Are there any sites you got banned from?

I got banned from a Facebook group simply for posting my honest opinions that weren't always praising the topic of conversation, the admin hated it when anyone had an opposing opinion to that of their own. Criticising was also a no, no as that was considered too negative and demoralising towards those who work hard to bring us such a wonderful topic to discuss.
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I got banned from the r/comics subreddit. They didn't give me a warning or anything, just banned me straight out the gate. I don't completely remember what it was about, I think the comic poster was an alt-right person and so everyone was talking about that and I simply joined in the conversation.

I understand it's bad to join a mob, but a single warning would have sufficed ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I had never talked in the subreddit previously. Oh well
Never got banned, but I think it may have been because my mom got mad at me for getting suspended on Neopets once, so I always tried to stick to site rules after that, lol.
i only got banned once and it was on club penguin, tbh i can't fully remember what i said but i don't swear so it probably wasn't that bad
I don't recall ever getting banned from anywhere, but I have gotten warnings, strikes, restrictions, etc. before.
Eh, it only happened about 7 years ago on Animal Jam. I cross-traded and both of our accounts got banned (I had gotten warnings before) :D
I haven't been banned from any other sites, maybe suspended but not enough that it's memorable!
When I was 10 I got banned from Miiverse. I can't remember why I got banned tho but I begged them to unban me.

Also I can't really remember but I'm pretty sure that I got banned from a café game on Roblox because I was trolling.
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Yes, this one! From October to December 2020, I got temporarily suspended/banned from this website on various, different occasions (and mostly over little things).

Other than the ever so lovely TBT forums, I haven't really been banned from anywhere else.
I've never gotten banned from any site, but I think I may have gotten a 'timeout' on MiiVerse. I think I wasn't allowed to access my account for a couple of hours. I know I broke a minor rule and it was my first time so they gave me a light punishment. I remember logging in one day after waking up and finding the notif that I had been timed out, but by the time I went back on my timeout was over.

Other than that, nothing. No reports, no one had ever reported me (atlesst to my knowledge, I never got notified for it) timeouts, bans, flagged posts, posts taken down, ect
I've been banned from pro wrestling forums in the past. But...I still maintain that it was not because of anything I actually did. Some of those fanbases for things like professional wrestling can be full of very opinionated and self-important people. Sometimes telling the truth about the behavior of one person (if that person is in a position of power) is enough to justify your removal in their mind. And that's pretty much what happened in my case. Ironically, I'm not even banned in said place anymore. So...they must have realized they were being absurd. Lol.
I got banned from Animal Crossing Community twice. It was terrible. :(
Looking back now, I haven't been banned everywhere else other than that place. I never touch it unless I'm feeling nostalgic. I don't post anything there anymore.

Unless you count my Perma-ban on playing Staff hosted Switch games, then that was my last ban.
I was never banned from a website but I did get a warning on Webkinz once for a misunderstanding. I was maybe 13 and in a small group of players online and we were pretending to be characters in a scene. I was trying to explain a simple non-graphic car crash but since the text you were allowed to use was majorly limited I had to use the term “hit” instead of “crash”. So someone reported me for “abuse”.

Someone must have thought I was trying to actually hit/attack someone which of course wasn’t the case. I didn’t do any more “pretending” in Webkinz after that.
I got banned from gaiaonline waay back in the day, over 10 years ago. I never found out exactly why but probably trolling or dumb arguments with people going too far. And then I got into a wee bit of trouble on this site but that's all in the past and now I'm an angel mostly 😇
I got banned on here iirc back in late 2013/early 2014 when I was like 16. LOL. I’m pretty sure the staff at the time felt it was a mistake and unbanned me. At least that’s the way I remember it. Other than that, I was banned on another website a long time ago due to false rumors some guys were spreading about me. Honestly, a lot of my online past is cringe but I haven’t been banned from anywhere in a long time. 🤔
I’ve been banned on Facebook I think 3 times? I don’t remember for what exactly. I’ve also been banned from GaiaOnline more times than I can count because my sense of humor is questionable. I don’t care about either of those sites so it doesn’t bother me.
I got my original neopets account banned and the associated side accounts because in a moment of weakness I claimed some stuff on multiple accounts which was a violation of their rules. I made a different account after that and still played for a lot of years but it would have been nice to have not lost my original account.
I haven't been banned from any website but I do remember getting a warning from some staff member on some wikia that I edited 3 years ago or so.