Are you guys actually getting the Sakura recipes?

I just keep getting bunny day balloons... I rarely see an actual balloon these days. :confused:
you last comenters are so lucky i'm super envious rn ;-;

I dunno about luck, I've been nonstop camping recipes. Definitely had a lot of just bells or clothes and have spent hours every day for just balloon camping lol.
I just keep getting bunny day balloons... I rarely see an actual balloon these days. :confused:

The regular balloons feel like they're more on a 10 min interval while the bunny ones feel more like a 5 min interval. I recommend just camping your vertical portions of your beach as others have reported and pay attention for ever 5 min mark in time till you see a regular ballon to note 10 min intervals from.
I got four the first day, zero the second day, and today it took me TWO HOURS of beach camping to get a single recipe! In the same amount of time, I got 5 or 6 more Bunny Day recipies.

OMG, I'm about ready to scream. I just want to create pretty cherry blossom furniture!
ive been playing the same day for several days, and i got 5 already. i need the lunch set from isabelle still, so i will be at 6 soon o:
I'm starting to get worried. out of 10 balloons I get 9 yellow and 1 blue. This is super frustrating, is anyone else having the same problem?
Yes, I've gotten four so far: the branches, picnic set, wood flooring, and wand. No method or attention paid to the balloon colors. I'm just popping them as they pass by!
I got four the first day, zero the second day, and today it took me TWO HOURS of beach camping to get a single recipe! In the same amount of time, I got 5 or 6 more Bunny Day recipies.

OMG, I'm about ready to scream. I just want to create pretty cherry blossom furniture!
I am exactly on the same boat. by any chance, do you remember if you got a lot of the same color?

Yes, I've gotten four so far: the branches, picnic set, wood flooring, and wand. No method or attention paid to the balloon colors. I'm just popping them as they pass by!
You're so lucky!!!
Zero so far here. I'm popping all the balloons I see, but nothing. Hopefully my luck will change soon~!
I got one each for the first and second... then I got the picnic set from Isabelle when I started it up today because nobody's moved in yet (need to build my last house plot).

Then I spent a good portion of this evening just on one half of the island, and I managed to get 4 more recipes. So I'm actually doing pretty well now.
I only get like 1 per day :'(
And what do I have to do to make Isabelle give me the picnic one?
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So it's not impossible... I've been following alitwick's guide and first you have to find the direction the balloons are coming from (in my case is the left side beach) and they appear aproximately every 5 minutes, although they sometimes skip an interval. I've been doing this for like two hours and I've only got 2 recipes so far- 1 sakura and 1 bamboo. the sakura one was on a yellow balloon and the other one on a blue balloon. I almost exclusively get yellow balloons so I guess i'm just unlucky? I leave my switch on and check every 5 minutes. Other ppl will get far better results I'm sure.

Here's the guide
ah! thank you so so much! i've had awful luck, i usually get clay from my balloons hahaha
I've played 20+ hours in the last three days and I've only gotten 1 recipe! I have gotten so many sky eggs!! Urgggg this has been really frustrating!
I just got the last one I needed, the cherry-blossom-trees wall. It was in a blue balloon :)
I've gotten a few now. One is a wall, and the other is a very pretty outdoor lantern.
I have 2 so far but to be honest I’ve been ignoring a lot of the balloons because they’re flying through so frequently haha.
I only get like 1 per day :'(
And what do I have to do to make Isabelle give me the picnic one?
I've read around here that you have to wait for a day in which there are no announcements in the morning (no move-ins, no buildings) and she will give it to you
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