Are there any sites you got banned from?

Animal Jam , i have over 65 bans this year from scamming
Egg Cave , being an asshat (i think 6 months)
Minecraft Seeds Pro , cursing/fighhting/making lgbtq+ dissvusion threads (18 month ban, 3 months left)
animal jam wiki - perm, trollingg, attacked the wiki, cursed, hated
animal jam fanon wiki - perm, abused rights
club penguin wiki - perm, trolling, flooding chat
animal crossing wiki - perm, trolling, being annoying, flooding
terraria wiki - 6 month, trolling, flooding, spamming
a looottt more lol
good job

but I have more
Got banned from Club Penguin in 6th grade. I cant remember what for, but it was probably because my friends and I liked to make accounts and we would type in a lot of swears into the chat :p
I got banned from Ultimate-Guitar for 3 months because I said I don't like U2 and I think that 'the Edge' is a massively overrated guitarist...I hate the Mods at UG. It's the virtual version of Nazi Germany.

I got banned from NeoPets quite a few times. Really can't remember any of the reasons, but I think I was probably intentionally trying to get banned.

I got banned from World of Warcraft, though that wasn't my fault at all. My account got hacked and used for gold selling and Blizzard was happy enough to unban me straight away. The hackers also put an authenticator on my account though and I couldn't be bothered contacting Blizz again, so I used it as an excuse to break free from it's clutches and stop playing the game.

I got banned from Xbox live for...Some reason? It was for 'abuse', though I only ever use voice chat among friends and only send messages to friends, so it's 100% unlikely that it was that. To this day I think it was just butthurt randoms who are mad that I am really, really good at Halo + Xbox Live's 'anti abuse' system is flawed and (ironically) easily abused.

I got a week ban on PSN for (again) Some reason. I've not played any games online with PS3 and I don't even own a headset for it, not to mention the fact that my PSN friends list has nobody on it completely baffled me that I got a week ban notification in my email.

I got a warning from Nintendo for uploading a selfie with a Pig in 'Wind Waker' to Miiverse with the caption "Me hanging out with your mother".
Although mods never tell other users why they were banned, I think that time, they exposed the secret. And I remember the mass banning.

Yeah... and personally...
I honestly think they shouldn't have told anyone why we were banned, and just let them figure it out for themselves. It's really no different from one person getting banned. And besides, we were, from what one of the mods said, going to get infractions, but instead got banned, which I find pretty dumb.
Banned from Wikipedia entirely for changing articles to be stupid and nonsensical.

Banned from Runescape because I got bored of the game and decided that before I leave, I should get myself banned. I eventually got banned for 'harassment'.

I got a warning from Youtube for 'copyright infringement' which totally blows my mind since all my youtube stuff is original material.

I got banned from that 'Marvel super hero squad online' thing for calling somebody a '******y ass acidic jew'.

I got banned from 'the Escapist' for calling Jim Sterling "fat".
When I was 12 or something I think I got banned from a Balto fan site for saying naughty things ;w;
I got banned from the Pet Society Wiki for "harassment" (because I was angry).
My first neopets account was banned when I was like 9 because someone hacked it. I still have my new one though lmao. And apparently I'm banned on 4chan even though I've literally never posted anything there in my entire life.
Why do half of the people here think it's a competition?0_o Oooh!I can get banned more then you!
I got banned from Club Penguin for a day for saying a swear, then on the webkinz clubhouse for a month, for talking about aonther site. Idk
Pretty much everything I've been on...
Instagram, Twitter, belltreeforums, Miiverse, Habbo hotel, Runescape, OMGPOP (an old mini-game website from which drawsomething originated), the xbox live website,