Are you guys actually getting the Sakura recipes?

I got three more recipes today, but it took four hours of balloon popping. For me, all of my recipies have been from red balloons. The yellow ones are just giving money, and the blue only have crafting materials. I didn't get any other balloon colors today.

In three hours, I only got four red balloons (one of them was a Bunny Day recipe). This shouldn't be this time-consuming, and recipes definitely shouldn't be this rare! One per hour of dedicated beach-camping and balloon popping is ridiculous.
Well I'm up to 10 recipes now. -___- It's been a long long long balloon hunt...
But I will say 2 of the recipes came from yellow balloons so don't discredit by color guys.
I'm only one away from having all 14. Probably cause I play a lot.
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Yeah, the blues and yellows can be a pain, but I still managed to find seven recipes in one go. You gotta be SUPER persistent in combing the sides (east side at day, west side at night), because sometimes the balloons will forgo the 5min pattern or be replaced by a Bunny Balloon instead (which I am getting sick of). I ran around fishing to kill the time, and catching nearby petals. I'm still down three recipes, so I'm hoping I'll get lucky tomorrow!
Finally finished, just want to wish everyone good luck balloon hunting!
So sad, I’ve gotten only 1 so far!!! (And what are eggs that people are talking about... When does that start?)
So sad, I’ve gotten only 1 so far!!! (And what are eggs that people are talking about... When does that start?)
The eggs are a part of the bunny holiday update which started April 1st and goes to April 12th. You use the eggs to craft the holiday furniture set and clothes. The cherry blossom event goes until the 10th.

Eggs can be found via water (fishing), trees (shaking them, hitting them for wood), rocks (hitting them), digging (fossils), and sky (popping colorful themed balloons. You get recipes for the bunny event from villagers, bottles, balloons, and collecting enough of each egg type.

Recipes for cherry blossom are from the normal balloons (solid colored red, blue, green, yellow).
I've got the sakura wand, the stone pond with sakura petals in it and the sakura viewing lantern. Besides the picnic recipe I got from Isabelle, that's it so far. Really hope I can find some more as all the cherry blossom items look amazing and I just want it all! :cry:
I have the cherry blossom wand, clock, and viewing lantern recipes.

I think I have a few more but I'm too lazy to get up and get my switch
I completed them all today. Started seriously hunting them yesterday. Just stay at the correct side of the beach where the balloons spawn from. They spawn randomly every 5 or 10 min intervals. Shoot all the normal colored ones because you’ll never know. I found green to have the highest chance of a recipe. Then red. Then blue. Then yellow. I’ve gotten some from random blues and yellows so just shoot everything. The glitch is now fixed so you can just go for it. :)
For what it’s worth, I was panic-grinding for them the day before the balloon glitch patch was released and it was an incredibly slow drop rate despite focusing on it for hours, maybe 1 per hour. Can’t tell if I’m imagining it but post-patch the drop rate seems a lot better!
I keep getting the bamboo recipes, which makes me wonder if I have to get all of those before I can start getting the sakura ones.
I’m just starting to think I’m cursed or something because out of what feels like a million solid color balloons I’ve gotten...nothing
Just a bunch of clay and a bike helmet. Great
Well, Isabelle finally got around to announcing the sakura festival. No recipe though. We're done dating.
I've gotten the picnic set, a cherry blossom pouchette, a pile of cherry blossoms. and the cherry blossom flooring!