This reminds me of a time in 6th grade when me and a few classmates were doing a project on Egyptian gods. One classmate made a Wikipedia account and edited an article by erasing everything and replacing it with "i like pie". She got multiple warnings and eventually got banned. She was doing this during class time so I saw everything and it was hilarious.
I did the same thing for a few pages, only I did it to the pages of random black female celebrities and changed it to say "*insert name* is a strong, independent black women who don't need no man".
People are confusing suspensions with bans...
Anyway, I logged onto my old old club penguin account and got banned in five minutes.
I honestly find it hard to understand why, when somebody gets banned after insulting the community a number of times, decides to come back after his ban either expires or he cheats the system. I think it's really silly. Like, make up your mind! You either hate a place or you don't.
I honestly find it hard to understand why, when somebody gets banned after insulting the community a number of times, decides to come back after his ban either expires or he cheats the system. I think it's really silly. Like, make up your mind! You either hate a place or you don't.