The majority of mine are straight, but I do have some areas like the campsite and forests where the stone path is broken and windy in certain places Makes it look more old and natural without having to use custom paths that I know I'll get tired of in a month.
i used to have straight paths but my sister said my island was too basic unnatural and tbh she was right, my island was pretty lame so i reset the whole thing and now i have a dirt path to give it a more foresty look
i've reset my game 7 times now and this is the first i've had more curvy paths and it's honestly the best island i've made ☆
I have one main straight road around the bottom corner of my island from airport to RS, and a straight path through my farm to fit with the fences there. But 90% of my paths are curving, mostly to fit around the curving rivers and cliffs.
The tried the famous path design, but it's too pixelated for my OCD, so I'm using the paths Nintendo game us. Unfortunately, this means having them be straight for the most part.
When using those custom The Path designs, they actually look pretty strange when they're laid out in a straight line, at least to me. I prefer it to constantly bend around trees or randomly
I don't use the ingame paths for this reason because they're way too angular for a natural theme. I found a nice wood path that's curvy too
i have a natural, cottage core island so my paths are curvy and spontaneous. I too use "the path" so they look the best when they are curvy and randomly placed lol Straight paths are easier to navigate but I think they fit better in city/town themed islands
Just about all of my paths are straight, but I wonder how many people prefer using corner edges or round, curved edges. I personally like the rounded look...
I do also have one or two places with broken paths that are a bit windy, but otherwise everything is straight.