Are you guys actually getting the Sakura recipes?

I've gotten 10/14(?) so far, though I agree the rate to collect them seems incredibly slow. I've been landscaping my island for tens of hours at a time, making sure I always had a slingshot on hand and while I've made decent progress it's still taken an incredibly long time. When I gather the entire set I plan to offer my services crafting the items for anyone who provides the materials, no extra fees! o7
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I still haven't gotten a single recipe and I play for several hours each day. The only regular balloons that Ive seen have been yellow ones (carrying bells) and blue ones (carrying materials)
I've been having an extremely difficult time getting any DIY recipes in general. I've been stalking the beaches but maybe only get one message bottle every few days. Balloons so far have only been bunny day ones, even if I just ignore them, or yellow ones with bells. When my villagers run up to me, so far it's only been for new reactions, and it's extremely difficult to get the 5 of them to go inside their houses and decide to craft something. I've gotten one piece of furniture from harassing a tree, but it was a vacuum. Wisp gave me flooring once and then he gave me a kettle. And I've built 5 houses and bought all the DIY sets from Nook's Cranny.

I got a bunch of my friends into the series and they're all making fun of me because they have a bunch of cool furniture and stuff, and my house pretty much only has a vacuum, an AC unit and the basic wooden furniture in it. They're like "you said you've been playing for years but your island sucks" or "You've been playing all day for the past week, how do you have such a lame island?" Honestly, even though I love the game, my bad luck is making me want to shelve it for a little while :( Maybe I'm just missing something...
I have 9 now. I've been paying attention to the colours of the balloons and for me I'm getting yellow for bells, green for ore/clay and red for DIY recipes.
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i seam to have gotten one from my first normal balloon when i log in each day but then thats it ....yes also fed up with sky eggs......
I’m getting a lot of clay. 😭. The funny thing is I didn’t know about this bunny day so I was getting just regular balloons for 4 days. Still only 1 sakura recipe.
I’m getting a lot of clay. 😭. The funny thing is I didn’t know about this bunny day so I was getting just regular balloons for 4 days. Still only 1 sakura recipe.

I’m getting bells, which is better than clay, but still not what I want!
I think honestly every single one ive gotten ive gotten from balloons. I completely ignore the rainbow ones and shoot whatever color that comes. Im only missing 3 at this point
I've got quite a few recipes and only 2(?) were from shore bottles, the rest were from balloons. I've been ignoring the bunny day balloons and only popping solids. It might also help that I'm usually on the sides of my island because my house is next to the beach, and the areas I've been working on are on the edges. I wish everyone the best of luck getting all the recipes!
Farming balloons at the shore the way the reddit post recommends has only netted me one recipe over a five hour grind session. I've been popping every balloon so that I could make as many bells as I can off the sky eggs and other materials. I'm pretty sure I just have terrible luck though. I was having a terrible time even getting the bunny day recipes, and there are people who can't seem to get rid of them. Thankfully, I at least have all of that set now. Just need to complete the other two sets...
I haven't gotten a single one, I mean besides the picnic basket from Isabelle. It's making me kinda sad because I feel like I'm missing out. I've been shooting down so many balloons, talking to all my villagers, finding all the messages in bottles, and nothing.
I've been farming balloons! They spawn every 5 mins at the beach so I camped there for a bit ^ ^ Only missing one recipe now!
I haven't gotten a single one, I mean besides the picnic basket from Isabelle. It's making me kinda sad because I feel like I'm missing out. I've been shooting down so many balloons, talking to all my villagers, finding all the messages in bottles, and nothing.
I feel that. Most of my friends got the entire Sakura set in a day or two. Of course, since I'm supposed to be "good" at the game because they're all just starting with the series, they refuse to help me and think my situation is hilarious. I hope you find more of the set soon!
I finished the set today, but I kept my character idle on the beach for about 8 hours. Just popped every balloon, and finished just as I was about to give up. I'm sure there's a degree of luck, but if you just pop every balloon including the egg ones that fly by, you'll eventually unlock the gold sling recipe along the way. Worth it to dedicate a night to doing it IMO.

I recommend keeping cherry blossoms in your pocket. I don't think its confirmed but I personally found I only got the recipes when I was carrying blossoms around. Got random/bamboo recipes if I wasn't carrying them
I've popped so many balloons, I swear I can hear the swooshing floating sound even when I'm not playing. I've only gotten 4 recipes since April 1st.
All I have is the branches, umbrella, and the wand. I really want the sakura wood floor and wall and the purse.