Are you open about playing Animal Crossing or ashamed?

I am not ashamed of playing ACNL but saying that i don't go around telling people i play it either! where i live the 3DS is not something people play :( i actually don't know a single person that owns one! but i have told my 2 best friends and my boyfriend! although my boyfriend is the only person who pretends to listen to me about it because we have game nights together where he will play football manager and i will play animal crossing! so we update each other and whats going on in our games. its kinda cute! :D
I, honestly, don't understand how someone could be ashamed of playing ACNL. Everyone in my family and all my friends (online or otherwise) know I play, and I have pics of my towns plastered all over my FB. Sure, not everyone likes the game and that's whatever. It's not their thing. Good for them, but I wouldn't tolerate someone making fun of me or my other friends who like the game. If they did make fun of me for it, then I'd stop hanging out with them because, obviously, they aren't my real friends.
I'm not ashamed of it, per se, but I don't like talking about it with people who have closed minds about gaming (i.e. only play first-person shooters, fanboy one console, etc.). I enjoy playing multiple kinds of games on multiple consoles, and I can get just as much enjoyment out of Kirby or Animal Crossing as I can Infamous: Second Son or what have you. I understand that some people just don't like Animal Crossing, but I expect them to respect that I do like it and I play it. Just the same, I respect that they like Call of Duty while I can hardly stand it.
I told my friend I was excited for the game when it was coming out and he made fun of me about it for months! I'm still pretty open about it because I love kids games and movies :D
I'm pretty open about it. A couple of the people who have heard me mention it actually have it, so it's not really a big deal. I mean, it's just a game. If you're seriously about to waste your time making fun of me for playing a relaxing game about being friends with animals, then you need to reevaluate your priorities.
Never been ashamed of the games i play. I played D&D in high school with my fellow band nerds and I didnt care who knew about it. Some people say that we are too old to play games, (usually kids or fuddy duddy adults) and i ask them at what age do you plan on stopping? will you suddenly stop liking to play games? what age is too old for fun stuff you enjoy?
I love the game to death, and I'm not ashamed to play it, but I'll only tell certain people I play it. I get crap all the time for playing it. There's only a couple of people I know in person who actually play it, and I'll talk to them about it around other people, only because I'm a little more comforted by the fact someone else plays it. I'd prefer not go get crap about it, so I don't bring it up. I don't even like bringing up the fact that I play a DS half the time because I have certain friends who laugh about that. That's one reason I like this website, it's a place I can express my love for Animal Crossing without getting judged.
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I love the game to death, and I'm not ashamed to play it, but I'll only tell certain people I play it. I get crap all the time for playing it. There's only a couple of people I know in person who actually play it, and I'll talk to them about it around other people, only because I'm a little more comforted by the fact someone else plays it. I'd prefer not go get crap about it, so I don't bring it up. I don't even like bringing up the fact that I play a DS half the time because I have certain friends who laugh about that. That's one reason I like this website, it's a place I can express my love for Animal Crossing without getting judged.

Exactly (about this site being a place to openly express people's interest in Animal Crossing with out being ashamed).

Edit: I spelled a bunch of words wrong.
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I honestly haven't felt any shame in it, my parents don't really care what I play in all honestly. I'm 22 so, I can do whatever I want. It helps that they play that fishing game on facebook hardcore so kinda get my love of the fishing and collecting.
I think those bad experiences seem to happen more when you're a kid and talking to other kids. Everyone wants to appear more grown up so kids will tease each other for doing or playing things they think are childish, even if they like it themselves... sort of a making-fun-of-others-before-they-make-fun-of-me thing.

I'm lucky I only started playing AC relatively recently and I'm at an age where people don't really care. Plenty of people my age like things that could be considered for kids as a way to distract themselves after a long day at work or grad school, whether it's AC or Pokemon, books meant for a younger crowd, cartoons, whatever.
I'm very open about playing AC. AC is not just a game for kids to enjoy, it's for everyone and no one should be ashamed of playing a game that is meant to be played by everyone! People may laugh at you for still playing AC, but it's your life and you can do what you want with it.
It depends on where I am. I'm lucky to have a group of friends who are very accepting and share my interests, so when I'm with them playing AC isn't a problem. Last year we shared a lot of blocks/periods during school hours and we would take out our games and play during lectures. When it comes to other people though, my other classmates aren't nearly as accepting so I just don't discuss it with them. (Not that I talk to them anyway.) I try and keep my hobbies hidden to avoid judgement most of the time, so I don't bring it up unless I'm asked. As far as anyone else in my highschool knows, I'm just an artist and a band geek.
yes, I find it fun, and I l9ve lecturing pe9ple 9n it.

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It depends on where I am. I'm lucky to have a group of friends who are very accepting and share my interests, so when I'm with them playing AC isn't a problem. Last year we shared a lot of blocks/periods during school hours and we would take out our games and play during lectures. When it comes to other people though, my other classmates aren't nearly as accepting so I just don't discuss it with them. (Not that I talk to them anyway.) I try and keep my hobbies hidden to avoid judgement most of the time, so I don't bring it up unless I'm asked. As far as anyone else in my highschool knows, I'm just an artist and a band geek.

Lol in my high school I'm known as a band geek too! Also quiet, and a loner but that's a different story.
Well, it doesn't really come up in conversations much, but my friends don't really care that a play it. I wouldn't care if people did mock me for it.
The student-teacher in my high school plays ACNL, haha c;
But yea, most of my friends are really cool when it comes to ACNL, like most of them also have the game, and it's just really cool, I've never been ashamed of my ACNL habits, like I will go over to a friend's house and ask to use their labtop to check ACNLAdopt and stuff, haha c;
Definitely open about it. I'm open about most things, just... not my video game/anime pairings.
Yeah, I tell everyone about it. If someone asks what I did over the weekend, I tell them I played Animal Crossing even if I don't know them very well. I mean, it's a very successful franchise because it has wide appeal. And even if it didn't, if it appeals to you and someone judges you for that, then that person should no longer appeal to you because they're no longer relevant. #byefelicia