Are there any sites you got banned from?

I don't think I've actually been banned from anywhere, which is a bit surprising considering I started using the internet when I was fairly young and a lot less mature. I did get a lot of Miiverse warnings though.
Yeah I was banned on reddit I think or something a looong time ago when I first started playing ACNL because I was trying to sell a villager online (Coco) and advertised it on said site and also on this forum (planned to take the best offer). I didn't know you couldn't double list on multiple sites because I was young and didn't read the fine print of each websites' rules, and got in trouble on both sites, but banned on reddit or whatever for 6 months or a year or something (I used the same username so thats how they knew). I remember being so sad because it was such a dumb thing, they should have given me a warning at least and not a hard ban lol

I also use to make throw away Club Penguin accounts when I was like 12 to get banned on purpose for fun because I liked being chaotic I guess
I've got banned from a lot of german Animal Crossing forums, because I didn't accept to play along their rules, lol.
I didn't even do anything bad, I just didn't accept to agree taking a super low offer for an item / villager, so I was saying
"no" to some offers.. something really rude apparently. You say no to one person, about 20 people come to the discussion
and start bashing on you until you crack and say something bannable v:

Oh yeah, I also got banned from redditgifts for not saying "Thank you" in my post for a extremelly cheap and trash present..
and when I say that, I mean literally. Had nothing to do with the theme that I signed up for and I found it online for 0,10€.
Twice, actually. But I don’t really count any of them that much.

Once on the Minecraft server Hypixel. I haven’t played Minecraft in over 2 or so years, and even when I did play, I never played online. So when I got on to try out some PvP and it said I was perma banned I was... very confused. I ended up making an appeal and now my ban is only 5 more days.

I also got chat banned on Animal Jam. I was like 10 years old, and I felt really bad. The thing is, I have no idea what I did. The only thing I can remember doing the day before was typing the lyrics to All Star in all caps. No regrets, though.
other than one odd time on this forum (back in the dark days of TBT lmao), no I've never been banned on any website.

I did come close to getting banned a few times on Webkinz though, they would ban people in KinzChat Plus if they tried to enter too many words that went against their sensors lol.

edit: just saw MapleSilver's post and, now that I think about it, I think I actually was banned from Miiverse at one point. pretty positive it's because I tried to give someone my friend code so we could play New Leaf together, and the Miiverse moderators really really hated that for some reason.
never been banned from a website but i was banned THREE TIMES from the original toontown online.

the first time i was around 8 years old... my character was a cat so i liked to say cat-related catchphrases. we could not say "catnip" in the game, HOWEVER we could say "cat nip". so when something bad happened instead of aw darn it id be like "aw cat nip!!". well one day they banned me and emailed to my mom that i was saying racial slurs, because (and i did not know this at 8 yrs old) the 2nd half of that word is a slur.... so not only did they completely misunderstand what i was saying but also WHY PUT THAT WORD IN YOUR DICTIONARY OF ALLOWED WORDS IF IT CAN BE USED IN A DEROGATORY MANNER?!??! anyway my mom called the disney toontown support like ACTUALLY CALLED THEM ON THE PHONE and got me unbanned, which i was very thankful for...

the second time i was around 10 or 11. i found out how to hack toontown from youtube tutorials (it wasn't a very protected game lol) but i didn't want to be mean to people with hacks!!!! i just wanted to do funny stuff like making my character do animations it wasn't supposed to or mass "whispering" (toontown's name for private messaging) funny stuff to everyone in the same area as me. i got caught because of my IP address being connected to both of my accounts (i had a secret 2nd acc that i used for the hacking), and i was consequentially banned. i cried HARD and i SWORE to my mom i did not hack toontown and they have the wrong person, so she called support again for me and they unbanned me.

the third time was a year later, i had completely sworn off hacking because i decided it was wrong even if it was to do funny harmless stuff. i was just doing my usual chatting and i saw some guy doing funny hacking so i said something like "lol that is so funny. i used to hack but i stopped because i realized it was bad. be careful!" - this was incriminating evidence, and they banned me. my mom gave me the news when i was in the car with my friend and i cried SOOOOO MUCH in front of my friend!!!! and she was upset with me because i had lied to her and got her to call support to unban me that 2nd time i was banned


EDIT: OH HOW COULD I FORGET i was banned 2-3 yrs ago on pokemon eclipse RPG because i click really fast and they thought i was using an autoclicker. i had to send them a 5 or 10 minute video of me just clicking buttons in the game at the speed i normally did to prove myself and boy was my finger tired after that
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I actually just remembered, that I once got banned from ebay. Why? Because I was trying to sell a
customized pair of Joy Cons, which I made very clear that they are customized.
Well.. ebay told me the reason for my ban is, that I am trying to sell illegal fake products -_-
I got banned from a Nine Inch Nails forum back in 2004. I was 20, I think. I felt bad because I had never been banned from anything before.

