Are you going to collect Gyroids?

Are you going to collect Gyroids?

  • Yea

    Votes: 143 69.4%
  • Naw

    Votes: 5 2.4%
  • Only keep the ones you like and sell the rest

    Votes: 58 28.2%

  • Total voters


Crose from Kiwi Isle
Nov 20, 2016
Eerie Star Potion
Will-o'-the-wisp Halloweaster Egg
Holiday Candy Cane 2020
Christmas Candy
Green Star Fragment
Christmas Candy
Holiday Candy Cane 2017
Jingle Christmas Doll
Tasty Cake
Blue Hybrid Pansy
I like gyroids and happy that they are returning but I have sold them to Nook’s more then kept them. I haven’t decide yet if I will try to collect them more now then I have in the past.
I'll collect them all. I've collected almost everything before the update up to this point, might as well extend it to gyroids once the update is live, lol
i'll be collecting them all for the sake of cataloging, but i'll only be keeping the ones i actually like. (and still probably won't use them.) honestly, i'm lowkey more interested in the gyroid fragments, because i think they'll look nice left on the ground around the island. of course, i won't be able to get a bunch of them until i've collected all the full things first, but. i'm in no rush.
I said yes, but I will see when I get them and see how much space they take up when hoarding them. I may end up just keeping the ones I like. Atm, I do plan on collecting them all in spite not ever liking them. Atm, I have to admit that I am excited about them and pretty much everything that was in the direct :).
Definitely going to get them all. I've completed my museum so I'm glad there are new stuff to collect.

But considering that there seems to be no gyroid section in the museum (hinted in the datamine but probably scrapped), I will be scattering them around the island, or dedicate a room for it in my 2nd characters house.
In past games I sold most of them and only kept a few. I think I will try and collect them all this time. I like the redesign and that you can change them to different colors.
i love the new designs of the gyroids! in previous games i would only keep a couple and sell most of the ones i found, but since they're a lot smaller now (and much cuter!) i may try collecting all of them!
Definitely! It is one of the things I loved most about the GCN AC, which is the last one I played before NH. Seeing them come back is a lot of fun, and it's very nostalgic, ngl. I can't wait to tinker with them and customize my villagers' homes with them in-mind.

As others have said, the other bonus is that they appear quite small in most cases this time around, which will make them much easier to have sitting around. I do hope that there are some bigger, more traditional and ridiculous looking ones though, lol.
Yep. I would like to be able to use most if that's possible and as a warfare item against certain friends if they are able to be planted again in their full grown stage.

If not, I can always make use of the extra gyroid fragments which those itself look really cool and spooky on their own!
Oh yes! I've been wanting them so badly and I made sure to hide away the Fossils so that way I have a better chance of getting them and I made a Gyroid garden on both of my islands so I'll know where to plant them since they say you have to water them in order to get them.
In past games, I always avoided them or sold them if I HAD to.
Since they had gone through a MAJOR makeover and they actually look cool and fun to keep, perhaps I'll collect them or only the ones I like.
Yes, they are a perfect mix of cute and creepy so far. Will probably let them hang out all over my island too and I'm excited to hear all the different sounds they make. (and to also drown myself on all the custom colors)

And also the tiny gyroid fragment, it just looks so sad and small and I want to protect it.
That’s a hard question. I hope there’s some that look like before in previous titles. I might use one here and there as a decoration, but I probably won’t collect them like before. The melted one looked really nice though.