Are you open about playing Animal Crossing or ashamed?

I'm very open about it. I carry my DS almost everywhere. I play in all the down-time I have at work or wherever. I have an Animal Crossing lanyard that I have my keys on and everything. I'm 26. I'm in a good relationship. Who do I have to impress? If it makes me happy, that's where I stay with it. :)
I'm almost 22 and am very open about playing Animal Crossing! It's an adorable and fun game. :D
I think you're probably pretty young and that's why you find it embarrassing. Because at that age, everything is embarrassing. If they didn't talk **** about your playing Animal Crossing, it would be something else. You really can't let other people dictate what you should be doing, or what you enjoy doing. That's my advice. It also applies to me. Some could say, I'm technically "too old" for it, or Disney Magical, or really any of the games and shows and things I find interesting. I figure it's none of anyone's business, and it's all relative anyway. Who decides at what age you're supposed to like what? I don't hide anything, because I'm not ashamed, because there's no reason to be ashamed. If other people are so closed-minded, they're just going to miss out on things they could be enjoying too because of age restrictions or other restrictions, and their life will be less fun than it could be otherwise. That's not the way I want to live though.
I can understand how some younger kids/teenagers would be embarrassed about it because the people at school can be really judgmental, but honestly, if they're judging you because you like a video game then they're really not worth your time. I used to be afraid to admit that I liked certain things but now I'm open about it and no one really cares once you pass a certain age :)
I am very open about it, because it's just my personality to not care. Yet deep deep down inside I am ashamed.
Mainly because of my age, being 21 and all.
I'd feel better about myself if I was still 14. lol
Gaming doesnt exist in my school.
Nobody even talks about nintendo games
Everybody just plays league and dota
I don't talk about it unless It's with someone else who plays it, but It's not like i'm ashamed of it. I'm 24 and I do feel childish playing it on the train, mostly I'm worried that idiots will bother me, but that doesn't stop me from doing it. I'd feel weird playing it on campus for the same reason...even though I do equally "weird" things like knitting while waiting for a class to start. :p
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I like talking about it with my friends at school but if I talk to other people about it then they will call me a little kid for playing Nintendo :(
Quite open ^.^ I have a ACNL 3ds which some might think looks kid like, but I love it and think it's the cutest thing ever. I'll play it out proudly, specially at the airport when boredom strikes while I wait to board a plane.
I have no problem saying I play Animal Crossing. I think people don't understand a lot of my interests anyway, so might as well add one more to the bunch ;) I usually have more trouble explaining Pokemon, not even my gaming boyfriend understands that, because "Pokemon is for kids". I've tried to explain, but.. oh well. I don't have any trouble taking out my DS in public and playing Pokemon or ACNL.
I have talked about my love for Animal Crossing, even to people who don't know the game. When I brought the game up to my grandparents, I told them how I learn more about saving money and building my home off of loan payments. They were pretty impressed a game like this exists. :p
Completely open about it. A bunch of my friends play, too, so it's really no big deal, lol. It's just a nice relaxing game. Who cares if people think it's for little kids?
No one I know plays the games I do or even HAVE a DS or 3DS. When they ask what games I play I just say "animal games and stuff like that". I'm not really ashamed of it, just from the ones at my school because they like violent games.
Well my friends and I don't really talk about video games and they will call it a baby game(believe me that will change if they play it).
I'm in the same boat as a lot of others. Hardly any of my friends have a 3DS or know what Animal Crossing even is. I'm open to say I play AC if someone asks. Everyone likes what they like. At least you're secure enough in yourself that you don't have to hate on others to feel validated in life. Look at it that way maybe? :)
Nothing to be ashamed about, mate! Just remember: People are going to judge no matter what the situation, so forget everyone and just be yourself. Easier said than done, sure, but I hope one day you'll be able to feel comfortable in your own skin.
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I'm never really in a situation where I feel like I have to explain what kinds of games I like. I just tell people what I like to play. If they have a problem with it, they're usually a person who is rude and judgmental in other ways too and won't remain a person I associate with for very long.