Are you anti social by choice?


fecal sewage ♥
Apr 1, 2017
Sautéed Mushrooms
I only have a few friends left that we didn't have a falling out. MOST though I just lost touch with. Don't get on facebook but my profile is still up, I don't have Instagram or twitter either, those; I deleted them.

I know for a fact that if I try to hang out with my friends they would gladly hang out with me if we actually set plans in stone. Last summer my one friend I talk to a lot asked me to hang out multiple times and I just gave excuses why I couldn't hang out.

Like am I busy? No.
Wanna hang out? Can't.
But you're not busy.????
No.. but I'm doing nothing....
Most of my friends and I have drifted apart, but I think that comes with growing up. For me it's not my choice because I work every weekend and work graves so literally unless one of us takes time off, or I sacrifice sleep there's not really any time to hang with my friends... And one of my three friends moved to Tennessee, the other two work all week and have weekends off, and one of them has a kid so it's not really possible to go and do anything with her anymore, plus she's drifted even farther from me now that she's lost a ton of weight and all the popular people she hated now like her so she likes them... good times. But as an introvert I really prefer things this way, I mean sure it'd be nice to hang out every once in a while, but I hate that when it does happen I feel trapped cause after a short period of time I'm done being social and they just want to stay over all night and stuff and I'm just so exhausted by forcing myself to be social. So yeah I mean, partly it's by choice, but I still do love my friends and want to see them? It's complicated.-_-
I am to some extent. I am definitely the most anti-social in my family, while my family as a whole is very social. I'll often skip out on events I'm invited to so that I can just stay home alone and relax. I have no problems in a social environment though, and if I am out with people it's not like I don't enjoy it.
To some extent yeah. Me and my best friends I have drifted away ever since we got into high school. I don't really talk to any of them nowadays but one of them still tried to message me and hang out but I kept giving excuses why I couldn't. Now I don't really talk to anyone so I'm pretty quiet. My family always asks me why I don't talk to my friends or anything but I like being alone and doing my own thing it's nice in my opinion. But if I'm around people I'm "comfortable" with I'll join and chime in once in awhile but I get so tired easily.
I have social anxiety but Id have no problem being around people. I'm looking for a job and the thought of being around people doesn't bug me, only because I'm going to be there to work and that's it. I want to make a new friend but everyone is clones of one another and it is really obnoxious because everyone where I'm from has the same worn out personality as everyone else
my family isn't very social so i think it's partly down to that, but i'm always the friend who arranges things even if i don't feel like it. i need to go outside more.
i also don't talk to people who aren't my friends unless i have to. i get comfortable with certain people and don't make extra efforts, which is pretty bad.
Not really. I had a pretty sheltered and bad time growing up and together with my Asperger's doesn't really make it better lol. I guess I can be around people if they want interesting conversations but yeah pull up a small talk and I'm slowly dying.

My ninth grade year, I got in a lot of trouble and was nearing expulsion and when I became homeschooled I learned who my real friends were. Everyone forgot I existed, and I loved it so much. I got really happy when someone asked me "where do you live now"? because when nobody knows what I'm up to for so long they assumed I moved away... Some people say nobody likes me, a lot of people don't, but staying away from people is very peaceful because you don't have to deal with problems and fake people. Like I haven't been into any drama in years and I love it. Sometimes when I scroll though my boyfriends facebook I see everyone mad at everyone for stupid things still and I think "ahhh so glad that's not me"
Yeah I choose to be antisocial. I only know this because my job forces me to be social, plan arrangements, etc, so I know I can do it.

But it's very draining for me to be around people in person. There are very very few I can really be myself with IRL. And since I like to live a life with as little stress as possible I just choose not to hang out with people who don't know the real me on my free time. I do a little to keep on good social graces with my coworkers but it's very infrequent.
My brother has that too and he is anti social as well. He has one friend he hangs out with frequently, and they've been friends for a long time now. He does ignore people, two of his friends message me asking about him because he wont message back to a simple "whats up" or "how are you".

