Are you an introvert, extrovert, or ambivert?

Are you an introvert, extrovert, or ambivert?

  • Introvert

    Votes: 110 62.9%
  • Extrovert

    Votes: 13 7.4%
  • Ambivert

    Votes: 52 29.7%

  • Total voters
Introvert. Socializing is exhausting for me. Kind of hard for me to make friends when I don't really know what to talk about. I feel like the only time I have more energy to talk about things is at anime conventions.
I'm an extrovert stuck in an introvert's body, with some extra social anxiety to make things even better. >.<
I'm more of an extrovert though there are times when I'm not in the mood to socialize.
Apparently , im actually extrovert , and i always thought i was introvert , but considering how i have done this test since 2014 ( it always come extroverted .


Damn, it gave me 0% on the extraverted category.
Definitely an ambivert. I like to talk to people over the internet, just not in real life. I need friends, too, because I feel crappy without someone to talk to.
I'm very much an ambivert. I'm energized by time spent with the people closest to me, but people in general can really tire me out.
Never heard of "ambivert" before but I think it describes me well.

If it's something I'm passionate about, I could talk until my face turns blue, but starting conversations is very difficult for me.
Mostly an introvert. Social interactions are exhausting for me and I'm interested in playing a game, writing/reading a story. I took that quiz and got advocate with 83% in introverted.
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Definitely an introvert, which people really struggle to believe sometimes. Although I can come across very extroverted and confident, interacting with and frankly sometimes even being in the same room as other people tires me rather than energising me. That's not to say I can't handle it perfectly well - I just find that in my downtime I then like to be alone or at least in a place that isn't too crowded or loud to balance it out.
i'd say i'm an ambivert, i draw energy from being around other people but also from being on my own!
I'm an ambivert - being around specific people or groups of people (children) usually revitalises me like nothing else. In a professional setting (I'm an early childhood educator) I trnd to thrive although I do need lots of time alone outside of work to balance things out.

Particular social events, routine interactions, or random situations *may* energise me, but the most likely outcome is that it will drain me. It's incredibly frustrating - for me and at time others - to have to no idea how long I'll last at an event before I'm too exhausted to cope. I have some medical things to juggle so we need to keep a close eye on my energy levels when out of the house as I don't have any reserves to draw from. When I crash, I crash completely these days. Those rare times I'm buzzing from social stuff tend to coincide with someone else being too drained to continue - sometimes it feels like we take turns being emotional vampires, feeding off each other's energy lol!

I did the quiz thing linked earlier in the thread.and got a INFP-T (Mediator) with 30% extrovert to 70% introvert result this time. I usually get a range of answers as I'm apparently a difficult person to categorise or something.
I'm an introvert but my job makes me be an extrovert. I try to enjoy socializing but at the end of the day I just want to curl up and read or play video games at home.
cant show it on here but i took the test and it says 99% introverted and 1% extroverted lol
I consider myself an ambivert. Sometimes, (like when I'm feeling particularly stressed out.) I need time by myself with some peace and quiet, but other times I need to have someone to talk to and want to be part of conversations.
I generally hate people, does that answer your question? Goodbye the end.... This last part was a reference, not me being mean. XD

People may do something that I hate unknowingly and that can be the deciding factor on whether or not I like them, if you do something that bugs me often when you're an acquaintance you will definitely not be in the friend list anytime soon.
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