Are there any games you are really looking forward to?

Disgaea 7 looks promising despite how lackluster 6 was imo. The Fire Emblem releasing in January looks cool too.
I love Story of Seasons series and am looking forward to A Wonderful Life since I never got to play it when it was on ps2
I'm really looking forward to Coral Island for the Switch and obviously I can't wait to (at the very least) experience Hogwarts Legacy! I know I won't have much time to play, but I've been waiting for them for so long! I would also like to play a game in development (also for Switch) called "Immortal Life" and it is set in ancient China, for me as I am a huge fan of Chinese culture it would be the cozy games of life! And then... and then... guys but the latest Nintendo direct dropped a space bomb! I await the new Professor Layton like a child awaits Christmas😭
My most anticipated would be Fantasy Life I: The Girl Who Steals Time, Decapolice, Professor Layton and the New World of Steam, Infinity Nikki, Next Animal Crossing game (xD) and Tales of (rumors of a sequel to Tales of Arise 👀 ) as much Ni No Kuni 3, Haunted Chocatilier, Witchbrook and Puff Palls:Island Skies.

Games that are already out but I want to play is Octopath Traveler II, Horizon Forbiden West, Tactics Ogre Reborn, Lost Judgment, Triangle Strategy.
Story of Seasons A Wonderful Life. AWL was my childhood and I’m so excited for it. The music is so nostalgic.

Fantasy Life. Played it majorly when I had it on 3DS. So I’m hyped for the next one.

And fashion dreamer because I like the style savvy games
I wasn't that excited for tears of the kingdom until they showed off the new gameplay mechanics the other day - fuse and ultrahand look so incredibly fun and I'm excited to see all the nutty, creative things people create.

Besides that, the a wonderful life remake (actually never played the og despite having it growing up - both save slots were taken by my siblings lol) and the new fantasy life, loved the 3ds one.
I saw yesterday that Live A Live is coming to PC Steam at the end of April. It was one of the only game I was wanting to play that was on the switch. I am glad to have this opportunity cuz I wouldn't play the game otherwise.
mega hyped for the full game of sea of stars releasing for the switch on the 29th august - i just completed the demo having heard about it earlier and it was so cool! defo recommend 😌
For the first time in a few years, I actually am!
-WE LOVE KATAMARI REROLL! I loved the remaster for Damacy, so I'm BEYOND excited for the remake of this one; I'm hoping it'll encourage them to make new releases.
-Samba De Amigo Party Central! I loved the one for the Wii, but the motion controls were just...kinda awful at times..with the new, improved controllers and motion controls, I think this game is gonna be really incredible!

It looks like this is coming out on Switch in June!! I am so so so so stoked for this
I‘m really looking forward to Tears of the Kingdom. We preordered two copies so we didn’t have to deal with both wanting to play it at the same time. I’ve been trying to finish up loose ends the main story of BOTW before getting it. All I really have left to do is beat Ganon. You know, the main part. I already have all of the Divine Beasts at least, ha.
I‘m really looking forward to Tears of the Kingdom. We preordered two copies so we didn’t have to deal with both wanting to play it at the same time. I’ve been trying to finish up loose ends the main story of BOTW before getting it. All I really have left to do is beat Ganon. You know, the main part. I already have all of the Divine Beasts at least, ha.
exactly the same, here ! doesn't it feel really exciting to work on completing botw knowing that totk is awaiting it as a sequel? (i also never finished the main story mainly due to wishing to prolong indefinitely the wonder of experiencing everything for the first time 🤣)

i recently got my partner into botw finally though and its been so joyful to experience the game for the first time through observation there, too. really has me pumped, both to finally let myself beat the game, and to see all the new things totk offers