Are there any sites you got banned from?

animal crossing wiki
animal jam wiki
mlp wiki
cod wiki
fnaf wiki ( mustard fettishes arent welcome there )
minecraft computer wiki
minecraft forums
mlp forums
egg cave

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When I was little I got banned from club penguin because I said lettuce....

lettuce overdose on ham
I got my neopets account frozen not so long ago... :'(

I spent so much money on NC and stuff, I feel embarassed.

I'm glad my neo days are over.
I joined Club Penguin again the other day just to see how long it would be before I was banned.

Five minutes after I signed up, I saw this hideous penguin strutting around the gift shop saying 'don't I look fabulous' so I told her she looked like a constipated albatross. Apparently that was enough to earn me a temporary ban. When it expired, I tried to drop-kick one of the 'pookies' in the pet shop and I've been banned again.

It's way too easy to be banned from that site. Come on, Club Penguin, at least give me a challenge.
Instagram banned all 3 of my accounts for some reason. Sort of pssed as I'm expecting to pick up Stitches in a fcking giveaway ughghgh
All my accounts for petpetark got ban, mostly because I typed in "bad" words(which weren't bad words).
Words like "an", "can" or OTHER WORDS you wouldn't expect to be bad. You would end up freezing and forcefully getting kick out a server. Glad the site got tooken down.
Neopets for who knows anymore but I remember being suspended because me and my friend called each other fat.
Toontown & Club Penguin for trolling/having too much fun.
Egg Cave pointlessly because mods rage banned like 100 people because they were paranoid someone hacked the site after a group joke that went on. (literally like 75-100 went poof)
IMVU but for idk what.
I have been banned from TBT once for 4 days and i have many warnings/infractions
neildegrassetysonmeme.jpg for everyone.

I was issued a temp ban from The Royal Society of Arts forum for referring to a Mondrian as "pedestrian".
Was it for posting about your disdain for Mario Sunshine 57 times? I quoted most of them together on the other thread.
Someone here is jealous lmao.

Lol, about that game I like it that's that. And the reason it continues to bring replies is 'cause we post.
Not really banned, but I got permanently muted on Pokemon Showdown due to the fact that I was spectating a match where people were spamming the chat box continuously for YouTube purposes since one of the competitors was recording it.
Someone here is jealous lmao.

What the hell? Do you even know what the word jealous means that does not apply here at all.

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who the **** even are you

This thread has been dead for almost 6 years, so i'm just gonna revive it
Club penguin: for saying a very inappropriate word (that will probably get me permanently banned if i say it on here) on purpose because my friend said he would give me 10 dollars if I did it (this was in like 2nd grade)
Roblox: because somebody hacked my account and started spamming the chat and got me banned 😤
Edit: I also remember that the ancient posts on here are right: (but several years old) aac is very strict on the rules
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The only place I've ever been banned from was a really dumb/funny thing;
there's an electronics website called newegg, and I was banned because one of my siblings that I lived with at the time also had an account on there and because they signed up first, it claimed that I was trying to steal their identity

They unbanned me sometime later, but I was mad and never went back lol