Frost Egg Collector
I don't think I've actually been banned from anywhere, which is a bit surprising considering I started using the internet when I was fairly young and a lot less mature. I did get a lot of Miiverse warnings though.
Oh, yeah miiverse! How could I forget? I used to get banned on that all the time lol. Most of it was me trying to share my friend code to my friends so they could visit my new leaf town, but the miiverse moderators were so meanother than one odd time on this forum (back in the dark days of TBT lmao), no I've never been banned on any website.
I did come close to getting banned a few times on Webkinz though, they would ban people in KinzChat Plus if they tried to enter too many words that went against their sensors lol.
edit: just saw MapleSilver's post and, now that I think about it, I think I actually was banned from Miiverse at one point. pretty positive it's because I tried to give someone my friend code so we could play New Leaf together, and the Miiverse moderators really really hated that for some reason.