Are there any sites you got banned from?

I have a feeling that I'll get reported and permanently banned on this site for being sad, after all, that's why so many peeps on this site hate meh.
Does a game count? 'Cause I flooded the chat once. Though the ban was only 5 minutes XD.
Does a game count? 'Cause I flooded the chat once. Though the ban was only 5 minutes XD.

Yes, games and gaming networks like the PSN count. If there's anything that doesn't count, it would be expulsion from schools or bans from public places like stores or churches.
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I have a feeling that I'll get reported and permanently banned on this site for being sad, after all, that's why so many peeps on this site hate meh.

I've only seen you around a few times but you're not a problem. It's the whole "everybody hates me" thing that likely annoys people.
I've only seen you around a few times but you're not a problem. It's the whole "everybody hates me" thing that likely annoys people.

Yeah, it makes sense, so if you pretend to be the happiest little happy poo around, nobody's ognna ban you. X3
No, but I think I almost had my account suspended a few times on the official Warriors (the book series about cats) forums. I know once was because I asked why they don't allow roleplays involving same-gender relationships ("some parents would be uncomfortable having their child exposed to that" was the answer, if you're wondering). Another time was because you supposedly couldn't have a roleplay involving anything that had a PG-13 rating ("because there are younger kids on the site"), even though the rule only applied to some fandoms and not others.

Other than that, only Club Penguin, because who hasn't had a banned account on CP?
Other than that, only Club Penguin, because who hasn't had a banned account on CP?


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you supposedly couldn't have a roleplay involving anything that had a PG-13 rating

Well that's dumb. In the books, they talk about killing, they talk about bleeding, and once, they even went into semi-detail on a cat giving birth.
I've never been banned because I always behave and don't use swear words. Interestingly, whoever has the same IP as mine seems to be banned on some sites I frequent. This IP is banned on 4chan, gbatemp, and another website I forgot. I had to use my mobile data or access it from home (it's my boarding house internet) to access/post on those sites
Gotten banned from GameFAQS and Animal Crossing Community years back. ACC was over a stupid reason. Apparently some parent reported me because I made a joke over how someone spelled come when I was in someone's town. Next thing you know I'm banned.
that reminds me, i still have an acc account. idk why i made it. it's just. there.
i've gotten warnings when playing town of salem for 'spamming the chat'. i was blackmailed and kept typing random stuff when they put me up on the gallows to try and somehow convince them that i was innocent (which i was 96% of the time).
Uh. I was banned from a Neopets related site.. Leopets, I think?
It was silly. Someone gave me their account for free and cleared literally everything off it before giving it to me, then I changed the info when I signed on.. apparently this isn't allowed? LOL! Other than that, I was silenced on Neo for talking about how my chicken died.. oops. ;x;
But my Neo account is fine now, I play all the time. cx

OH and I was banned on Marapets a LONG time ago because my friend in real life made multiple accounts and decided to send all of the items to my account. :/
I got banned from reddit for spamming and posting on others threads, I didn't know I can't ask for the villagers lol, that I don't hav as no one was offering to them so I asked if I can have her peanut lol also by trampling someone's flowers even j didn't mean to but he didnt realy get me so that's that, I got banned by Houndoomed lol
I am surprised I wasn't banned on Neopets when I joined at the age of 12 xD I was so moody, depressed and went on about my depression and suicide; I now have a 13+ year account still intact, I am mostly a good egg haha. I feel sort of accomplished after reading these stories, I guess I fear bans lol.
I've never gotten infractions, banned or reported. I'm lame. T_T