Are you shy?

Nah, not really. I think I can come across as an introvert when people initially meet me, but it's probably because I like to observe situations/people before I join in on whatever's happening. I'm very analytical by nature and I guess I apply that to most situations I'm in, so it's more that than a feeling of being uncomfortable or shy. I'm definitely not afraid to speak my mind or talk to people!
I'd consider myself an introvert, but I'm not very shy.

I have no problems interacting with people. I mean, I've worked in retail for 6 years, so I've developed excellent people skills and make friends easily. However, at the end of the day, I like some alone time to be with my thoughts. I enjoy being around people, but I also enjoy being by myself as equally.
I feel like I make friends with people very easily in real life. I'm pretty outgoing and one of my favorite things is to make people laugh no matter where I am. I can kinda be shy if I feel like there's way too many purple around and I don't know them, but after a little while I just get over it.

I'm a little different on here, though. I guess it's cause I'm not face-to-face with people and that's my preferred form of communication. So I guess because of that I'm not as outgoing as I can be.
I'm usually shy round people. I don't talk much at first but after a while, I become more comfortable, and I can be talkative. I'm okay online as I go to places where I know I can talk to people that have things in common with me.
Online nope I am not shy at all, offline however is a different story
Though normally for me is that the more I talk to someone the more I open up.
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im not shy, just socially awkward when it comes to starting convos with people i dont know irl or over the internet, but its all good after at least a day. im not the type of person who likes talking to people though (im asocial) so in a way, im 'reserving' my energy when i dont talk to people i the only one?

but people think im shy bc of that so they try talking to me and try to be friends w/me. a majority of the time they use typical annoying small talk so it actually ticks me off lol
I'd consider myself an introvert, but I'm not very shy.

I was trying to come up with an answer and this made so much sense to me. I like having a lot of time alone so I think I come off shy sometimes, but when I actually do want to socialize I'm quite the opposite of shy.
Well, let's just say that if i'm not spoken too i'm too shy to talk but if i'm spoken to a few times you'll never get me to shut up.
i'm pretty shy, yeah. i also just don't like talking to certain people, so there's that.
Yeah kinda.. but I'm more the one who prefers discussion rather than random small talk lol.
I guess I'm kind of shy when in big groups of people that I don't really know, but I tend to make friends quite easily.
I was kind of shy at first to meet new people on AC:NL too on these forums.. Like my first trade was kind of 'scary' to me for some reason since I'd never met any strangers on the game before, only friends. I've gotten used to it by now, though! ^^
If I'm in an unfamiliar place or am uncomfortable then yes, but if I'm not then I'm fine.
Yeah kinda.. but I'm more the one who prefers discussion rather than random small talk lol.

This is pretty much me as well. I only start a conversation or join an ongoing one when I know I can steer it quickly to something interesting. Otherwise, I generally keep my mouth shut unless I'm directly asked for a response.