pikmin 4 is now in the mix (as part of "in the foreseeable future") after it was announced during the Direct on Tuesday. It's been 9 years since Pikmin 3 came out, I've been hoping we'd get Pikmin 4 for awhile now, and now that it's been announced I can't wait for it to be released.
This has changed a bit in 4 months. Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom and Metroid Prime 4 are still up there, but Pikmin 4 is now in the mix (as part of "in the foreseeable future") after it was announced during the Direct on Tuesday. It's been 9 years since Pikmin 3 came out, I've been hoping we'd get Pikmin 4 for awhile now, and now that it's been announced I can't wait for it to be released.
Is Metroid Prime 4 still happening?

sets reminder for 2027 to check Metroid Prime 4 release date
Right now, just the 3 Like a Dragon (Yakuza series) games that got announced at Tokyo Game Show: Like a Dragon 8, Like a Dragon Ishin, and Like a Dragon Gaiden. I love this series so much.
story of seasons: a wonderful life next summer! i never played the original, so i can’t compare the two, but the remake looks amazing! i love that the characters age over time, and that same-sex relationships are possible! i’m pansexual myself, so being able to make that choice instead of only having the option to partner up with a male is really nice. i’ve been hoping for a new switch game that piques my interest for a while since i only have 2 atm, and i haven’t played a story of seasons/harvest moon game since the lost valley for the 3DS, so this is super exciting! next summer can’t come soon enough! 😄
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I am incredibly hyped for the English releases of Trails From Azure and Trails Into Reverie. As a huge Legend of Heroes fan, being able to finally have an international release for these games is something I love.

The new Theatarhythm Final Fantasy game is something I’m looking forward to as well. The 3DS games were a blast and the new one seems to fix my biggest problem with the original (that being the lack of difficulty). It’ll also have songs from the newer Final Fantasy games too, which is nice.