I've also been banned from RealGM (sports discussion site). There may be a couple of others, but I'm older, and I can't remember all the Internet forums I've been on through the years anymore, lol.
i got banned from roblox when i was 7 or 8 because i kept swearing lol
also got banned here once i think, i dont remember
This one isn’t a website but a mobile game... I was banned from Bakery Story for spamming people’s message walls. The point of doing this was to make their old messages disappear; it was a huge thing back in 2012-2014 to leave cute messages for your friends on their walls with a ton of emojis and random fonts. I was jealous that I had no friends to write on mine, so I just spammed the messages off other people’s walls instead. Yes, I was a little piece of **** but it was a long time ago when I was a child😰

I was also been banned from here back in 2018 due to an issue that was not my fault. They thought I was “rigging” their polls because they thought I had multiple accounts. I had siblings who wanted to try the site, and I let them make accounts, and chaos ensued.
other than one odd time on this forum (back in the dark days of TBT lmao), no I've never been banned on any website.

I did come close to getting banned a few times on Webkinz though, they would ban people in KinzChat Plus if they tried to enter too many words that went against their sensors lol.

edit: just saw MapleSilver's post and, now that I think about it, I think I actually was banned from Miiverse at one point. pretty positive it's because I tried to give someone my friend code so we could play New Leaf together, and the Miiverse moderators really really hated that for some reason.
Oh, yeah miiverse! How could I forget? I used to get banned on that all the time lol. Most of it was me trying to share my friend code to my friends so they could visit my new leaf town, but the miiverse moderators were so mean 😪 Lucky for us, we eventually just did it on paper. Keep in mind, I was like 11-12 during all of that
(I'm so glad the moderators on this site are nice unlike the mmb's which is miiverse moderator bullies)
No, not that I recall. I suppose I should think that impressive considering my 19 years of foruming, but TBH, it has never felt like any kind of struggle to keep myself from getting banned from forums.
omg the miiverse mentions.... that's what i came in here to report, i got suspended on miiverse once when i was a teenager for 2 weeks because i posted a picture of some fire emblem dialogue and said it was gay and someone reported me for it................... ah, miiverse.
i definitely got banned on club penguin at least once, other than that i've somehow managed to behave myself as far as i can remember
I was banned from here a few years ago because I was an annoying little kid, but that’s about it.
I haven’t been banned anywhere...yet lol.

I generally avoid starting any beef anywhere online, especially I’m very shy both irl and online. However, I have gotten warning before, and I think I got one from TBT.

It was fun reading through this topic though. It’s like reading through someone’s online criminal record, some of which are really hilarious or pointless lol.
I used to always lose my accounts on Neopets. At the time, I didn't know you could have multiple accounts as long as you didn't earn money on more then one, and I wanted more pets so I'd create multiple accounts and I played games on them since I thought I was breaking the rules anyway. So I never made a Neopets account to last, really, until I was in middle school when I made the one I still have (and use). I also got several warnings and suspensions early on with that account because it was my first time on the boards (since I made it right around when I turned 13) and I was -kind of- a jerk since I was dealing with stuff IRL and it was one way that I felt like I had control. But I haven't gotten a Neopets warning in forever- a few years, at least. When you're not being a jerk on purpose it's actually pretty easy NOT to get in trouble on there, lol.

Also got a warning on here once- can I just say the warnings on here look terrifying and it scared the crud out of me? I nearly cried (okay, there may've been a few tears) when I saw it because it looked SO scary, and I thought I was in huge trouble, and all I did was tell someone they posted something in the wrong place, thinking I was helping. Shook me up pretty good and I just gotta say they should make the warning for something so minor less terrifying 😅