Pumpkin, I just arranged plans with someone whos a mutual friend with one of my closest friends, and I am proud of myself for it. I usually always talk about it then never do it. I feel like I have to force myself to want to do things sometimes. I'm doing it though because I know its good to get out and have some fun.
Pumpkin, I just arranged plans with someone whos a mutual friend with one of my closest friends, and I am proud of myself for it. I usually always talk about it then never do it. I feel like I have to force myself to want to do things sometimes. I'm doing it though because I know its good to get out and have some fun.

that's great!!
i have no problem going to my friends and saying 'hey we should do this' and then arranging it since we're a pretty tight bunch and somehow, i'm the most '''confident''' in my friendship group, but when it comes to the day i'm always unenthusiastic, but energetic at the prospect of doing something and then exhausted afterwards lol
sometimes ya gotta just create commitments for yourself so u can go out there without being held back even if it does feel hard or like me, you cba i guess!!!
Personally, my lifestyle doesn't really put me out there enough to be very social in person. It foesn't really bother me, I suppose.

My ninth grade year, I got in a lot of trouble and was nearing expulsion and when I became homeschooled I learned who my real friends were. Everyone forgot I existed, and I loved it so much. I got really happy when someone asked me "where do you live now"? because when nobody knows what I'm up to for so long they assumed I moved away... Some people say nobody likes me, a lot of people don't, but staying away from people is very peaceful because you don't have to deal with problems and fake people. Like I haven't been into any drama in years and I love it. Sometimes when I scroll though my boyfriends facebook I see everyone mad at everyone for stupid things still and I think "ahhh so glad that's not me"
Yeah it's such a peaceful thing and same I haven't been any drama either. I always hear in my classes how "so and so is so fake and blah blah" and they still continue to be friends with said persons. I think it's strange but at the same time I'm kinda relieved that I don't have to worry about something like that :p
???? idk i mean i never talk to people and it is kinda bc ive chosen not to but the reason why i choose not to is bc of other stuff So ., lile. i'd like to at least have 1 friend but now i just suck at talking w anyone and i can easily count all people ive talked to in the past week and how many times weve spoken so?? like?? im rly Bad socially and while i like being alone i dont want to be like This ..
I'm anti-social in regards to group discussions and social events, I feel under a lot of pressure when I need to take part in these especially. I do want to improve on this though because there's nothing worse than not being able to open up to people and get my point across. Talking to one or two people isn't a problem, it completely stresses me out when I'm surrounded by a room of people (particularly strangers or people who I'm not very familiar with). I've gotten better at walking into stores and not feeling anxious. Before, there was a time when I almost blacked out and it terrified me immensely. This must have been one of the lowest moments of my life so far, it stopped me from going out because I constantly believed that I was going to faint every time I left the house.

I also choose to be anti-social because I'm a very independent person, I'm happy to keep myself to myself and not get involved in other people's lives.
sometimes, sometimes i want to be alone and play video games. plus i have terrible social anxiety at times, meaning i can't talk and i freeze up, so i choose to stay home. i definitely do have people i could go out with though, its usually just i don't want to.
No, I would love to be social, but I get too confused. I never know what to do or say. If I hang out with people, I'm just sorta there, which is fine with me. I love watching people, I just don't know how to join in. Nobody ever wants to hang out with me though and I understand why. I think a lot of people just think I'm not interested or I don't like them. Idk.
i'm naturally shy and pretty anti social...
but recently, i just feel even more anti social even if i try. :\
hanging out with people in real life tires me out a lot. maybe because they aren't like my best friend or something? i just get so bored eventually, feel like nothing is clicking, and i have kind of low tolerance so i get ticked off when someone says something inconsiderate accidentally.
i used to have a lot of internet friends when i was younger but i talk to a lot less people now. often times, i feel not good enough so i just... disappear a lot or leave groups. either that or i just don't like people in general lol. i think my bad experiences with friends in the past led me to become like this. i don't mind it though. i rather talk to a few very good friends than multiple acquaintances.
yeah, its introversion. introverted people get their energy from being alone, and find social events v e r y draining. i'd prefer to just stay at home and do things alone. i find more amusement in that rather than hanging out with irl friends anyways
I am on some level of antisocial. I don't have a problem with crowds and places with strangers. I usually hang out with my school friends every few weeks. But I need some time to just relax because my family goes out somewhere basically every day, because I get nervous if I meet a lot of people in a certain amount of time.