Are You Fluent in Another Language?


Pray For The Wicked
Oct 2, 2016
Purple Violet
White Violet
White Lily
White Rose
White Tulip
White Cosmos
Just curious! I'm fluent in Spanish (I'm Mexican American so I didn't really learn it, it just came), French, and ASL. ^-^ Doing some lessons on Italian on Duolingo.
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I'm Dutch, so fluent in Dutch and English. I'm currently living in Japan and know enough to get by, and have decent conversation, but I'm nowhere near fluent yet.
im Dominican so i know spanish and english
I'm fluent in English, but I'm studying to become fluent in Japanese and possibly ASL.
What the heck is ASL?
I'm fluent in English, but I'm studying to become fluent in Japanese and possibly ASL.
If you feel like practicing Japanese, hit me up :) It would be good for me too, because I need to get some motivation to study more
swedish is my first lmguage and english my swcond
im learning german in school but i hate it with a paasion and i Suck . im never going to be fluent in ger ?\_(ツ)_/?
I'm ethnically Chinese, lived most of my live in Qu?bec, but received education in English from high school up. So yup, trilingual~
Although I'm illiterate for Chinese because I never went to Chinese school and self taught a tiny little bit, so I know like a total of 50 words... XD
Im hispanic and sadly im **** at english AND Spanish. so ye i cant talk at all for my life, cause ill misspell and have bad gramer. my main language is english tho since im like a little better at it
Fluent at Spanish!
Gonna try to learn French and Japanese someday. :p
I wish. I've always wanted to learn another language before, and now that I have a French class I actually have an incentive to work on it
Polish, and it's one of the last languages I expected to learn. Ended up living in Poland for a few months in '14 and was hanging around locals the entire time so they were quick to help me learn. Though sometimes they would rather practice their English on me. :p It's been kinda crap now that I live in the U.S. as there aren't many native Polish speakers around these parts. Still keep in touch with my friends online and can still practice with them through Skype. Would like to learn Spanish but learning a language (and retaining it) is a lot of work.
fluent in spanish, pretty good at french, and i'm a beginner in korean
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No, I know some words and phrases in Hindi but I can't put sentences together or have a conversation in it. I'd like to learn ASL too though.