Are you shy?

I`m definetly shy, especially when there are more people around. In smaller groups its a little better. I like more serious topics and social pleasantries are on my no-no list. If your not interested in me there`s no reason to fake it, I`m sure I`ll survive without your attention.
I'm shy af when I'm alone.

If I'm with at least one other person in public, I'm outgoing as ****
I used to be really shy when I was younger and antisocial because I was born with aspergers (mild autism), but I've taken speech classes my whole life and I've learned to control it, so it's faded away completely in recent years. Thankfully before starting 9th grade I switched to a private school that I spent all 4 years of high school at and graduated as a senior at last May. I think having only about 9 other kids on average per class instead of a public school classroom where there's like 30-40 other people has really helped me become super social. I am friends and still keep in contact with all my teachers, as well as there was only 50-60 students each year at the private school including grades 1-12, so it was really easy to get to know and be friends with everyone. Now I am the opposite of shy, and I can introduce myself to anyone I wish to while out and about. In fact, I'm usually the one that makes plans with my friends, they don't call me. Thanks to my aspergers I am superbly intelligent, and now I've been superbly social as well for years, meaning I am very blessed. Middle school sucked though, I got excluded every day at lunch and during the day there. I don't talk to or keep in contact anyone from that horrible time of my life. Thankfully high school was awesome, and I'm sure college will be even more awesome and give me tons of opportunities to meet people and become friends with them.

Also I can say I'm one of the few people that have taken focus pills along with antidepressants along with other pills for over a decade, and about a year ago I was able to wean myself off of them, so I don't have to rely on them anymore, and don't have to take any medicine at all now when waking up or going to bed. I was able to correct myself by practice. :D

I believe that people who have autism, ADHD, OCD, Dyslexia or other things can control it and make it seem like they've never had it if they practice for years. In fact many people I meet don't even know I have aspergers anymore and when I tell them they do, they say it's an inspiration that I can seem so calm, reserved, and normal now. I feel like any disability someone might have can be overcome with years of effort and practice. I even had a friend in high school who used to have full blown autism when he was younger up until he was a teenager meaning he couldn't communicate like a normal person, and one day it just hit him and he was able to control it. IMO God, the world, whatever you want to think of it as, gives us challenges and disabilities so we can overcome them and become even stronger than we were before because of it.
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Mode idiot of Facebook: On,ZOMG U AR ZOOOO IGNORANT DAF CANT CONTROL IDIAT !!!!!!!!111111one
Jk,xD lol
(sorry for the non-sence >.<)
Omg, you don't know how shy I get around my relatives. I don't know why! It's just how I am. Like, I went to the zoo with my aunt, uncle and their 6 (I believe) kids a.k.a my cousins. I couldn't even speak a word to either of my cousins. Especially my 12-year old female cousin. She talked to me but I was VERY shy and couldn't even say hi. She offered to go to the souvenir store with me, but I just stood there like a freak, without saying a word. I feel really bad. But in my head, I imagine it going really smoothly. What's wrong with me?? I wanted to talk to her so bad inside my head, but on the outside, I couldn't say anything to her. Maybe one sentence, and it was, "Wanna look at the zebras?". We were at the zoo. So. Yeah. I'm severely shy.

Oh yeah, then this one time, I wanted dessert at a restaurant, and my mom said, "Tell the waiter what you want.". I was like, "....", just STARING at the waiter. Then I just told my mom I didn't want it anymore. When I did want it!! I hate myself for being so shy
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Same there,i went to a zoo with my aunt and cousin,and my cousin was like:
JSJDOENZIEJIHSKXDDDDJSKEILOOOL and i was so quiet,sometimes its awkward to be in that situation
I'm shy around most people, except for super close friends that I joke around with and talk to other people with, and some really close family members, like my parents and my grandmother. I don't really like to start conversations or go up to people to talk to them. And I don't keep friends for long.
I can relate to a lot of you guys.
I'm extremely shy in most scenarios unless I'm with someone comfortable but I rarely do most of the talking. I hate phone calls to doctors , ordering my food at restaurants, and introducing myself. I just always feel awkward. If I'm with a group of close friends I feel a lot more open and loud but I still don't like ordering food etc.

I've always felt shy as a kid too. I think I'm more open online too. But overall I still hate asking people for things too.
I don't think I'm shy at all. But I also have times when I'm talking to someone new and I'm not sure what to say to them. So it can become awkward. Especially if they're much older than me.
I'm shy. Always got a shy smile. Im not shy when I'm with friends or being dare/peer pressured
I'm not shy, people just think I am. People have always asked me why I am so shy, probably because I am disinterested in what they're saying, especially after they have asked why I am so shy. I am not shy, I am just awkward.
Very shy, basically mute, when I'm alone, but with another person, I'll be singing little kid songs(Well, depends on the friend) at the top of my lungs.
Also when I meet new people. Quite shy there.
And, when I go to restaurants, I always try to get someone else to tell the waiter what I want for me. I always say things too quietly and I really don't like to repeat things.
I've been really shy and introverted my entire life ;u; although I can be pretty outgoing around certain people
i tend to be shy for like 5 minutes but extremely shy, but then i suck it up, say what i want to say and get comfortable quickly. i dont care what people think of me, if they like me theyll stick around if not, oh well. it just takes some courage.
very shy. but if i can force myself to talk/make conversation then i can fake it till i make it ya know~
i was really shy but when u fake confidence you eventually get real confidence so that worked for me