Are you dressing up for halloween?

Nah. I did last year but now that I’m in college it just feels awkward. I guess it sounds weird but that’s just how I feel.
I just won’t wear makeup. That’ll be scary enough for anyone

I bought a super mario onesie last November and I'm gonna wear it to my classes on Halloween lmaooo
Gonna be a heckin swell time yall
I will! I think it'll look weird for a college student to dress up as Donald Duck from 2017 reincarnation of DuckTales but I don't really care!

My siblings are dressing up as the triplets <3
Probably not, if I work then no I can't do that and if I'd have the day off well it's nothing that big here so
In Italy we don't "celebrate" so much Halloween.
You can just see some teenager (rarely) with a mask on street to make pranks with eggs or toilet paper (people hate that).

We have Carnival, in this occasion you can see Carnival floats, young people and adults with costumes, confetti etc.
I work :( I usually dress up a few times beforehand for parties and stuff tho. I already did a witch this year
College student here that's doing an online program for a year so basically I'll be able to go out candy hunting with my younger siblings! I'll never pass up a chance for free candy lol.

Just watched Spirited Away for the first time ever and I'll definitely be dressing up as No Face! Not only will the costume be easy to make, but it'll actually be pretty spooky as well!
yes!! im going as finn the human, or i might be doing a group costume with my friends if we can think of a good idea! :D
nooo, i prefer being low key and cute on halloween, i've convinced someone online though that we should have a spooky movie night and he reluctantly said ok so i'm looking forward to that lol, i have cat ears and deer ears though that i might throw on for fun heh

Aww that sounds really fun actually, hope you have a good time!

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Picked up my witches hat today, we are a early prepped queen looooool

We STAN an early prepped queen!!!

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noooo i haven't dressed up since my freshman year of college, but my gf and i are planning on watching halloween movies and eating lots of candy!

Love that, sounds like great fun !!

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I bought a super mario onesie last November and I'm gonna wear it to my classes on Halloween lmaooo
Gonna be a heckin swell time yall

Yesssss, love that!!

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College student here that's doing an online program for a year so basically I'll be able to go out candy hunting with my younger siblings! I'll never pass up a chance for free candy lol.

Just watched Spirited Away for the first time ever and I'll definitely be dressing up as No Face! Not only will the costume be easy to make, but it'll actually be pretty spooky as well!

Yeah never say no to free candy lol!

Spirited away is such a good film, i remember the first time that i watched it! I remember loving no-face a lot, it's cool that you're dressing up as him for halloween!!
I'll be dressing as my normal self, because the struggles of every day life are the real horror. In all seriousness probably not. I work on Halloween. I will definitely be watching some horror films that evening, though!
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I'll be dressing as my normal self, because the struggles of every day life are the real horror. In all seriousness probably not. I work on Halloween. I will definitely be watching some horror films that evening, though!

A horror movie marathon sounds like a fun night, might do that myself actually!

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I’m going as lucky!

That's really cool, you'll have to post pics! :)
I won't be dressing up, but I'll probably do something spooky. I'm heading to an event at a local tattoo studio on Halloween so it feels appropriate!
My face is scary enough to give even the eldest of grannies a heart attack upon opening their front door
I have a witch's hat I wear and a plastic black cauldron to hold candy. I've done this for almost 15 years at work, so my customers look forward to it.

People bring me treats throughout the year (something to drink or nibble on), so I figure it's a small way to give back.